Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 226

"You... Who are you?"

Xie Wentong, no longer proud, pointed to Fang xingzhan and asked.

Although everyone does this, there are some rumors about the taste of the emperor among the people. But today, a restaurant owner said it in such a relaxed tone

As if he had seen the emperor\'s meal with his own eyes!

Who the hell are you?

Fang woke up and said, "students wake up!"


The second bomb fell!

"You, you are the one who made a few troubles in the Imperial College and gave lessons to Huang TAISUN?"

Xie Wentong asked with the hope of the same name. In fact, he also wanted to ask, are you Fang Xing who made our Guanglu Temple complain in the palace?

Since chicken essence and monosodium glutamate entered the palace, not only did the prince\'s family not like to eat the meals of Guanglu temple, but even the emperor often enjoyed the dishes of filial piety of the prince and his grandson, which made the people of Guanglu Temple hate the providers of condiments.

The key is that no one can make those new dishes in Guanglu temple. Only a cook in taiwomb has been taught. It is said that this product has also vowed that art is in people, and art is lost and people die.

The oath scared off many guys who wanted to cheat.

Later, the Crown Prince wanted to give the cook to the emperor, but the emperor was used to heavy taste and couldn\'t eat the "light" dishes, so he didn\'t rob all the jobs in Guanglu temple.

But even so, when "filial piety" is sent to the emperor\'s dinner table every three or five times, most of them will be eaten up, which fills the hearts of the people in Guanglu temple with a sense of crisis.

"I am Fang Xing!"

Fang woke up and said with a smile. Then he glanced back at the two big men and hurried up to greet them.

"Lord Yang, Lord Xia, why don\'t you say a word when you come? At least you can send some signature dishes!"

Yang Rong stroked his beard without looking at Xie Wentong\'s way: "who dares to take advantage of your Dehua? Brother weizhe has never written a plaque for anyone. This is an exception. I dare not make a fool of my words. I\'d better eat quietly and leave! Ha ha ha!"

Xia Yuanji also said with a smile, "the dishes are good. I will come often after that. Remember what you just said."

The two said and left. Even Fang woke up and refused to send them off.

That\'s interesting!

The two didn\'t have to show up, but they finally came out and directly destroyed Xie Wentong\'s heart in a close way.

"Mr. Fang... Are you really Mr. Fang?"

Most officials are chameleons. Fang didn\'t believe it when he woke up, but when he saw the speed of Xie Wentong\'s face change, he immediately felt that he was too tender.

Xie Wentong said with a look of admiration: "Mr. Fang, your first book of arithmetic is an official, but I bought several copies at the first time. There is one in my family, and I can\'t recite the family rules to serve..."

Looking at the lips flying up and down, Fang Xing suddenly felt ridiculous.

Xie Wentong said some words of admiration, then put some treasure notes on the table and said with a smile, "Mr. Fang, you are so sorry to work. I\'ll leave now."

When he reached the door, Xie Wentong felt his feet were soft.

Fang Xing is not a good stubble. It is said that even Ji Gang dared to sweep his face. He dared to blackmail a small official from Qipin.

I\'m so lucky to get away!

It\'s right to give the Bodhisattva a few incense sticks when you get home and have a vegetarian meal tomorrow.

"Lord Xie, who is behind the scenes?"

When Xie Wentong was full of luck, he turned back slowly with a bitter face.

Fang woke up and sat in his chair, looking at him with a smile.

Xie Wentong immediately figured out the pros and cons of this matter.

If he wants to fight hard, whether public or private, he will lose.

Dead friends don\'t die, poor friends!

The smile appeared on Xie Wentong\'s face again. He knew that if Fang didn\'t wake up today, he would be in danger.

Pointing to the next door, Xie Wentong betrayed the victim without hesitation.

Moon tower?


Seeing a smile on Fang Xing\'s face, Xie Wentong hurriedly asked, "Mr. Fang, can I go now?"

"Pa Pa!"

Fang woke up and clapped his hands with an unchanged smile, and then Fang Xi appeared at the door.

"Young master."

Fang Xi squints at Xie Wentong. He thinks he has dozens of ways to make the guy of Guanglu Temple disappear silently.

"Eleven, prepare paper and pen, and take Lord Xie to write today\'s things."

Fang Xing is still smiling, but the meaning in his words is very clear.

That\'s how you think Xie Wentong wants to escape? You really think we\'re a mallet?

Xie Wentong woke up to Fang with a desperate look, but he only saw a trace of indifference.

"Come on, thank you."

Fang Xi sneered.

"Lin Zhiyuan?"

Fang Xing went to her room. Zhang Shuhui asked what was wrong. Fang Xing said that a guest had drunk too much and made trouble.

"Has been sent away."

Seeing that his wives and concubines had eaten, Fang woke up and was not picky. He directly picked up a big bowl, drove in all his favorite dishes and stirred them with rice.

Seeing Fang Xing\'s delicious food, even Zhang Shuhui felt that she wanted to eat more, and Xiaobai was already putting it into action.

In fact, when Fang wakes up, his favorite way is this way: mix several dishes with rice. It tastes great.

After dinner, when he got home, Fang woke up and asked someone to find Fang Wu.

"Fang Wu, check Lin Zhiyuan in Mingyue building."

The boss of a restaurant can actually call a real official from the seventh grade. This energy is extraordinary!

Fang Xing smiled in the face of Xiaobai and lingdang. In the sun, there was some cold in his smile.

Lin Zhiyuan is very calm today, which is in sharp contrast to the restlessness a few days ago. Even the sophomores of Mingyue building feel that the shopkeeper is holding back his big move.

Sitting alone in an elegant room on the second floor, Lin Zhiyuan is pouring himself.

Beside him is the open window. Lin Zhiyuan sits on the side and can see the first fresh door next door at a glance.

Before long, when he saw Xie Wentong go out, Lin Zhiyuan couldn\'t help laughing and drank up.

"The first fresh? I think this name will change soon! Ha ha!"


At present, Fang Xing\'s first priority is to reorganize the thousand households office in Jubaoshan. He wants this powerful small army to play a greater role in the northern expedition.

To this end, Fang Xing went to the barracks for several days, which made those sensitive sergeants feel urgent.

In the past few days, Mr Tung has been running to the military headquarters and the governor\'s office of the Fifth Army, striving for more resources.

"How did I become a baggage officer?"

Sweating Dong PI entered the barracks and saw Fang Xing fighting with Xin Laoqi with a wooden knife.

It\'s better to say that Xin Laoqi is feeding Fang Xing.

"Poof poof!"

After chopping more than ten knives in a row, Fang woke up and waved his hand to signal a pause.

Dong PI took the opportunity to go up and said with a red face: "Mr. Fang, our department is scheduled to set out in seven days to be his Majesty\'s precursor."

Fang woke up and wiped his sweat, then relaxed and said, "this is the glory of our department. Tell the brothers."

While Dong PI told everyone the news, Fang woke up and checked the materials.