Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 227

Zhu Fang proudly pointed to the weapons in the warehouse and said, "young master, these flint guns are spare supplies, and I think so about those stone throwing machines. Only take some of them on the road and build them when they are close to the enemy."

Fang woke up and said, "well, this small catapult is easy to build, but it is not convenient for long-distance transportation. That\'s it."

In order not to march with these heavy things, Fang Xing is ready to take the craftsmen this time.

Out of the warehouse, looking at the cheering sergeants over there, Fang Xing\'s heart was also agitated.

Tile thorn!


I\'m coming!

But before leaving, Fang Xing has to pick up a person.

"Young master, Lin Zhiyuan only has some money and property at home, but he has a sister to be a concubine to Miao yuan, the temple Cheng of Guanglu temple."

Fang Wu\'s efficiency was very high. He investigated Lin Zhiyuan\'s family background in a short time.

"Miao yuan is in charge of the two departments of good wine and delicacies, and has real power in Guanglu temple."

Fang woke up and said, "so Xie Wentong is just a hard worker, and this Miao yuan is taking it all!"

It is unbelievable to say that there is no stock of Miao yuan in Mingyue building.

The key is whether Miao yuan has the intention of taking the first fresh skill to the palace to please the noble people.

When Fang Wu saw Fang Xing, he hesitated and said, "young master, the man\'s guard is usually at home. Why don\'t I take someone to touch him at night?"

This touch has several meanings, life and death by the heart.

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "if the other party wants to rob us of our way to make money, we\'ll give a tooth for a tooth. We don\'t have to be bloody."

Fang Wu said regretfully, "that\'s hard to do!"

It\'s hard to do. It\'s not such a good start to overturn a product from six.

However, Fang woke up to the thought that she was about to leave. If she didn\'t kill a chicken for those covetous people before she left, it is estimated that Zhang Shuhui will have to go to the British government for help in the end.


Fang woke up. When Fang Wu thought he would say something, he said faintly, "I don\'t have time to take my time. Let\'s give him a quick knife to cut the mess!"

Fang Wu said foolishly, "young master, you won\'t go directly to Miao yuan?"

"Why am I looking for him?"

Fang woke up and moved his body. He said, "you can go with me. Let\'s go."

Lin Zhiyuan is calculating his account. His income at noon today made him a little sad. However, after thinking that he would get the means next door soon, he also threw away his troubles and ordered people to prepare a table of good dishes, saying that it was a treat.

"Wait outside Guanglu temple. When you see Lord Xie, please come and say I invited him to drink in Mingyue building."

Lin Zhiyuan said in high spirits.

His sister is quite favored by Miao yuan, so he also thinks of himself as Miao yuan\'s brother-in-law. Greeting Xie Wentong is just to have a good relationship.

"You can get some drinks to sell in the future!"

But his man slowly backed back before he went out.

"Why don\'t you go?"

When the waiter retreated to the counter, Lin Zhiyuan said angrily, then raised his head and was preparing to scold, but when he saw the approaching Fang wake up, he couldn\'t help saying, "what are you doing?"

At this time, there were no guests, and Fang Wu had quickly started to close the door.

When the door was closed, the light in the lobby was dimmed for most of the time. Fang Xing\'s face was dark on one side and illuminated by the light passing through the crack of the door. He looked at some seeping people.

"Boss Lin?"

Fang Xing said in a deep voice, "I wake up!"

When Lin Zhiyuan saw Fang Wu guarding the door, he said in a panic, "what do you want to do? I tell you, my brother-in-law is the temple Cheng of Guanglu temple!"

Fang woke up and smiled at the man whose eyes were turning disorderly, and then said, "I know Miao yuan is your cheap brother-in-law. That\'s why I came."

That guy usually behaved very cleverly, so he was valued by Lin Zhiyuan. At this time, seeing that Fang Xing\'s words were wrong, he quietly rubbed back.

When he retreated to the door leading to the back, he felt that he had hit a wall.

Looking back, Fang Wuzheng smiled grimly, "my young master hasn\'t spoken yet. Dare you go?"


Seeing that his buddy was stunned by Fang Wuyi\'s palm, Lin Zhiyuan shivered and said, "what do you want to do? It\'s sunny day! This is rosefinch street!"

Fang Xing said faintly, "I\'m busy, but when I\'m busy, you\'ve added trouble to me! Boss Lin, tell me what you asked Xie Wentong to blackmail and coerce the first fresh."


Lin Zhiyuan was shocked by the news. He fell to the ground, then quickly got up and said, "who are you?"

Of course, Fang Xing didn\'t have to answer these questions. Fang Wu immediately said, "my young master is a young man. He is the best in arithmetic, or... His highness TAISUN\'s teacher!"

Lin Zhiyuan only felt a roar in his head, a piece of information floated by, and finally said in a trembling voice: "the side of the Imperial College woke up?"

Fang Xing said modestly, "I\'m not Fang Xing from the Imperial College, but Fang Xing from the Imperial College several times!"

Seeing Lin Zhiyuan\'s stupidity, Fang woke up and said impatiently, "Xie Wentong has written down the crime. Lin Zhiyuan, with that signature, I can let you spend the new year in prison!"

Seeing some faint happiness on Lin Zhiyuan\'s face, Fang Xing impolitely woke up his fantasy.

"I want your confession, understand? Otherwise, this will be the last time you hear firecrackers for the New Year!"

Fang Wu said, "don\'t think my young master is alarmist. I thought so last time. Now the grass on the grave is as tall as you!!"

Seeing Lin Zhiyuan hesitating, Fang woke up and snorted, got up and left.

Paralyzed! Give face no, then you don\'t want anything!

At this moment, Fang woke up with murders in his chest. Fang Wu also took a mocking look at Lin Zhiyuan and opened the door.

Seeing Fang Xing strode out, Lin Zhiyuan\'s lips wriggled a few times, but he didn\'t speak at last.


Guanglu Temple actually has a lot of errands, but for Xie Wentong, who is on pins and needles, it is the king\'s way to go home and think of a countermeasure.

When it was time to leave the yamen, Xie Wentong rushed out first, which made those colleagues curious.

After arriving at home, Xie Wentong locked himself in his study and disappeared.


The errand was screwed up, and he also wrote a confession. If Miao yuan knew, Xie Wentong knew he would be finished.


Xie Wentong shook his head. Miao yuan would not listen to his explanation. Most of them would give him countless small shoes in the days after that, until he couldn\'t stay any longer and took the initiative to go.

As for killing all, Xie Wentong felt that Miao yuan didn\'t dare.

Who doesn\'t have a boss these days!

In a dilemma, someone knocked at the door outside. Xie Wentong said impatiently, "what\'s the matter?"

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and then a voice came.

"Thank you, my young master, please."

Is this my home?

Xie Wentong suddenly felt a chill in the back of his neck and asked, "who is your young master?"

"Fang Xing!"