Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2194

It was sunny for several days in a row. The envoys of the three kingdoms were finally dragged by Chen Mo to take a bath.

The four wooden barrels were close together, and Chen Mo\'s voice dominated the bathroom meeting.

"... what do you think of Daming? If there\'s anything wrong with the reception, please tell me. I\'ll certainly coordinate."

The feeling of soaking in hot water makes doc and Abel very upset. They just soak rigidly. As for taking a bath, forget it.

"Daming is very big and is the largest country in the world."

Henry\'s words were very flattering. When he saw Chen Mo showing his satisfaction, he continued: "it\'s hard to eat well, live well, and everything is good."

Doc also said with a strong smile, "it\'s very good. Daming\'s delicious food is unforgettable."

Abel praised: "I can sleep until dawn at night. It\'s been a long time. I must thank Daming for making me feel safe."

Are hinting!

Chen Mo smiled simply and honestly and said, "it should be."

Doc asked, "Your Majesty, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty... When can you meet us? We can\'t wait to see the legendary great emperor, his prestige and even..."

Boasting continues, and the interpreter is numb, while Chen Mo remains proud.

When the boasting was over, he stopped the three for only one reason.

——There is a favorite imperial concubine in the palace to have a baby!

This reason is common all over the world. The woman loved by the king or the emperor is going to have a child, let alone an envoy. There is no time to answer when the war comes.

After taking a bath, the three changed their clothes and felt a little weak.

The banquet has been arranged in the room. The dazzling dishes made the three people move their fingers, and then gave birth to the feeling that this is heaven.

After sitting down, Chen Mo raised his cup and said, "this cup, I hope the royal family has more healthy children."

"It must be the prince."

"Yes, yes, yes! It must be."

"We will pray for it."

Chen Mo\'s face darkened by the three people\'s statements.

I said it was a child, regardless of gender, you flatter

He looked at the outside with a guilty heart and felt that he was pure trouble caused by talking too much.

Sitting on the left, Abel couldn\'t help it. He pointed to the big dish in the middle and asked, "what\'s this?"

Chen Mo said casually, "it seems..."

He didn\'t know. At this time, the little official on the side said, "Lord Chen, this is the newly popular braised mutton in the capital."

A big bowl was full of mutton with bones.

"They are all made of lamb chops."

The soup of braised mutton is not much, but it is thick.

Chen Mo smiled and sandwiched a lamb chop for each of them. Then he said, "try it and see if Daming\'s food tastes good. If it\'s bad..."

The petty official on the side was sweating on his forehead. If he wanted to be bad, he would be cleaned up as the person leading the kitchen.

Chen Mo is still smiling. He is very amiable. "If it\'s not good, please forgive me."

The little official almost slipped and fell to the ground. He thought, aren\'t you afraid to offend these messengers?

What he doesn\'t know is that after the three countries were positioned as Daming\'s competitors, Chen Mo knew what to do without Zhu Zhanji\'s hint.

Adhering to Fang\'s tactics towards foreign envoys before waking up, it\'s good for friends to come and opponents to come... Ha ha!

So after the envoys of the Three Kingdoms came, this was the reception banquet. Not only are there no senior officials, but the food is of no grade. At least many delicacies are missing.

Doc can\'t use chopsticks, but he can only provide a knife here, so he asked for a towel, then inserted the lamb chop, held the hot end with a towel, matched with a knife, and sent the lamb chop to his mouth.

The smell was very strong. Doc habitually tore it down, and then pulled it hard.


Chen Mo just took a bite of lamb chop. When he heard the sound, he looked up, and then he was stunned.

Doc\'s neck was crooked, and he was still biting a piece of mutton near his mouth. The soup splashed all over his face.

"Your envoy, this is..."

Chen Mo is really surprised. He has traveled far and wide. He has never seen such food.

Abel and Henry looked at doc with a smile. Before they started eating, they knew that doc had miscalculated the dish.

Doc slowly turned his neck and said, "there\'s a dish in my hometown that tastes similar to this. It makes me miss it."

This is very clever. It can not only eliminate ugliness, but also shorten the distance between each other.

Abel and Henry scolded shamelessly in their hearts, but Chen Mo said with appreciation: "your envoy really values feelings, just like me..."

Doc immediately replied, "yes..."

They blew each other once, and then both began to eat with a smile.

After eating and drinking tea, Henry asked, "I heard that Xinghe Bo is a famous general of Daming..."

Chen Mo was thinking about Doc\'s performance just now. He felt much worse than himself, so he was very pleased. When he heard the speech, he said casually, "yes, is there a problem?"

Henry said, "at the beginning, the emissary of Daming said that xinghebo was very powerful, so we were a little curious."

"Yes! The messenger said that xinghebo killed many people."

This is just arrived in the capital. There is no channel to get the information you want, so I came to test.

Chen Mo pretended to be slightly drunk and said, "yes."

He only said one right, but refused to talk in detail. He got up and said he had drunk too much and wanted to have a rest.

Why are these people eager to inquire about Fang Xing\'s news?

Chen Mo doesn\'t dare to neglect. He goes directly to see Fang Xing.

Fang Xing was worried about reducing his abdominal muscles to four pieces. When he saw Chen Mo, he smiled and said, "you are relaxed and fat. How about sending you to sea some day?"

When the fleet goes to sea, officials from the etiquette Department follow. Chen Mo\'s position is not high or low, which is just right.

Chen Mo said bitterly, "Xinghe Bo, you can\'t be an official!"

After a few jokes, Chen Mo said his worries.

"... the three messengers have asked you several times. The lower officer is worried about whether they will make any counter plans..."

Fang Xing was stunned, and then said with a smile, "counter measures? They can\'t reach it or use it. I\'ll ask someone about it."

After seeing Chen Mo off, Fang Xing asks someone to ask Hong Bao, who is still recuperating.

The news will come later.

"... when we met the demonstration of the flotilla of Canary flower, Daming had several ships, and Hong Bao carried you out and said something to the commander of the water division of Canary flower..."

"... as an enemy, you will become his meritorious service and a corpse in Jingguan, that\'s all..."

"... he also said that you are the first general of Daming."

Fang woke up and nodded. He finally knew why the three people were so persistent.

"This is ambitious. First of all, I want to find out the situation of the Daming Army..."

He sent the news to the palace with the smell of mischief.

The woman will be born soon. Zhu Zhanji is worried