Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 225

When there was a vacant seat on the second floor, Fang woke up and took his family up.

When the big boss\'s family came, the cooks immediately gave full play to their skills. The waiter who sent the dishes carried the wooden plate, and the taste made people\'s stomach rumble.

"Who ordered the dishes? Why are some dishes not on the menu?"

A pot bellied businessman sniffed the fragrance and asked angrily.

The waiter carried the wooden plate and kept answering: "my guest, I think more. This is our boss\'s own food, but it\'s just for processing."

Precious ingredients are rare. Of course, they have to be used on the blade.

"Does your boss still come here for dinner?"

The merchant angrily entered his room, then shouted to the waiter and ordered more than ten of the most expensive dishes, but they were just three.

"The smell of copper covers the smell of the food. Brother Wei, do you still have an appetite?"

When Yang Rong heard the merchant\'s cry of showing off his wealth, he frowned and stopped chopsticks, looking at Xia Yuanji, who was eating delicious food opposite.

"Fang Xing, this man is a bit of a ghost. This meal is really worth my trip!"

Xia Yuanji wiped his mouth, then picked up his wine cup and said, "Mianren, this is not a royal banquet. Besides, it\'s reasonable for rich people to speak louder. I\'m so shy in my bag, so I have to keep quiet!"

Xia Yuanji will definitely cry for poverty as long as he has the opportunity to go to the court during this period, which makes Zhu Di black faced and helpless.

Yang Rong raised his glass and touched him lightly. He said with a smile, "how dare you say you are poor? Even your majesty has been hiding from you recently!"

Xia Yuanji took a sip of wine and sighed, "it\'s a pity that Fang Xing has so many talents, but he can\'t enter the court hall for his Majesty\'s use. It\'s a pity!"

Yang Rong had some different views on this. He said slowly, "with him, Emperor TAISUN is much more powerful."

Xia Yuanji covered his forehead and said, "yes, this year, the emperor\'s views on the government have improved a lot. Sometimes what he said is thought-provoking and surprised me!"

While they were talking, Fang woke up, but heard someone outside shouting, "there\'s a earthworm in this dish! Waiter, waiter, call your boss!"

"Earth Dragon?"

The three members of Fang Xing\'s family were eating hi PI. When they heard the cry, he frowned and got up and said, "eat first. I\'ll have a look."

When I got to a room on the second floor, I saw a circle of people outside.

It\'s not too big to watch the excitement. These diners said one after another.

"The earth dragons are here. When will a bug come?"

"It\'s disgusting for me to think about it! Let\'s see how the store handles it first. If you want to perfunctory the past, you can\'t!"

"Yes! At least we can\'t charge for this meal today!"

"Don\'t tell me, this earthworm is a good medicine. It can dredge meridians, activate collaterals, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. What a pity!"

The man said it was disgusting, and the people on the side encouraged him: "I see you have such an appetite, why don\'t you go and eat the earthworm?"

The man coughed and said, "you can\'t talk nonsense. You can\'t eat medicine indiscriminately!"

Fang Xi came first and shouted, "let\'s go, let\'s go, our boss is coming."

"Oh! The owner is coming. It\'s lively."

Fang Xing arched his hands around, then walked in from the middle and saw a man in official clothes sitting inside, with three dishes on the table.

At this time, the three dishes were stirred in a mess, and they couldn\'t see the original appearance at all.

The man sat upright on the chair and just sneered when he saw Fang wake up.

"Are you the first fresh owner?"

Fang Xi took a chair and sat down. Then he stared at the man and said, "it\'s me, but where\'s the Earth Dragon?"

The man pointed to the dish of braised mutton and said, "look for yourself!"

Fang Xing leaned over and saw a brown earthworm lying on the plate, most of which was wrapped in soup. It looked like... A roundworm.

"Ha ha!"

Fang Xing looked at the man with interest and said, "I don\'t know. The earthworm cooked with mutton can still maintain such a complete shape. It seems that my cook is really amazing!"

Looking back, Fang woke up the other party and said, "let Bao xinman talk about it and ask him how he can cook the mutton well, but Dilong looks like a living one. This is our first box pressing skill since then. It is not allowed to be spread! Violators... Punish him for eating mutton."

"Yes, young master!"

Fang Xi said solemnly.

"The Earth Dragon is still alive?"

Some good people came in and looked at it for a few steps, and then sighed, "the cook\'s craftsmanship is excellent. It\'s really wonderful."

At this time, everyone knew that there was something strange about it, so they went to see the excitement for a few minutes. They were worried that the first fresh food with excellent taste was closed by someone.

The man didn\'t get flustered after being exposed, but said calmly, "I\'m taking office in Guanglu temple. All the idle people are scattered!"

This is the official shelf. The onlookers were afraid and dispersed one after another.

Only two middle-aged men were drinking next door, listening to the news here and laughing from time to time.

When all the people were gone, the man saw Fang Xing\'s calm appearance and said, "I\'m Xie Wentong, the chief of Guanglu temple."

Then the man sat firmly, thinking that Fang Xing should get up and salute in fear.

But Fang woke up and rubbed his ears. He said faintly, "can Guanglu temple also cheat outside?"


Xie Wentong was so angry that he remembered what his boss had said before.

"A small restaurant, scare him, and then let him explain his craft."

After calming down, Xie Wentong eased his language: "I Guanglu temple is responsible for the meals in the palace. The first fresh technology is good, but it is only provided for the common people. I\'m afraid it\'s against the way of respecting the king..."

Fang Xingduan sat down and said slowly, "I don\'t understand your meaning. Please make it clear."

Xie Wentong had a look of contempt on his face. He felt that such a guy with a copper smell all over his body was really humiliating, but the task had to be completed, so he reluctantly said in detail: "I can make the first fresh in Guanglu temple, and your cook must give it away."

After that, seeing Fang Xing\'s expressionless face, he thought the guy was frightened, and immediately thought of the benefits he could get when he went back.

"But not!"

The beautiful Xie Wentong was furious when he heard the speech and shouted, "why not? I think you are a villain! Don\'t you know the truth until you get in the Yamen? Huh?"

"What\'s wrong with your nose?"

Xie Wentong was so angry that his face turned red and got up to scold.

Poor God, Fang Xing just heard the voice of the rhinitis patient from the light hum full of official prestige, and then blurted out.

Doctors\' parents\' hearts!

After praising himself, Fang xingcai said with a smile: "the meals in the palace are delicious. Thank you, are you sure you came for your Majesty\'s meals?"


This was like a thunder blast, which made Xie Wentong dizzy.