Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2198

Zhu Zhanji is in the hospital.

He is looking at the sky.

The sky is blue and refreshing.

A few days ago, it was suggested that it was appalling to be on guard against some strange things.

He didn\'t refute or send someone to check.

So he didn\'t care about Fang Xing\'s squatting outside the imperial city today.

This is his love.

But entangled with state affairs, so tangled.

The people who came and went walked around from a distance. Yu Jia\'s frown was a warning.

There was a groan inside. This was the first time.

Sun did not groan, let alone howl, or... Lose his manners from the beginning.

Zhu Zhanji knows, he knows from beginning to end.

So he slowly lowered his head and looked at the lush flowers and trees and the green branches and buds.

This is life and growth.

He took a deep breath and said, "I\'m here."

Mother Zhou burst into tears with excitement.

Wang Zhen looked at the delivery room, then bowed his head, his body trembled, and tears fell.

But Dechun unexpectedly ran out of the delivery room. She lay on the side of the window and shouted, "empress, empress, your majesty said... Your majesty said... Yes."

It was quiet for a moment, and then there was a dull hum.


"Empress, your majesty went down to the woman."

Corn was already asleep, sitting on the side, lying on Hu Shanxiang\'s lap.

Hu Shanxiang patted Duan\'s back gently, and then frowned slightly.

"Get out!"

Aon drank.

Yue looked at her stubbornly. When she wanted to talk again, she was grabbed by Yi\'an\'s arm. Then she didn\'t know what clever force she used, so she took her out at once.

When he went outside, he said that Yue was still dissatisfied. Yi\'an said, "can you say anything about your majesty? If you spread this word, you will have to be beaten half to death, and then you will tire the empress, Princess and your highness."

The resentment of Yue Yifu finally broke out at the moment.

But she also knew the weight, so she lowered her voice and said, "but the empress is the queen!"

Aon closed her eyes and sighed. Then she said, "how can we make it clear about this man and woman? She is also a noble imperial concubine. She has dystocia. Please go down and have a look. Who can say what is wrong?"

Said the month stunned, "isn\'t the mother the biggest?"

Yi\'an smiled bitterly and said, "the biggest in the palace is your majesty!"


The Empress Dowager was silent when she got the news. She just asked someone to look at the bright moon sleeping in the afternoon.

She remained indifferent until she was disturbed by the noise outside.

Joyful noise.

Because the footsteps were light.

The Empress Dowager lowered her head slightly and sighed, "who is doing evil!"

"Madam, the imperial concubine is born!"

"The imperial concubine gave birth to the prince!"

"Your Majesty is so happy that it has been rewarded in the palace."


The Empress Dowager got up, walked slowly to the outside of the hall, looked at the pure sky and said, "it\'s a happy event, so give it a reward, happy, happy."

The news that the imperial concubine gave birth to the prince spread quickly.

Meng Ying was relishing the taste of the hot pot at noon. When she heard the news, there was only bitterness left in her mouth.

In the duty room of the Bachelor of assistant politics, they all looked at each other during the lunch break.

Huang Huai coughed and said, "this... I\'m afraid it will be a lot of things from now on!"

Jin childish tangled: "Your Majesty went to guard and asked to reward the palace people. This..."

"It\'s a gaffe!"

Yang Rong sat upright, his eyebrows full of cold su. There is no doubt when your eyes turn.

"It\'s just dystocia. Your majesty lost his temper for a moment, that\'s it!"

Yang Shiqi said in a daze, "yes, it\'s impolite."

Yang Pu slightly lowered his head and looked at the jade pendant in his hand with complex eyes.

The jade pendant is warm and moist, but there is a different color in the middle.

This is the flaw!

He looked up and said, "no vision!"

Everyone was embarrassed when they heard the speech.

When sun Guifei was about to give birth, many people were guessing that she would get some auspicious luck. At least she couldn\'t let the corn be more beautiful.

Unexpectedly, the sky in the capital is the same color from beginning to end.

Yang Shiqi rubbed his eyes and said, "there\'s another prince!"


Daming has one more prince, and now there are two. No matter how much you say, you don\'t have to worry about the national capital.

No, what I\'m worried about now is the national capital.

Who is the foundation of the country?


"There is a prince in the palace."

Xie Jin came back from the Academy, and so did Huang Zhong.

The cicada is still dormant, and the study is very quiet.

Fang Xing was drinking rice wine brewed in the villa. He drank it in a big gulp.

There is no food or drink on the table.

Just when Fang woke up and wanted to pour the wine again, the wine pot was held down by Xie Jin.

He looked up at Xie Jin with some annoyance in his eyes.

"You\'re upset!"

Xie Jin pressed the wine pot and whispered, "are you afraid? The woman gave birth to a son. All kinds of things of the Emperor... Prove that he cares most about the woman, so you are afraid?"

Huang Zhong went out quietly and closed the door by the way.

"I\'m not afraid."

Fang Xing gave up his plan to pour the wine. He pushed the glass and hiccupped, looking a little gloomy.

"I know what you\'re thinking."

Xie Jin said, "you are angry with the emperor. This is making trouble for the country."

Fang Xing is still depressed and his eyes are fixed.

"But have you thought about it?"

Xie Jin said: "he is a man. If he is a man, he has a love and boredom. He likes that woman. This is his only mistake..."

"But you also have three women! Dehua, why are you so harsh to people..."


"Niang, Niang, Niang..."

This afternoon, Fang\'s family was a little dull. Worry free came back from playing outside with beads, sweating and shouting for ice.

Little Bai sat on the chair with her cheeks, frowned and said, "don\'t eat that. You have to wait until you don\'t sweat."

"Eat, eat!"

Zhu Zhu is very clever, but worry free is really carefree.

Zhang Shuhui frowned and looked in a bad spirit. "Go take a bath and eat again."

Mother Qin came over and went to the bathroom with one in her hand.

Xiaobai frowned and said, "madam, the great enemy of the empress is coming."

Zhang Shuhui\'s eyes were sharp and disdainful: "that\'s a concubine!"

Xiaobai looked at her bitterly and said, "that\'s me!"

Zhang Shuhui picked up the ruler and threatened, "yes, if you don\'t obey, fight!"

Mother Deng said, "madam, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult!"

Then there is the head lady, but that woman is the emperor\'s true love. Can Hu Shanxiang really clean her up?

Of course Zhang Shuhui knows. She knows that in terms of Hu Shanxiang\'s character, Zhu Zhanji is her heaven. She can only listen to what heaven says.

So she was depressed. Then she lost her ruler and got up and said, "I\'ll go into the palace and have a look."

Mother Deng said in surprise, "madam, it\'s not a good time..."

Entering the palace at this time is easy to annoy the emperor!

Zhang Shuhui said coldly, "he knows to protect that woman, but the queen is with two children in the Kunning palace. Who will protect them?"

Then she asked someone to prepare a lot of gifts, half a carriage, and half a servant to follow, and went to the palace.