Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 220

Fang Xinggang came home and saw Xue Huamin.

Xue Huamin said with a smile, "second uncle, the Duke of the country asked me to send a message."

Zhang Fu is a British Duke. He usually attracts people\'s attention, so he doesn\'t come out. Even if he came out, he also went to visit Confucianism or related to official affairs.

Fang Xing took a sip of tea and motioned Xue Huamin to continue.

"Ji Gang came out last night. The Duke of the state estimated that he would find someone to establish prestige, so he wanted to tell his second uncle that you should meet Ji Gang less recently."

After saying that, Xue Huamin saw Fang Xingxing holding a teacup and was a little dull. He thought he was afraid and couldn\'t help thinking of Zhang Fu\'s explanation.

"Fang Xing is young and energetic. He can\'t afford to lose. You should come slowly. Don\'t be eager."

Zhang Fu is well aware of the counterproductive truth, but Xue Huamin thinks he\'s worried too much. Looking at Fang\'s wake-up, it\'s clear that he\'s afraid of the mad dog Ji Gang coming out of prison.

"Second uncle, you don\'t have to worry. Ji Gang must not dare not give the Duke face, otherwise everyone will tear his face and he..."


Fang Xing\'s long sigh interrupted Xue Huamin\'s consolation. He sighed: "just now I spit with Ji Gang for a long time. Now I think it\'s really boring!"

"Second uncle, aren\'t you kidding?"

Xue Huamin stared at Fang Xing and asked.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Ji Gang is so angry with me that he can\'t eat lunch."

"Second uncle!"

Xue Huamin stamped his foot and said, "in order to revive the decline, Ji Gang is bound to find someone to operate. Why do you have to fight him?"

Fang woke up innocently and said, "he went to block me. Maybe he wanted to kill. Of course I had to defend myself and fight back!"

Xue Huamin was in a mess. He got up and arched his hands and said, "this matter can\'t be ignored. Second uncle, I\'ll go back and ask the Duke of the country to show me."

Fang woke up and didn\'t stop him. He just watched him leave.

After Xue Huamin arrived at the government house, Zhang Fu already knew about it.

Xue Huamin worried and said, "Lord, it\'s unpredictable!"

Zhang Fu\'s expression was a little strange and said slowly, "Ji Gang is afraid he doesn\'t have the heart to pay Dehua."

At this time, Ji Gang is sending people out to find rumors.

Just separated from Fang Xing for a little more than an hour, there were rumors on the market.

"Do you know Ji Gang?"

"You know! Isn\'t that the king of hell of royal guards?"

"Hey! You\'re late. I tell you, Ji Gang is not even afraid of the king. He\'s going to heaven!"

"Really? Can your majesty still make him a king?"

"Who\'s right? Maybe the commander will become a prince in a while."

"Oh! If he became king Ji, wouldn\'t the whole Daming have to listen to him!"


These rumors were soon known by the people of the royal guards. When they quickly informed Ji Gang, a shadow was cast on everyone\'s heart.

——Daming has no rule of the opposite sex being king!

Those heterosexual kings were given titles by lying in coffins!

If these words spread to the palace, with your Majesty\'s temper, the royal guards will be unlucky.

After lunch, when the people who went out still couldn\'t find the root of the rumor, Ji Gang decisively took off his official clothes, only wearing a cloth clothes and walked alone towards the palace.

Who did it?

On the way to the palace, Ji Gang had to think about the root of the rumor in order to avoid those exploratory eyes.

Fang Xing?

Ji Gang shook his head. He didn\'t think Fang Xing had the ability to create such rumors in such a short time.

Who is that?

At this time, today\'s carriage came into Ji Gang\'s mind.

The women of official families, but also exude the smell of condescending.

Ji Gang, who has handled many cases, knows women\'s caution. How many men just ignore women\'s caution and end up with a sad ending!

"Damn it!"

If he had a second chance, Ji Gang vowed that he would not take Fang\'s sarcasm and take the woman directly.

At the gate of the palace, the gatekeeper saw a man in cloth ready to get close to the palace gate, so he shouted, "where are the savages? Don\'t leave soon!"

Ji Gang raised his head, turned his fierce eyes on the guard sergeant, and then said, "Ji Gang wants to see your majesty."


The sergeant who had just shouted was almost paralyzed by fear.

This is the living king of hell! If he hates you, you\'ll get it!

Someone immediately went in to deliver a message, and Ji Gang stood upright under the increasingly gloomy sky.

At this time, Zhu Di was listening to a eunuch saying the rumor he had just heard.

"Aren\'t you even afraid of the Lord? Interesting!"

Zhu Di\'s fingers beat the memorial, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling, but the people who saw the smile could not help lowering their heads.

"Does a domestic slave dare to shout at the prince?"

Zhu Di\'s words were even more frightening. Everyone hung their heads and said nothing for fear of suffering.

At the beginning of the establishment of royal guards, they were slaves of the emperor and were only responsible to the emperor. In the Ming Dynasty, only Zhang Juzheng dared to regard royal guards as his own domestic slaves.

"Your Majesty, Ji Gang asked to see you outside the palace."

A eunuch reported.

Zhu Di said quietly, "let him come."

After the eunuch left, Chu Di snorted with a calm face.

If it were the usual, such rumors were not worth Zhu Di\'s anger. But Ji Gang was released from the prison last night. He thought selfishly, will this man say that to others for his own face?

The key is that this rumor was not released by Ji Gang when he was in prison. If so, Zhu Di would not answer.

Ji Gang also knew these principles, so he immediately came to the palace to apologize.

Walking outside the warm Pavilion, Zhu Di on the throne looked at himself coldly. As soon as Ji Gang\'s feet were soft, he knelt on the ground and walked in on his knees.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty!"

Ji Gang\'s forehead was broken because of the forced kowtow, and the red blood remained on the floor tiles.

Zhu Di looked at Ji Gang coldly and kowtowed more than ten heads before asking, "what\'s your crime?"

The king should never be easily guessed, or the position under his ass will be unstable.

Ji Gang was stunned, and then Fu said, "Your Majesty, I offended Fang Xing today. As a result, there was a rumor in the city that I was not afraid of the princes. I was guilty."

Zhu Di\'s eyes flashed and asked, "why?"

Ji Gang thought out the reason early on the road, so he pretended to be frightened and said: "I was patrolling the royal guards today. As a result, I met Fang Xing. He blocked my way and humiliated me with words..."

"Yu Shichen replied quickly, and then..."

After saying that, Ji Gang secretly looked at the feet under the throne. When he saw that the feet didn\'t move, he breathed a sigh in secret.

After a moment of silence in the warm Pavilion, Zhu Di suddenly sneered and said, "you can talk, but you don\'t know Fang Xing\'s nature!"

What is Fang Xing\'s nature?

To tell the truth, Ji Gang didn\'t know, but he didn\'t believe the emperor would know, so he looked up.

Zhu Di\'s expression seemed to recall something of the past, and then said, "that man is tired and lazy, but he won\'t take the initiative to humiliate people!"

Turning his eyes to Ji Gang, Zhu Di said coldly, "if I guessed correctly, you should have provoked him first today!"

Ji Gang\'s body was drenched with the words he saw with his own eyes. He shouted, "Your Majesty, spare your life. I\'m just angry. Fang woke up elated. That\'s why he said some words. Your majesty, spare your life..."

Ji Gang was worried about whether the emperor had his own intelligence channels. If so, his dog would be worthless.