Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2196

The college entrance examination is coming soon. I wish the book friends of the college entrance examination leap forward. Poor window ten years, once high school.


The sun family was going to give birth, and the emperor also went. There was some tension in the palace.

The Empress Dowager sits in ningshou palace. Eunuchs and maids are flowing in and out. Except for palace affairs, most of them are the affairs of imperial concubine sun.

"... all the hospitals are there and the emperor is there. Just have a good production."

The Empress Dowager looked a little calm, not like a grandmother.

Wang Zhen was outside, standing there with a group of eunuchs.

The others are waiting for arrangements, but he is not.

He is waiting for the Empress Dowager\'s "concern.".

Li Bin came out. He stood outside the door. His eyelids moved, glanced at Wang Zhen and said, "your mother is giving birth. What are you doing here?"

Wang Zhen looked up and said with a smile, "I want to see if my mother has anything to take over..."

Sun is not a serious daughter-in-law, but compared with those concubines, she can be counted as one-third.

So there is nothing wrong with Wang Zhen\'s words: the sun family is going to give birth. The Empress Dowager has to give some warmth and comfort.

Li Bin glanced at the eunuchs with their heads down and said, "my mother has sent someone. What else do you want to wait for?"


"Our empress is the main palace. No, it\'s called the head empress."

Several palace maids and eunuchs stood outside the Kunning palace and watched a lot of people go to Princess sun, so they had to have a stomach attack.

"Yes, a concubine made trouble in the palace when she had a child. I didn\'t know that she thought she was going to have a baby..."

Yi\'an came out to subdue these people. She looked around and said, "don\'t make trouble for your mother. If you have something to do, you can rest if you have nothing to do. Don\'t run around to inquire about the news, or you\'ll be killed!"

These people immediately dispersed, Yi\'an looked up, and then slowly went to the Empress Dowager.

Walking in the palace, I saw fewer people than before.

The sun shines down, slightly hot.

She passed a palace and saw a group of people looking at the sky.

Many people were watching the sky over Princess sun, as if waiting for something.

She knew something vaguely and went to ningshou palace with worry.

"End end?"

The Empress Dowager was still calm. Yi\'an said, "the princess is endorsing, and your highness is making trouble on the side..."

The smile gradually floated on the Empress Dowager\'s face. She smiled and said, "that boy is a troublemaker, but if the boy doesn\'t make trouble, adults will panic!"

Yi\'an continued, "the queen is teaching and sewing."

"What did you do?"

The Empress Dowager asked carelessly.

"Embroidered a duck."

This is very normal. As a queen from an ordinary family, she embroiders a duckling for her child. This is her aesthetics.

But the Empress Dowager was a little stunned, and then said, "it\'s a pair. It can be seen that there is a determination in the dark."


"Your Majesty, my mother has entered the delivery room."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, looked at the side hall and asked, "what does Tai hospital say?"

The hospital judge of Taiyuan hospital was called over, and then detailed the situation of sun and the fetus. In a word, very good.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the busy but not chaotic places and nodded slightly.

Dechun did not dare to speak well for sun, but mother Zhou boldly said, "Your Majesty, these were arranged by the empress in advance."

Zhu Zhanji nodded noncommittally. Someone sent a chair. He sat down, then leaned back and squinted at the sky.

The sky is blue and refreshing.

"What do you always look at? It\'s time for lunch. It\'s your treat."

Meng Ying rarely accompanied Fang to wake up and sit for a while, but she didn\'t want to stay any longer, so she said she was going to the first fresh meal.

"Send someone to bring it."

Fang Xing\'s words made Meng Ying retreat. Just thinking that everyone\'s recent relationship was good, he reminded: "that\'s not something you can interfere with."

"I didn\'t interfere."

Fang Xing pointed to the sky and said, "I just want to see what the old God means."

Meng Ying gradually recalled, then his face suddenly changed and whispered, "if you really come, who knows whose idea it is? You\'re too brave."

Then the people inside began to come out.

It\'s lunchtime.

Fang woke up and looked at Meng Ying. There was a silence between them.

"Xing Hebo is basking in the sun here?"

Xia Yuanji won\'t go out to dinner. He just came out to have a look when he heard that Fang woke up outside.

Fang Xing waved to him, and then whispered to Meng Ying, "Your Majesty is unwilling to do some things, but others may not."

"Lord Xia, have some together?"

Fang Xing greeted with a smile.

Xia Yuanji looked at the tables and chairs and said, "here..."

Fang Xing pointed to the sky and said, "it\'s good to bask in the sun while the sun is small today."

Xia Yuanji was stunned. Seeing that Meng Ying looked sad, he said, "eat here... You\'d better go to the household department or the governor\'s office. You always have to leave room. I heard that you like playing chess. You should always know the benefits of leaving some flavor. Being tough can\'t last long..."


In the governor\'s office, a big hot pot was put on a big carbon stove, and the heat overflowed.

The fragrance overflows!

The soup in the pot was boiling and a whole chicken was rolling up and down.

A plate of hairy belly was driven down, and then someone took public chopsticks and stirred it.

"Be quick. Just roll your belly three times. It\'s crispy."

The public chopsticks were immediately proved to be redundant. Three pairs of chopsticks went down together, and then they fished a lot of hairy bellies that had been slightly curled and deformed.

"You can not dip."

The red oil soup was enough, but Fang Xing didn\'t think it was hot enough, so he got a chili dipped in water.

Xia Yuanji was not afraid of scalding. The corners of his mouth trembled slightly. He stuffed his hairy belly into his mouth and felt it. He praised: "it\'s really crisp. I didn\'t know it was delicious before. In the future..."

Fang Xing showed his teeth, hot and spicy. After eating, his mouth remained spicy, but his mouth skin was numb.

This is the charm of spicy hot pot.

It must be spicy and spicy!

Meng Ying sat with a golden dagger, his whole body tense, as if he had found an enemy general and was ready to gather strength to kill him.

Xia Yuanji\'s mouth twitched. His old eyes swept Fang Xing and Meng Ying and said, "I\'m old and can\'t eat for a few years."

With that, his chopsticks rushed to the hot pot.

But the other two chopsticks were one step ahead of him.

Meng Ying took a lot of hairy belly as soon as she skimmed her wrist, and then fished it into a bowl.

Fang Xing doesn\'t have his skill, so he can only try to clamp it.

Fishing and clamping are naturally more efficient.

Just when Fang Xinggang wanted to clip the second chopsticks, Xia Yuanji said coldly, "I saw something floating and sinking just now, but it looks like..."


Meng Ying fished another chopstick and said contentedly, "Lord Xia, these are just jokes for us. Let alone maggots. You have to eat human blood when it falls in, or you will starve to death."

Compared with the martial arts, Xia Yuanji chose the wrong opponent.

"Someone just said that today\'s meals in the palace are simple."

Xia Yuanji finally succeeded in grabbing it and calmly swept away the rest of the belly.