Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 219

Fang Xing handed the banner to Yu Jia and went back satisfied.

Just out of TAISUN mansion, a few riders blocked the front road of the alley.

"Ji Gang?"

In front of him is Ji Gang. After squatting in the prison of the Ministry of punishment for a period of time, the injury on his forehead is better, but his face is a little white.

Fang woke up and said, "Lord Ji, do you want to buy road money? Then I\'m in trouble today. I don\'t have money."


Without waiting for Ji Gang to speak, Zhuang Jing shouted, "wake up, don\'t block Lord Ji\'s way!"

Ji Gang\'s eyes are still habitually narrowed. His white and tender skin makes him look at some Niang trend, which makes Fang wake up dark and cool.

Fang woke up slowly and said, "I remember it should be my Daming\'s. When did it become special for your royal guards?"

Ji Gang had a few black hands. Fang Xing would not be polite, but he also secretly gave Ji Gang a few Yin. Both sides can be regarded as you come and go.

Who are you afraid of!

Ji Gang stretched out his hand to stop Zhuang Jing\'s subsequent roar. He just stared at Fang Xing and said genially, "Mr. Fang is really a deep trust of his highness TAISUN, but aren\'t you afraid of losing money in the restaurant?"

Fang Xing seemed not to feel threatened and said, "it\'s just a restaurant. We can afford to wake up! But the house is not mine. If someone sets fire to it one day, I think the arsonist will have to go to the prison of the Ministry of punishment again."

Ji Gang\'s eyes narrowed and said coldly, "no one dares to set fire in the place of his highness TAISUN. But now the sky is dry and things are dry, and accidents are easier in the countryside."

Fang Xing smiled, just like Ji Gang, their miniature eyes met in mid air, and all their thoughts were in it.

Looking at each other for a moment, Fang woke up at once and looked up slightly and said, "the scenery at the foot of Jubao mountain is pleasant. Fang family villa welcomes friendly guests, but when the money wolf comes, he also has his own way to deal with it..."

Ji Gang asked with a smile, "what is the way of hospitality in fangjiazhuang?"

Zhuang Jing also smiled grimly and waited for Fang Xing\'s answer. In his opinion, he could kill all the small fangjiazhuang with several people overnight, and no one could find out who the murderer was afterwards.

Seeing the fierce light in Zhuang Jing\'s eyes, Fang woke up and remembered the royal guards who had touched Fang\'s villa last time. He said coldly, "the evil dog comes to the door and must be killed, of course!"

In the alley, the pedestrians in front of and behind took a detour when they saw that the situation here was wrong. Only one carriage came towards the storm center at the urging of the woman in the carriage.

When the carriage arrived behind Ji Gang, the coachman waved his whip and shouted, "get out of the way!"

Most of these people who don\'t know how to live or die are extravagant at home. They are used to arrogance at ordinary times, so Fang Xing just smiled and looked at the cold expression on Ji Gang\'s face, which was broken by the cry, and then turned his horse\'s head with a black face.

The coachman was probably arrogant and used to it. When he saw Ji Gang turning around, he hummed, "my master is..."

Seeing that the silly woman and the coachman were going to be unlucky, Fang woke up and thought it had something to do with himself. He shouted, "he\'s Ji Gang. Ji Gang, who doesn\'t even dare to provoke the king, don\'t get out of here!"


The coachman looked at Ji Gang, who was so angry that he felt his liver and gall. He hurried to pull the carriage around, but in a hurry, the horse also lost his temper and kicked around, but refused to turn around.

The woman in the car was almost scared to pee when she heard Ji Gang\'s name. She opened the curtain and saw the cold man on the horse\'s back. She just felt a fever between her legs

"Come on! Come on..."

He was imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of punishment for a while. Although no one dared to embarrass Ji Gang, he was afraid of Zhu Di\'s orders, and no one dared to treat him favorably. As a result, Ji Gang was almost a monk for a long time, and there was no meat at all.

He wondered when Ji Gang had been subjected to such harsh treatment since he followed Jingnan, so he appeared to be the same as before, but in his heart there were murders.

This woman will panic when she sees herself, which means that the forces in her family can\'t bear the attack of the royal guards.

Even if I go in for a period of time, I can still be in power after I come out!

But what can be used to prove it?

Ji Gang\'s mouth closed tightly, and his hand holding the handle of the knife had green veins.

This is to kill!

If Fang Xing is not present, he won\'t care about it, but today it is he and Ji Gang who confront here, causing innocent people to suffer.

Although I\'m not a good man, I don\'t want to trouble others!

"Ji Gang, if you have the courage, go to the grassland and play with your authority!"

When Fang woke up and saw that the carriage had turned around, he said, "fight bravely in the internal battle and stand still in the national war. I think your Ji Gang is like those sour literati!"

When Ji Gang heard this, his anger could not be suppressed. He turned back and stared at Fang Xing with a pair of thin eyes, regardless of the woman who had just offended him.

The carriage almost ran away, and in a hurry, the shaft broke the belt of a man who leaned out of the gate to watch the excitement.

When Fang woke up and saw that the man was scared to shrink back, he laughed and said, "I forgot that you Ji Gang were a scholar in those years. Scholar Gong, didn\'t you think about the teachings of the sage when he cut people with a knife?"

Ji Gang\'s face was livid, not because of Fang Xing\'s run just now, but because of Fang Xing\'s previous words.

——Ji Gang, even the king dare not provoke!

Who are the kings of Daming?

Dute is a descendant of the old Zhu family. All meritorious officials who can seal the king are rewarded in the coffin, living people? Unless you want to rebel!

Fang Xing, did you shout so loudly just now? Did you want to pit me?

Ji Gang\'s murderous eyes made Fang wake up. When he mentioned the reins, the big white horse raised his front hooves and roared.

Before the horse\'s hoof landed, Fang woke up on the horse\'s back, pointed to Ji Gang and said, "Ji Gang, did you come to find me unlucky today? Sorry to disappoint you! See you later!"

The big white horse\'s hooves turned in the air and went away with its hooves in the sound of kicking.

Good riding!

Wang Qian, a thousand households of the royal guards who had been watching Fang Xing, gave a praise in his heart.

Seeing Fang Xing go away, Zhuang Jing clenched his teeth and said, "Sir, will your subordinates take someone to Fang\'s villa in the evening?"

Ji Gang stood still. Zhuang Jing thought he agreed, so he was ready to go back and greet people.

"Get out!"

Ji Gang suddenly broke out without warning. When his subordinates were frightened, he shouted hoarsely: "Fang Xinggang said that even the LORD was afraid of me. What would happen if his whole family died at home tonight? Ah? Think about it with your head!"

Wang Qian nodded and said, "yes, and Fang Xing has a close relationship with the prince\'s family. Unless we are sure, we can\'t be impulsive!"

Ji Gang nodded approvingly. Zhuang Jing was greedy, impulsive and brainless, but Ji Gang needed him to be a thug and scapegoat. That\'s how he tolerated it today.

Wang Qian, a thousand families, is gloomy and resourceful. He usually relies on Ji Gang. Zhuang Jing has complained many times about this.

Ji Gang\'s familiar eyes appeared again, and Zhuang Jing, who was stared at, almost shrank into a ball on his horse\'s back.

"Think deeply when you do something, or you\'ll lose your head inexplicably one day!"