Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 228

"Don\'t you eat, sir?"

When Xie Wentong went out, his wife asked in surprise.

"I have something to go out."

Xie Wentong\'s footsteps were vain. As soon as he came out of the gate, he saw a carriage.

Fang Wu came out again like a ghost, "thank you, my young master is in the car."

Xie Wentong thought about extending his head and shrinking his head, so he got on the carriage.

Fang Xing in the car is reading a book. The cover of the book is "Shangshu note", which makes Xie Wentong secretly admire.

Look at Fang Xing. He has cut off the road of the imperial examination, but he still studies hard. No wonder he can be Huang TAISUN\'s teacher!


Fang woke up and closed the book. When the book was closed, he could see a few words: slave, weak, pro dada

This scholar writes a book. He really swings without Yin!

I don\'t know how much better than the whole scream in the future.

Xie Wentong smiled nervously and said, "Mr. Fang is still studying knowledge in the city at this time. He is really a model of our generation!"

Fang Xing put the book away, opened the curtain and looked outside. Then he slowly said, "thank you, your death is coming!"


Xie Wentong was so frightened that he wanted to get up. As a result, he hit the top of the carriage, which made Fang wake up a little heartache.

Madder! I have to check if he cracked it when I go home.

After Xie Wentong sat down, he immediately changed from sitting to kneeling, bowed and said, "Mr. Fang, the lower official just obeyed the arrangement of the upper official. The crime is not to death!"

At this time, Xie Wentong was full of thoughts about Zhu Zhanji.

It\'s too easy for Huang TAISUN to find a crime to kill him.

When Fang Xing saw this guy\'s face, he couldn\'t help but sigh at the rapid degeneration of Ming officialdom.

Even if Lao Zhu killed corrupt officials in those years, but people\'s greed was endless.

Is there an honest official in Daming now?

There must be, but the number is decreasing at an impressive rate.

Xie Wentong\'s own ass is not clean, and Fang Xing has a handle on it, so he doesn\'t even want his dignity. He kneels down and asks for mercy.


Fang Xing covered his forehead and said, "your hands and feet are not clean. Your confession is still in my hand..."

Xie Wentong was so excited that he immediately leaned over and said, "please spare me one more time. After that, I will change my mind and be a new man."

Tough guy!

Fang Xing was worried about the night ban, so he said, "I won\'t hide it from you. I\'m not going to let it go easily, and the goal is your boss..."

The original target is not me!

Xie Wentong, who narrowly escaped death, had no time to wipe off his cold sweat, so he quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Mr. Fang, Lin Zhiyuan once forced three restaurants to collapse by various means. The crime is unforgivable!"

Only three?

Fang Xing thinks there must be at least a dozen, but Lin Zhiyuan is just an ordinary person and is not worth spending energy on him.

"Words have no basis..."

Fang woke up and took out his pen and paper at the same time.

Xie Wentong took the pen and paper, licked the ink, and without hesitation began to write Miao yuan\'s criminal evidence.

Fang woke up and looked at Xie Wenqiang, who was lying in the carriage and writing hard. He couldn\'t help feeling that people really couldn\'t start.

If Xie Wentong\'s first account was a baby, which was difficult and troublesome, then the second time he acted like a woman who had been on the battlefield for a long time and had a lot more initiative.

Xie Wentong is Miao yuan\'s confidant. Otherwise, he won\'t be allowed to blackmail people by virtue of his official status. Therefore, he also knows Miao yuan very well.

When he saw that one piece of paper was not enough to write, Fang Xing handed another piece of paper, then picked up the written one and looked at it carefully.

Tut tut! have a good memory!

It says that Miao yuan took bribes and used his power to resell materials of Guanglu temple. It is detailed to a chicken and a jar of wine.

And it even has the name and source of the briber. It can be directly tried.

Xie Wenge took three pieces of paper to finish writing. After signing the monogram, he looked up expectantly, but saw Fang Xing looking at himself with a creepy look.

What a horror!

Fang Xing believes that Xie Wentong must be modest and loyal in front of Miao yuan at ordinary times, but when facing the threat, this person immediately changed his face. It\'s amazing how fast he changed.

Xie Wentong was a little uncomfortable when he was stared at by this eye. Half the salary said nervously: "Mr. Fang, lower official..."

Fang woke up and said with an expressionless face, "you resign, you can be sure of nothing."

Anyone who sees this evidence will not think that Miao yuan can survive. As his confidant, Xie Wentong will inevitably bring disaster to the pond fish.

Xie Wentong heard the ominous meaning from his words, and immediately his nose came down and begged: "Mr. Fang, I\'m really wronged! Miao yuan did all these things, and my servant has only handled them several times..."

The man only had a runny nose without tears, which made Fang wake up a little sick.

"Go and do as I say."

Fang Xing waved his hand, just like driving away a fly.

Without the previous charge, Fang Xing felt that Xie Wentong could not explain today.

This is fishing!

He fished Xie Wentong into his palm step by step, and finally hit him hard, which made his mind out of control and had to give in.

Including meeting Xie Wentong in the carriage with poor light today, these details were thought out before Fang woke up.

Compared with Xie Wentong\'s disillusionment, Zhu Zhanji seems a little energetic recently.

Since Zhu Di promised to take him to the northern expedition, he also let him participate in some political affairs.

"Brother Dehua, although those people respect me, they despise me..."

Zhu Zhanji said in some distress. He picked up a dried persimmon on the plate and chewed it hard, with a deep hatred on his face.

Fang Xing said lazily, "in the eyes of those people, you are just a rookie. How can you convince the public? So, finally, you have to use means to speak."

Zhu Zhanji tried to swallow the sweet dried persimmon, frowned and said, "but I was first involved in political affairs. It\'s not easy to open up and close up. It\'s difficult!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you\'re going to the North soon. It\'s good to surprise them before you go."

Hearing some implication in Fang Xing\'s words, Zhu Zhanji said happily, "brother Dehua, but do you have any good ideas?"

Fang Xing smiled and took out two confessions and handed them to Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji took the confession and began to look at Xie Wenqing\'s blackmail threat.


After reading it, Zhu Zhanji slapped the table angrily, but Fang woke up and caught a glimpse of his hand shaking slightly, which was obviously painful.


Seeing Zhu Zhanji\'s anger, Fang woke up with "great comfort" and advised: "this kind of thing is indispensable at any time. Just be ordinary. Look at the others."

When Zhu Zhanji looked at Xie Wentong\'s second confession, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Guanglu temple?

Guanglu temple is an oil-rich department. It costs a lot every year. It is inevitable for someone to enrich themselves.

"Is it Miao yuan?"