Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2192

At this moment, when talking about his understanding of Tessie, Hong Bao said that second, no one dares to say that he is the first.

"Frank seems dormant, but they have been thinking of driving the canary into the sea, that is, they want to seize the land of the canary, so they are very friendly to Daming."

This is his impression of Franks.

Yang Shiqi asked, "the last Frankish mission looked very friendly and worried that they would be swallowed up by the Canary people."

"That\'s an illusion."

Hong Bao said: "the Canary people have land on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The two countries are often noisy. In addition, their inheritance of the throne is somewhat inexplicable, which has become the reason for war."

"As for the Canary people, their troops are not dominant. If they go further, there will be a danger of being alone. They are aware of it, so they take advantage of the emergence of Daming as an excuse to stop the war between the two sides."

Hong Bao thought for a moment, hesitated and said, "the Canary flower... It seems that there is not much money."

He confirmed his judgment again: "yes, because when they traded with the fleet, many of the gold and silver they took out showed signs of melting, that is, they exchanged gold and silver vessels for our goods."

This is an important discovery. Based on this, it can even have a great impact on the West Thai policy.

Zhu Zhanji pondered and Fang woke up thinking.

The small population of Canary flower is a fatal problem. Secondly, across a strait, even if it has the right to control the sea, it is still difficult to supply and dare not go deep at all.

This will be a war of attrition, Frankish defense and Canary attack. This is the current situation.

War and epidemic diseases are consuming their national strength. Countless money is turned into military pay and various expenses, which is finally turned into blood, the blood of both sides.

Such long-term bleeding, according to the strength of both sides at the moment, Fang woke up and felt that the Canary flower people could not support it.

"Their place..."

Hong Bao retched a little before he said his impression of the city of Taixi.

There was a retch in the hall, and everyone bowed down, which was spectacular.

Fang Xing\'s cheek twitched and felt that it was really... So comic.


He felt that the ministers would position Tessie as a barbarian zone.

So he felt it necessary to alarm them.

"The former Song Dynasty died in barbarism..."


"Look, this is the map drawn by Hong Bao."

A map that has been revised many times and finalized is hung on the wall. Look at the marks around the lines to show that it has been copied.

This is the power of great powers.

The power embodied in details anytime, anywhere.

Although it is not very hot, there are ice basins in the warm Pavilion, and a trace of cold air rises.

Fang Xing went to the wall and compared the map with the terrain in his impression.

Alligator Bay?

Fang woke up and saw the famous place, but when he looked at the marked name, he couldn\'t help laughing.

Wood bone bundle, start from here

Fang woke up and looked at the line extending past, and finally saw Lisbon and the Strait.

"There are meat fans and some countries. It\'s just a hurry. They didn\'t explore and communicate carefully."

"It\'s already excellent."

Fang Xing pointed to the wooden bone bundle with his finger and sighed, "Daming... It\'s from here..."

"The flotilla of canaries is quite large, but they are all boats similar to fishing boats. The Franks almost lost the ocean, but their inside information is not bad in tessi. They are taking the opportunity to integrate the interior, so..."

Zhu Zhanji said seriously, "no country should underestimate it."

Fang woke up and nodded. He was very pleased, but he didn\'t praise it.

The king in front of him is becoming more and more dignified. He doesn\'t need praise. He wants what he can see.

Zhu Zhanji noticed his eyes and said with a smile, "when you told me that the ocean was the future of Daming, now it seems that it really is."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "it was Emperor Wen who opened his head. Daming Buwei is all over the world!"


Emperor Wen

Fang Xing saw corn again.

"Yes, your highness."

Corn could stand, but no one let him stand.

Fang Xing arched his hands slightly, then looked at the corn held by Mammy and said, "it\'s time to learn to walk."

Mammy said, "Your Highness has studied in Kunning palace."

This is outside the Qianqing palace. Mammy is followed by a long slip of people with great momentum.

Fang Xing frowned and asked, "so many people in the palace?"

Yu Jia, who sent him out, said, "this is the order of the Empress Dowager."

Fang Xing said helplessly, "it\'s not good."


A group of people were speechless and angry.

Can you refute the words of the Empress Dowager?

Fang Xing squatted on the ground and waved, "put your highness down and have a look."

His attitude was very casual, like asking his nephew to learn to walk so that he could laugh.

Mammy looked at Yu Jia. Yu Jia said, "Xinghe Bo is still the prince\'s young teacher!"

Everyone remembered this stubble, so mammy squatted down carefully and wrapped the corn in her hands.

Corn\'s legs jumped in place, put his hands on Mammy\'s arms, woke up to Fang in front, and shouted seriously, "fight! Fight!"

He is very serious, and Fang Xing is also very serious.

"Let go."

He said to Mammy.

Mammy looked at Yu Jia again.

Who\'s the corn if it falls?

Yu Jia remembered that many years ago, when Zhu Zhanji was a teenager, he was almost embarrassed by Fang Xing\'s practice in fangjiazhuang.

Falling is just normal!

So he nodded, and mammy tentatively released her hand.

When the corn was free, it rushed out like a wild horse.

His steps are actually jumping, not walking.

Fang Xing certainly knew the child\'s steps, so he just looked at it.

Those eunuchs and maids lowered their heads under Yu Jia\'s look, but someone was still secretly watching the scene.

Fang woke up and squatted. It looked like a father waiting for his child to come.

Corn stared and ran over, but Fang woke up and moved back step by step, keeping a distance within reach with him.

The corn was anxious and angry and shouted, "fight! Fight!"

He turned back, but those people just looked at him with a smile. Of course, there were angry people who woke up at Fang.

How dare you despise your highness?

Fang woke up and looked at these. When corn turned around, his eyes gradually narrowed and stared at the change of corn\'s look.

I don\'t know when, Zhu Zhanji also appeared outside the hall. He was also watching the reaction of corn.

Song Chengzhen thought it was interesting. He wanted to come with a broom, but Shen Shitou coaxed him into saying there was something delicious, and then followed him.

Corn frowned at Fang Xing and suddenly burst out: "bad guy!"

Fang Xing gradually smiled, and then stepped back.

Yes, I\'m a bad man. What do you do?

Corn didn\'t look away. He seemed to be holding his breath.
