Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 224

Fang woke up and looked at the officers and said, "armor will be made in the camp soon. When you come out, you will familiarize me with it immediately and explore the advantages and disadvantages!"

As for whether the northern expedition was not, Fang Xing is not clear at present, because there is no news of Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu was very calm. Even if the outside world said that he was hated by the emperor, he still did so. He never delayed to find a great Confucian to study knowledge.

Fang Xing accompanied Zhang Shuhui to the British government. After saying hello to the old lady, he was ready to find his brother-in-law.


Fang Xinggang turned around and hurriedly turned back when he heard the voice. "Does the old lady have any explanation?"

Fang Xing didn\'t dare to despise the old lady. She had to know that her father was a privy envoy of Qianyuan and his family was knowledgeable.

Seeing Fang Xing\'s respectful appearance, the old lady said with satisfaction: "uncle, the day of the northern expedition is getting closer and closer. Fu\'er will probably stay in the capital. You should be more careful."

Fang Xing glanced at Zhang Shuhui\'s pale face and said with a smile, "the old lady is praising me. I\'m just in charge of a thousand households. Even if I\'m in the army, I\'ll just beat the side drum at most."

The old lady also saw Zhang Shuhui\'s appearance, so she let Fang Xing go.

As soon as Fang woke up and left, the old lady sighed, "you girl, have you forgotten your father and brother\'s war?"

Zhang Shuhui lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "I didn\'t forget, but I\'m worried."

The old lady sighed, "when your father fought abroad all year round, after he went, your brother took over and fought with his majesty. Even now, your brother rarely stays at home for a few days."

"It\'s all fate..."

The two women were lamenting the parting brought by the war, but Fang Xing and Zhang Fu had no such worries.

In the study, Zhang Fu and Fang Xing sat on a futon and looked like two lay scholars discussing Tao.

Zhang Fu first broke Fang Xing\'s worry.

"Your majesty will keep me in Beijing this time. Don\'t worry."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "I\'m not worried about this. I just think your majesty despises Mahmud."

Zhu Di almost set out with the most elite army of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhang Fu, who stayed behind, was of course the general who looked after the family, so it was an honor.

The king trusts in your glory.

But no one knows whether there are some of Zhu Di\'s unconvinced.

You Zhang Fu beat Chen Ji\'s ass at the cross toe. Then I Zhu Di also let Ma hammu see who is the first military leader of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Fu sat on the futon and said faintly, "why do you think the tile thorn can block your Majesty\'s army?"

Fang Xing could not tell why, but he remembered that later, Vasi captured Zhu Zhanji\'s son and beat him to the bottom of Peiping city. If Yu Qian hadn\'t turned the tide, the later of Daming

Maybe there will be no later!

"Brother, tile thorn can\'t be underestimated."

Fang Xing\'s dry words didn\'t surprise Zhang Fu. He just smiled and said, "no tribe on the grassland can be underestimated. Don\'t you think your majesty knows?"

"That\'s good."

Fang woke up a little relieved and asked, "brother, will I go with you this time?"

Zhang Fu shook his head and said, "don\'t ask me about this military aircraft. Just wait."

Fang woke up and stopped asking. After sitting for a while, he went to pick up Zhang Shuhui and go home together.

Back home, Zhang Shuhui went to the inner yard.

Xiaobai ran over with a bell. His face was red and asked with a smile, "young master, I heard that the people and horses of the northern expedition have been determined."

I don\'t think so, do I?

Fang Xing pinched Xiaobai\'s face and said angrily, "your young master probably has to go this time. Be careful recently. Don\'t annoy your young lady."

Xiaobai\'s face collapsed at once, and Fang Xingdu was happy with his disappointed and worried expression.

"Don\'t worry, lest I come back and see you become a yellow faced woman."

Xiaobai bowed his head, "young master, can you not go?"

Fang Xing rubbed her hair and said with a smile, "after this time, it\'s estimated that it will be easy for a long time. It\'s worth it."

If you don\'t go, how can you have military merit?

If there is no military merit, the knighthood will come to naught!

Looking at Xiaobai\'s dejected going in with the bell, Fang Xing couldn\'t hide it in his heart.

However, Fang Xing was still full of interest in the expedition to the grassland.

At the foot of Jubao mountain, the heavy hammer was lifted and then dropped.

In the mold, the cut iron plate was hit concave.

Zhu Fang picked up the formed plate armor, tried it on her upper body, and handed it to her assistant for simple heat treatment.

Everything must be convenient and simple. This is Fang Xing\'s explanation. Zhu GUI is implementing it to the letter.

Helmets need to be a little troublesome. They often have to be smashed several times in the mold to form, and they have to cooperate with the visor. There are more procedures.

After drilling, the carpenters were responsible for the rest.

When Fang woke up, two sergeants were already wearing them. Zhu GUI was asking how they felt.

The plate armor was tied behind him, and the helmet and face armor were riveted together. It looked evil.

When the visor was pulled down, two soldiers with eyes only appeared in front of Fang Xing.

"Yes, just follow this to speed up the building."

Zhu GUI nodded and said, "the materials are ready-made, but if we stop the river these days, will Chuang Tzu in the lower reaches make trouble?"

Fang woke up with a cold face and said, "this is the Quartermaster. Who dares to make trouble!"

Now there are no crops in the field. What do you want water for?

But when Fang woke up and came home, he was stunned to see a big fish in lingdang\'s mouth.

"Husband, the water downstream has become shallow. Many people go to catch fish today!"

Zhang Shuhui probably figured it out, so she stopped worrying about Fang Xing\'s going to the north and just wanted to make up for him.

Fang Xing took the fish that was not dead and boasted, "my bell is really a good provider of the family. I\'ll give you cattle... Pork in the evening."

Ling Dang\'s tail shook and narrowed her eyes, enjoying the caress of the owner.

Ji Gang was a little angry. He lay on the bed and listened to Wang Qian\'s report. When he heard that Fang Xing might participate in the northern expedition, he was so angry that he almost scratched his pillow.

"Firearms are dangerous. Your Majesty\'s safety is more important than Mount Tai. We need to monitor his department."

Ji Gang thought of the letter he had just received, and gasped: "send someone, you go to Peiping in person, and communicate clearly with there. You must..."


The first fresh has been open for several days. From the beginning when it was just full, it is difficult to find one, which makes the two neighbors on the side and their peers on rosefinch Street itch.

Seeing the booming business, Fang woke up and took his family to have a look.

The carriage went directly through the back door. Fang Xi personally received people in, and then said with a sad face: "young master, today is full, but Lord Fang\'s family will eat right away."

Fang Zheng?

Fang woke up and nodded, then found a room to rest in the back.

Now that he has brought his family, it shows that Fang Zheng is not far from Beijing.

What about me?

Thinking of this, Fang Xing quietly held Zhang Shuhui\'s hand and said in a warm voice, "we can order whatever we want in our own place. Today I\'m at your disposal."