Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2193

"Beat the bad guys!"

Corn rushed over seriously and angrily. He thought the bad man would retreat, so he ran faster.

The child\'s center of gravity is unstable. As soon as the speed is fast, there is no balance.

When he ran a step away from Fang Xing, his body tilted and fell down.

There was a burst of exclamation around. Yu Jia, who had found the emperor, couldn\'t help looking at him subconsciously.

Zhu Zhanji\'s expression was a little strange. He didn\'t worry and lost his joy and anger.

In this startled cry, Fang woke up, stretched out his hand, easily held the corn, then got up and led him to Zhu Zhanji.

Corn was still in a daze. When he saw his emperor\'s father, he muttered, "father, Emperor."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and touched his head, then asked Fang Xing, "how about it?"

Yu Jia was shocked and hurriedly looked around with cold eyes.

The emperor shouldn\'t ask so. Even if he wants to ask, he shouldn\'t ask in front of people.

If Fang Xing says something surprising, there will be a storm in the palace.

For example... The child\'s body is weak or something.

Because sun\'s child will be born in these days.

When he said this, sun would naturally appreciate him.

But obviously this is a luxury. It\'s early summer, but it\'s not the mid autumn festival that can make a wish.

It\'s hot early this year, so many people are worried about the drought. The Ministry of household also played a memorial early, and then made all localities on alert. Once there is a sign of drought, it will allocate money and food in time.

Allocating money and food is not disaster relief, but to fight drought everywhere!

Today\'s drought can\'t make the people of Daming worried and can\'t sleep at night.

Every family has all kinds of food that can be stored made of potatoes, and the warehouse of the Ministry of household is piled up like a mountain. The people guarding the warehouse change old grain every year, and many of the old grain are sold to large livestock farmers.

This is today\'s Daming, brilliant and bright.

And this Daming needs an heir!

Corn held Zhu Zhanji\'s robe in one hand and Fang Xing held it in the other. He looked up at his emperor\'s father and thought it was wrong, so he looked at Fang Xing with a smile.

Fang woke up smiling, but spoke very seriously, very seriously: "this is a good child."

Zhu Zhanji\'s face remained the same, and Fang Xing was smiling, "I\'m willing to teach him."


Hovering in the middle is science and many years of friendship.

Zhu Zhanji nodded. Fang woke up and picked up the corn. In the surprise of mammy covering her mouth, she handed the corn to Zhu Zhanji.

"Hug your son more. He won\'t be close to you until he grows up."

Fang woke up and left. Zhu Zhanji was thinking about something with restless corn.

Corn lay on his shoulder and bit it from time to time. It didn\'t take long to wet his shoulder with saliva.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t feel it. Seeing that the sky was fine, he ordered: "pay more attention to candles in the palace. Also, don\'t punish people recently."

Yu Jia trembled and hurried to answer.

The imperial concubine in the palace is about to give birth. This is to pray!


Wang Zhen hurried into the side hall. Now this is the temporary residence of the sun family. According to Fang Xing, a former "friend of women", women are most afraid of postpartum infection, so the delivery room should be clean and disinfected.

As for disinfection, the concept has now been carried forward.

Alcohol comes again, wormwood is boiled and fumigated, and then spilled outside the door. You dare not do anything evil.

Sun Shi was lying in a temporary bed. This was her own request. She said she didn\'t waste money.

Wang Zhen stood outside and hung his head and said, "madam, the Tai hospital is ready. We will send someone to prepare for production from tomorrow."

Sun\'s stomach was very big. She leaned against the head of the bed and said hard, "I see."

At this moment, she only looked at her stomach, felt the subtle changes and movements inside, and then smiled.

"This is a son. I can feel it. That\'s right."

Sun Shi said these words very gently, but Wang Zhen\'s head dropped more and more.

This is a road, a dead end.

If this child is not a son, it is useless to have a son later.

If we wait for the next child, the corn will become more and more untraceable with the help of Fang Xing and others.

Step by step, step by step!

So Wang Zhen knew that if the baby was still a daughter, the atmosphere here would become despair, and he had to find a chance to transfer to another place.

Otherwise, he is worried that he will die!

The queen seems to be lenient, but Wang Zhen thinks of the women he used to know outside, including his mother. No one is really tolerant.

That\'s just for others to see!

When corn became the prince, it was the time for the queen to gradually show her claws and teeth.

At that time

Wang Zhen had some regrets. At that time, he wanted to go to the queen, but the emperor alienated the queen, and the sun family had all the books and treasures. This was the time.

According to his judgment at that time, as long as sun robbed the queen and gave birth to a son, the queen would probably have a problem.

Even if you don\'t abolish the queen, the queen can\'t have children in the future!

The emperor won\'t give her this chance!

So he bet!

Out of the side hall, Wang Zhen looked at the sky expressionless, thinking of various ways to deal with it.

He still needs to wait, but while waiting, he has to prepare for the worst.

He even felt that entering the palace was a wrong choice.

Thinking of the original knife, he couldn\'t help trembling.


"That\'s what xinghebo said?"

The Empress Dowager received the news. She said coldly, "I heard that Duanduan couldn\'t sleep well at night. The queen... Is a mother... Take care of more things in the palace. I\'ll take care of things in the palace for a few days."

Li Bin responded with a move in his heart and flattered: "my mother is really considerate. I think the Queen\'s mother is there..."

"It\'s none of her business."


"Will the queen mother take over?"

Hu Shanxiang was staring at Duan Duan writing. He was stunned when he heard the report, and then said, "Duan Duan..."

Regardless of her dignity and inferiority, Yi\'an interrupted her and said to the people who came to report to the empress dowager, "OK, the empress knows this and do it."

As soon as the visitor left, Yi\'an saw that Hu Shanxiang was still confused, so he sighed, "madam, there... Is going to have a baby."

"Yes! The palace has told the people in the palace and prepared many things..."

Aon looked at the end of the eavesdropping and said, "madam, it\'s better to do more than less."

Hu Shanxiang immediately understood that her face was slightly white, and then said with a bitter smile: "thank you, empress mother..."

Seeing that she understood, Yi\'an said happily, "the Empress Dowager always takes care of you, so don\'t think about it. Let\'s live our own life."

"Yes, I have my own."

Hu Shanxiang has been working hard, but he is still not sharp enough.

She was not depressed. Seeing that Duanduan wanted to be lazy, she patted her and went out with Yi\'an.

The weather was good, but there was no sign of good luck.

