Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 223

In the bright moon building, Lin Zhiyuan listened to the man\'s story, and his face gradually became serious.

"You say there are many fresh dishes?"

The waiter licked his lips and said, "well, the little one just went in and swayed around and saw a lot of new dishes."

"How did the guests respond?"

Lin Zhiyuan has been flustered. You should know that every time Mingyue building launches a new dish, you have to try many ways before you dare to take it out.

But the first fresh actually opened with more than half of the new dishes. Is this self-confidence? Or stupid!

The man thought of the reaction of those guests and said in a depressed way, "they all boast of delicious food."


Lin Zhiyuan was shocked. He patted the table and shouted, "go to the kitchen and ask someone to try."

So we went to two cooks here, took the money given by the shopkeeper and ordered a table of good dishes without hesitation.

But after they tasted them one by one, the idea of taking advantage of the shopkeeper disappeared. All that remained was the worry about their jobs and the curiosity about the first fresh cook.

They had a food box with them. Pretending to be short of time, they said they would take it home to eat.

The first fresh guys also cooperate and praise their spirit of not wasting.

"Shopkeeper, this is their dish."

Lin Zhiyuan took the food box, twitched his nose and opened it slowly.

When you open the food box, the dishes inside are attractive and fragrant.

"Lost at the first sight!"

At first glance, Lin Zhiyuan felt that Mingyue building had lost.

And incense, not to mention the defeat of Mingyue building.

Pick up chopsticks, clip a piece of meat into your mouth like crystal

At this time, after the peak meal, several cooks looked at Lin Zhiyuan with uneasy hearts.

Delicious, refreshing, fat but not greasy

"Bang Dang!"

A pair of chopsticks fell on the table. Lin Zhiyuan closed his eyes and said for a long time, "wait and try it to see if you can follow suit."

Several cooks started impolitely, but gradually, the speed became slower and slower.

"Shopkeeper, it\'s hard!"

A cook pointed to the Mapo Tofu and said, "this tofu looks simple, but it\'s spicy and fresh. I want to use cornel, but I\'m worried about the flavor. It\'s hard!"

Another cook shook his head and said, "this fish soup is delicious, but the ingredients can\'t be seen. We can only look at it and sigh!"

After several cooks finished, they looked at their shopkeeper worried. But Lin Zhiyuan smiled bitterly to himself.

What he ate just now, after slowly aftertaste, he felt like pig\'s feet. But the pig\'s hoof could be made so delicious that he didn\'t have a clue.

A cook said cautiously, "shopkeeper, as soon as they do this, we can..."

The other cook\'s temper was straightforward. He directly revealed Lin Zhiyuan\'s worries.

"Shopkeeper, we only have a few guests today, but in the long run, we can\'t do this business unless we move to Beiping."

"I know!"

Lin Zhiyuan\'s face was livid and said, "what\'s the origin of the first fresh in this family?"

Several cooks were relatively speechless and knew that Lin Zhiyuan was in the mood to suppress.

Lin Zhiyuan can expand the Mingyue building in Jinling City with strong hands. It\'s not just the ability of the cook.

"Go back first. I\'ll go out."

After lunch, Fang woke up and went directly to the thousand households\' office in Jubaoshan.

Tung PI has been very worried recently, especially since the time of the northern expedition is getting closer and closer, he is staring at it almost every day. But these Sergeants are trained by Xin Laoqi and nine masters Ding Cao. He can only worry.


The long blade of the three edges flashed cold light and stabbed with the whistle.


Xin Laoqi blew his whistle and saw Fang awake.


Fang Xing waved his hand and motioned him to continue practicing.

"Mr. Fang, but there\'s news?"

Dong PI was keen on fame and wealth. Fang Xing was going to ask Zhu Zhanji to replace him, but he didn\'t expect that the attitude of the goods was very correct. He immediately changed the previous minor defects, making it difficult for him to start.

During the northern expedition, hundreds of thousands of people were in the army. No one was worried about failure, so they all wanted to keep up with this meritorious express.

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "it\'s not clear at present, but don\'t be slow in practice."

Then Fang woke up and found Zhu Fang.

Zhu Fang was working with the craftsmen to make a flint gun. When Fang woke up, he scratched his head and said, "young master, this flint gun is almost the same. Do we still fight?"

Fang woke up to check the record, nodded and said, "stop. I need you to make some armor."

Now that we have a flint gun in hand, Fang Xing doesn\'t want to be accused of hoarding weapons.

"What armor?"

All craftsmen frowned when they heard that they wanted to make armor.

Now most of Daming\'s armor is half body armor. It\'s very troublesome to make iron pieces first, then punch holes, and connect the pieces one by one.

Fang Xing took out a piece of paper, pointed to the things on it and said, "one is half body armor, which is made by stamping. Is it difficult?"

The foot of Jubao mountain is rich in water resources. Zhu Fang has long led people to build a workshop by the river to make big things by water.

"Young master, the structure of this half body plate armour is simple. It\'s OK to hit it with a heavy hammer once or several times. No problem."

As for iron materials, Zhu Zhanji is not a decoration. The supply of plate armor for more than 1000 people is not a big problem.

Zhu Fang looked carefully, suddenly pointed to the helmet and asked, "young master, why does this helmet look like a small pot?"


Fang woke up and stared at Zhu Fang. "It\'s just some deviation in the painting, but isn\'t there a size on the edge? The same stamping processing can save a lot of cost and time."

Zhu Fang\'s body was shocked and couldn\'t believe looking at Fang Xing: "young master, are you going to equip the sergeants with armor?"

If it is used by Fang Xing and thousands of households, it can be made into scales. But Fang Xing repeatedly emphasized low cost and saving time. Zhu Fang realized something when he thought of the news of the northern expedition.

Fang woke up and said, "yes, the last time I was at Jiaozhi, the brothers didn\'t have protective gear. As a result, most of the casualties were caused by the other party\'s bow and arrow, so I\'m going to make a lot of them."

"But it\'s best to defend against the chopping of saber. As for the long gun, I don\'t have this extravagant hope."

The strength of the saber is far worse than that of the spear.

The grassland alien is rarely equipped with a long gun, so there is no need to worry.

Zhu Fang nodded, then pointed to the thing beside the helmet drawing and asked, "young master, what is this?"

Fang woke up and said faintly, "this is a visor. Only his eyes are exposed. It is covered with a helmet and pulled down in wartime."

After a cold war, Zhu Fang thought that the thousand households in Jubaoshan that would appear on the battlefield in the future were all dressed like this. Would the opponent be frightened.

"The grassland alien is no better than Jiaozhi, so we can\'t value it too much."

Fang Xing called more than 100 families to the meeting. At the beginning, he pointed out his goal.

The northern expedition?

There was joy in everyone\'s eyes.