Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2197

"Don\'t panic, madam. This is Yu Jia. She came in and whispered," Your Majesty, over there... "

Zhu Zhanji slowly looked up, then looked out, his eyes dull.

No, his eyes seem to be... Memories?

And he gradually calmed down, as if he had been comforted.

Then he stood up.

The memorial fell to the ground, and Zhu Zhanji rushed out like a gust of wind.

Yu Jia stared at the memorials falling to the ground, then slowly passed by and squatted down to pick up the memorials.

This is an emperor who has never been so frightened.

He almost abandoned all the reserve and dignity of the emperor, and then began to run wildly.

Run towards the harem!

Song Chengzhen was also shocked. He clubbed his broom and watched Zhu Zhanji run all the way to the harem.

"Your Majesty..."

He was like a frightened donkey, throwing away his broom and running away.

I\'m your bodyguard, your majesty!

Ye Luoxue stood on it, silent.

Shen Shitou and Jia looked at each other comprehensively, and their hearts were cold.


"Niang Niang, exert yourself!"

"Soup medicine, strong soup medicine, ask someone to prepare it! I want it right away!"

"Ask the imperial doctor to be ready. Everything must be ready!"

"The empress wakes up and comes out soon! Come on!"

"Niang Niang, exert yourself!"

"The soup is coming. Get out of the way!"

"Mother, drink medicine, mother!"

The delivery room began to panic, everyone panicked.

Sun Shi, who was helped up, closed his eyes and breathed slightly.

Her stomach is still bulging, and the whole person seems to have lost her soul. She is at the mercy of others and has no response.

Two royal doctors murmured outside the delivery room.

"If you don\'t come out again, I\'m afraid it\'s a dilemma between mother and son!"

"My mother doesn\'t seem to want to... Why?"

"I don\'t know... It\'s like I\'m dead, my heart is dead..."

"Urge or not?"

"... no! Your majesty... Who knows what your majesty thinks. There will be only children at that time, and we all have to go abroad."

"Someone, silence!"

Wang Zhen looked at this side outside the gate. His eyebrows were all anxious. He was really anxious.

If something happens to sun, he will probably be scattered to other places.

But as the people around sun, no one will trust him, so he will never get the favor of noble people, and then

Then he will live the rest of his life in the palace! Not even. The most common thing in the palace is to trample on, trample on those who used to be high above, take this as joy and take this as vent

Dechun knelt in the corner and prayed devoutly to heaven for the safety of sun\'s mother and son.

Mother Zhou looked around in panic. She had lost her square inch. At the moment, there was only one person in the palace who could calm them.


Sun\'s eyes suddenly opened on the delivery bed. The ecstatic mammy immediately shouted, "the empress woke up!"

Sun Shi shook her head slightly. She looked around blankly and said, "Your Majesty is coming..."

Blankly disappeared. The corners of her mouth even tilted slightly and nodded slightly, just like a new daughter-in-law who first met her lover.

Your majesty?

The midwives in the room smiled bitterly and thought that no matter what your majesty did, it was impossible to squat here. In that way... They would be at the same level as the queen.

However, sun\'s ability to regenerate their spirit made them very happy.

"Give the medicine to the mother!" shouted a midwife with a face full of flesh

Sun was helped up again and had become a warm soup to her mouth. She drank it in big gulps, but her eyes were always looking at the closed door.

"Niang Niang force!"

She knows that having children is a hard job, and she also knows that in case of dystocia, a large proportion of mother and child will die.

She even knew that Fang Xing had invented a tool that could help women have children, but she refused to use it.

Zhu Zhanji knew, but he was just silent.

He\'s just silent!

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Sun felt that the tears were cold.

"Your Majesty..."

Everyone in the room stopped their movements and looked at the door.

There was a rush of footsteps outside. Sun listened. She no longer looked at the door, but just listened, and then began to exert herself

She knows he\'s coming, that\'s enough!

Your majesty is here!

The midwives began to tremble. They were afraid that if sun had an accident, the emperor would send them to the 18th floor of hell and never give birth.

"Niang Niang force!"

Sun snorted. Her legs were broken by the midwife. She focused on exerting herself and feeling the movement of the child.


"No one!"

The sky is still clear and blue, and there are no artificial traces.

Knife came to report the latest discovery, a little depressed.

They all thought that the bad woman sun Guifei should send someone to make some noise today, at least not less than the news that corn was born.

Fang Xing was silent. Just now someone hinted that Princess sun Guifei had difficulty giving birth. The emperor had gone and was very eager to go.

The man was obviously surprised when he spoke of urgency.

Fang woke up and understood, so he got up and said, "we... Go home."

The woman didn\'t think about it at all. All she thought was... The Emperor