Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2195

The imperial concubine is going to have a baby!

No one knows what the emperor is thinking, but these two days he has obviously reduced his time in dealing with political affairs.

The palace gradually calmed down. The emperor\'s concubine wanted to give birth. Those who looked for trouble were blind. They deserved to die.

The Empress Dowager quietly took over the palace affairs, which is a signal.

——Don\'t talk about the queen!

No matter what happens to sun Guifei and what happens during her production, don\'t talk about the queen!

We all know that the queen has no confidants. The only confidant is Yi\'an sent by the empress dowager, so this disposal method makes some people suffocate, but there is nothing to do.

Without a confidant and authority, can the queen personally drugged imperial concubine sun and her children?

The sky is clear and blue.

Cloudless nature is excellent, but there is a slight smell of coal smoke in the air, which makes the five sensitive leaf falling snow smell out.

He looked at Song Chengcheng, who sat under the eaves and dozed after sweeping the floor. In his ears, he listened to two eunuchs saying that the emperor suddenly asked the associate political scholars to go back, but he went to the harem.

There were no more than two views about sun in the palace: being robbed of love by the queen.

The other is the fox spirit. The queen was appointed by Emperor Wen, but with the emperor\'s love, sun not only sealed the imperial concubine, but also had a book and treasure.

So the queen also won the sympathy of many people.

However, with sympathy, everything depends on the emperor\'s face.

Everyone thought that there was no bottom line for the emperor to dote on sun, but ye Luoxue knew that after dismissing the Bachelor of assistant politics, the emperor sat in the warm Pavilion and drew a picture before going out.

The painting is still in the warm Pavilion. It\'s just a cock with his head held high and crowing. I don\'t know what it means.

He stood outside the hall and watched the flow of people. He didn\'t come back until someone began to hurry.

"Your Majesty asked your men to stare outside the palace."

"I know."

"But outside the Imperial City... Now xinghebo seems to be outside the imperial city."

"I don\'t know."

Ye Luoxue doesn\'t know Fang Xing\'s intention, and he\'s not going to get involved in these things.

Jia Quan said with envy, "you\'re out of touch. Shen Shitou is close to Xing and Bo. I\'ve known Xing and Bo for more than ten years. If there\'s any accident, where do you think Shen Shitou and I will find a way to live?"

Ye Luoxue is still indifferent, and Jia Quan is used to his indifference, but he knows that this person is the most loyal and has never been contaminated with other causes and effects, so he can talk at ease.

"Xing Hebo is outside the palace. I just want to have a look. I don\'t know what to look at, but the queen is safe."

He turned around with some interest. He was going to wait for the news outside the palace gate. By the way, he made a diligent appearance to show the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager is the real Buddha!

I just hope this Buddha can keep the queen and his highness, so he and Shen Shitou don\'t have to worry about being liquidated in the future.

Just as he took a step, there was a cold voice behind him.

"The Empress Dowager is with Xinghe Bo."


Fang Xing is already outside the Imperial City, and he has many servants around him.

"Ben Bo is to guard the imperial city."

He sat under the wall of the imperial city. There were chairs and tables. He was short of a table of wine and vegetables.

There is no wine or food, only a pot of tea, cold tea.

The city gate is nearby, the ministries are inside, and then there are a pile of Yamen.

At about noon, someone came out of the official department and saw Fang Xing sitting outside. He turned and went in to spread gossip.

Jian Yi soon learned that. He frowned and told him, "this is not what the minister should interfere with. Don\'t argue."

But since Xin Jian committed suicide, the official department has some low morale. It is difficult to find excitement. Where will it be bound by a warning?

So the news spread all the way, and even the governor\'s office knew it.

"Xinghebo is drinking tea outside the door?"

Meng Ying thinks Fang Xing is... Crazy?


When Meng Ying came out, Fang Xing was appreciating the words written by Xie Jin on the side of the gate.

——The sun, moonlight and Tiande are home to the strong emperor of mountains and rivers.

"Good word!"

Fang Xing glanced at Meng Ying from the corner of his eye and praised Xie Jin\'s words.

But Meng Ying\'s words are much more powerful than his, and he knows more about Xie Jin\'s words than him.

"Xing Hebo, are you..."

No matter how good the words are, they can be read once a day when they come in. They are almost as unattractive as white paper.

Seeing the tables and chairs, Meng Ying couldn\'t help saying with a black line on her face: "xinghebo, this is the imperial city!"

Fang Xing said in amazement, "yes! So I didn\'t go in."

"Who cares if you go in?"

You can be your own family in the palace. Your daughter and princess are not good. They often communicate with each other.

"Xing Hebo, why are you doing this?"

Meng Ying pointed to the table and chair and asked. He thought Fang Xing must have fallen out with the emperor, so he put on a posture of protracted war.

Fang Xing did not make jokes. He looked inside the gate and said calmly, "there is a happy event in the palace today."

Meng Ying suddenly remembered that imperial concubine sun was going to give birth, and then whispered, "did you spy on the palace?"

This man can actually find out the news that sun Guifei is going to give birth today, and wantonly put on the posture of supporting the Queen\'s mother and son to settle down on the edge of the imperial city. This is death!

"No snooping."

Fang Xing said, "the princess should have gone to my house today, but she didn\'t come. She didn\'t explain. Why do you think it would be?"

Meng Ying reacted in an instant, "is... Going to have a baby?"

"That\'s right."


"Empress, imperial concubine sun is going to have a baby."

A eunuch whispered outside.

"... the spring is silent, cherishing the stream, the shade of the tree shines on the water, and loves the fine and soft."

"The spring is silent and cherishes the stream... Well... The shade of the tree shines on the water and loves the fine and soft."

Hu Shanxiang was seriously teaching and reciting.

Light poured in from the eunuch\'s side, divided into countless, and sprinkled on the mother and daughter.

"Xiao He just showed his sharp corners. A dragonfly had already stood on his head."

Hu Shanxiang recited it carefully, and then looked forward to the end sitting in front of her.

Corn sat on the side. He looked at his sister curiously, muttering something in his mouth, and a pair of small short legs were still swinging back and forth

Duan Duan thought for a moment and recited in Hu Shanxiang\'s expectation: "Xiao He just shows his sharp corner..."


The corn was making trouble and shouting on the side. Hu Shanxiang angrily held him in his arms.

"Listen to my sister reciting poetry."

Hu Shanxiang gently put his chin on the top of corn and whispered.

Duan Duan was disturbed just now. After thinking about it, he recited: "Xiao He just showed his sharp corners. A dragonfly has long stood on his head. Empress mother, right?"

Hu Shanxiang\'s happy eyebrows bent, then held corn\'s wrist and clapped his hands gently.

"Yes, Duan Duan is very powerful!"

Corn also shouted: "sister... Awesome!"

He stood up, then pinched corn\'s fat baby cheeks and pretended to be fierce: "don\'t interrupt my sister\'s recitation of poetry next time."

Corn struggled hard. When he released his hand, he spit.

Let out a cry, and then step back.

She looked down at her clothes and complained, "mother, my brother spits..."

Hu Shanxiang looked down at the corn and said angrily, "how can I spit my sister? It\'s not good."

Corn looked up and shouted, "mother, bully, bully, sister."

"Well, my sister won\'t bully you next time."

Duanduandu said, "empress mother, I didn\'t bully my brother."

Hu Shanxiang gave a cry and said, "you grabbed your brother. He\'s not happy."

Dudu walked over with his mouth, then tried to pick up the corn and said, "brother, you should be good next time."

Corn frowned at his sister, but never spoke again.

Yi\'an and several palace maids were watching the scene, and the eunuch who came to report was also watching the scene.

No one speaks