Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 221

The atmosphere in the warm pavilion was somewhat depressed. The eunuch gathered his toes and looked at the brick cracks under his feet, as if there were the secret of the birth of the universe.

Ji Gang hung his head and couldn\'t think about his bad luck after waking up with Fang.

Is he my nemesis?

Zhu Di looked at Ji Gang coldly and said in a deep voice, "pull down, twenty sticks!"

Ji Gang\'s body shook and bowed his head and said, "thank you, your majesty."

He really wants to thank Zhu Di. Twenty sticks are just small punishments and warnings. Punish his recklessness and warn him to remember his identity later.

You\'re just a slave!

"Your Majesty, where will the punishment be carried out?"

The bodyguards who come in are not afraid of Ji Gang. They are the closest people to the emperor. Ji Gang and others are just dogs, wild dogs that may be killed at any time.

Zhu Di picked up a memorial, waved his hand and said, "just in front of the Qianqing palace, let those people see it to alert the domineering!"

Although the emperor is away, there are many eunuchs and maids in the Qianqing palace. When Ji Gang, whose name can stop children\'s crying, was tied to the bench, everyone stood.

As a prisoner, the eunuch stood by and announced the emperor\'s order first.

"... let\'s see. After that, we should remember the word" duty ", otherwise Ji Gang will be your front car!"

Ji Gang felt humiliated. He struggled and shouted, "don\'t tie me. This pain can\'t make me..."

Under the gaze of dozens of eunuchs and maids, a white man is swearing in his martial courage.

Ji Gang is so brave?

You know, most of the people who are beaten can\'t hold it. In order to trap the struggling power, even the rope that binds people is thickened.

The two bodyguards hesitated, and immediately put the stick in Ji Gang\'s mouth.

"Bite tight! Or you won\'t protect your tongue!"

The picture was so beautiful, but the eunuch sneered: "when did my Daming rules vary from person to person? Do it!"

At this time, there were no outer eight characters and inner eight characters, so the two bodyguards just waved the board with their usual strength.


Ji Gang\'s ass trembled, and the sharp pain from it made him hum.


The eunuch sneered. Ji Gang was domineering in the palace. Even his disciples and grandchildren complained many times.

However, Ji Gang obviously had something to do with the palace. The eunuch saw that several internal attendants lowered their heads.



Ji Gang felt that he overestimated himself. The sharp pain from his ass made him try his best to avoid and struggle, but he couldn\'t move under the shackles of the rope.



After twenty strokes, Ji Gang\'s buttocks have turned red.


When Ji Gang was thrown out of the palace, those outside couldn\'t believe their eyes.

"Who is this? Why do I look like Ji Gang?"

"Eh! Look up, it\'s Ji Gang!"

"Tut! Isn\'t this one trusted by your majesty? Why was he beaten like this!"

"Deserved it!"

"How many lives are there in Ji Gang\'s hands? I see! If he doesn\'t know how to restrain, he will probably lose his head in the future!"

"Ji Gang\'s people are coming. Shut up!"

Zhuang Jing and others had come with a carriage. When they came near, Zhuang Jing fiercely pushed back those eyes, and then smiled: "adults, the little ones have prepared the wound medicine."


At this time, you told me about the wound medicine. Is this trying to stimulate me?

Ji Gang\'s forehead was full of cold sweat, just gritting his teeth and enduring severe pain.

Wang Qian stepped forward to pick up Ji Gang and said with a sad face, "Your Majesty is just angry for a moment. One day, we will be relieved. Let\'s go back first."

Ji Gang groaned, then refused the help of others. He walked to the side of the carriage and insisted on rolling up.


When Zhu Zhanji learned that Ji Gang had been severely punished, he returned to TAISUN\'s house with ease.

"Your Highness, Mr. Fang sent a word earlier to help make a plaque."

Yu Jia sent the words.

Zhu Zhanji took it and said with a smile, "this is Lord Xia\'s handwriting. Brother Dehua can actually ask for his words. It\'s really surprising to me!"

Yu Jiaben thought that Fang Xing should find Zhu Zhanji to inscribe, but he went to Xia Yuanji. He was worried that Zhu Zhanji would be angry, so he didn\'t do it until now.

"First fresh? That\'s a good name. Go and do it quickly."

In fact, Yu Jia thought too much. As the grandson of the emperor, Zhu Zhanji would be a big joke if his words appeared on the plaque of a restaurant.

After a busy few days, the restaurant on Zhuque Street will open today.

Early in the morning, Fang woke up here and watched people hang the plaque.

"Palm... Shopkeeper\'s... Villain..."

Fang Xing was thinking about who would support him today, when he heard some timid voices behind him.

Looking back, it was the women who had been sweeping these days.

The food that Fang woke up these days was good, so these women\'s faces were less waxy yellow and more bloody.

The first woman, called Bian Niang, was the head of these women. She said timidly, "shopkeeper, we can work, wash and help the kitchen. Can you take us?"

These women can come out and grab jobs with men. The situation at home must be relatively poor.

So Fang woke up and said in amazement, "eh! Didn\'t I promise the day before yesterday? Why didn\'t anyone tell you?"

Several women were instantly surprised and happy. Fang Xing\'s hands are scattered. After working these days, these people are longing for the shopkeeper to take a fancy to themselves.

But no one informed us!

Feeling the joy of these people, Fang woke up and said with a smile, "go and be busy. The contract will be made with you when the shopkeeper comes. Don\'t worry, I\'m not Huang Shiren."

Who is Huang Shiren?

This question flashed through the minds of several women, and then they happily went to the backyard to find work by themselves.

Jia Quan walked over and said, "Mr. Fang, you are really a Bodhisattva."

Fang Xing said faintly, "they are all the people of Daming. Of course I won\'t be stingy if I can give them a convenience."

Jia Quan sighed: "these days, I saw those women eat only white rice. They put away all those dishes. I think they want to take them home!"


Fang Xing\'s heart also became heavy.

Just when Zhu Zhanji arrived, Fang Xing told him about it and warned him, "people\'s livelihood is difficult! Remember that in the future, some people will boast about Dazhi and prosperous times. Don\'t forget yourself. Always remember that there are still people in Daming who can\'t eat enough and wear warm clothes."

Zhu Zhanji nodded at the speech, and then sighed, "at that time, I followed grandpa Huang to the countryside to check the people\'s feelings. It was really bitter!"

This is the case with the small-scale peasant economy. If something happens, it may go bankrupt at any time.

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly, "brother Dehua, my little brother will remember these. It is based on compassion for the people."

Jia Quan hung his head on the side and listened. Fang Xing continued to teach.

"Compassion for the people is just an attitude, but if you want to solve the people\'s food and clothing from the root, you can\'t just rely on farming, let alone my Daming land."

"Look far and see beyond Daming."