Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2191

All three gave up Zheng He and stared at Fang Xing.

"Ming Xinghe Bo, Fang Xing."

Doc\'s eyes shrunk and asked, "but the famous general who killed many people?"

After the interpreter said it, Fang woke up and looked at doc and said calmly, "it\'s Ben Bo."

The three were stunned for a while, and then looked at Fang awake.

This man looks ordinary! There is no temperament of those famous tessi generals.

Staring at people was impolite. Fang woke up and didn\'t know how they knew about themselves. He turned and said, "the carriage is coming, too. Go to Beijing!"

"OK, go to Beijing!"

The party got on the horse, got on the car, and the messenger had set off.

"Is he the famous general said by the messenger of the Ming Dynasty?"

Doc shook his head and said, "I don\'t know."

He knows, but now he\'s not sure.

Ordinary Fang Xing is like a neighbor talking to Hong Bao. He can\'t see the temperament of any famous general at all.

"I think that man is more like a cook."

Abel smiled, this is his real idea.

Henry was a little confused. When he saw a crew member talking to Fang Xing and they were talking and laughing, he couldn\'t help shaking his head slightly and said, "yes, we were cheated by the messenger."

"Get in the car!"

Someone came and urged them to get on the bus. The treatment of the mission was quite good. Only six people were loaded in a carriage.

No one complained that compared with the treatment of being closed in the cabin under the deck all the way, the carriage was like heaven.

Doc looked out all the way. The Ming people don\'t restrict them now, so he muttered and summarized the social situation of the Ming people.

"Many villages! The population of Ming people is really large."

Doc boasted casually, and then looked outside the car, but there were no Ming cavalry.

This population is not in his eyes.

With the passage of time, when there were more and more villages along the road and towns appeared, Doc was a little surprised, but he could still stabilize his mood.

When the motorcade stopped, Doc was staring out.

The outside is full of square residential areas planned, very neat.

But it\'s not terrible. The terrible thing is

The streets were paved with hardened material, and the carriages could hardly feel the vibration when driving on them.

Doc sucks his nose, Abel sucks his nose, Henry sucks his nose

No smell!

When doc lifted the curtain, the pedestrian on the left was startled by a blonde head suddenly emerging from inside.


A girl hugged her father\'s thigh tightly, pointed to DOC and exclaimed.

Her father took a look at doc and comforted him: "there were many people before. It\'s okay. It\'s not a ghost."

In the past, such people were common during the reign of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.

Doc was also frightened and smiled at the girl, trying to be kind.

"My God! That\'s their capital!"

The member of the mission who put his head out on the right suddenly exclaimed. Doc was surprised, and his kind appearance became ferocious.

"Bad guy!"

The little girl was frightened, and a boy nearby spit at doc.

Saliva fell on Doc\'s face. He didn\'t respond at a loss. He just stared at the huge city.

"He is a fool!"

The child\'s cheers echoed in his ears, and Doc\'s heart grew cold.


Without taking a bath, the three messengers said they wanted to see his Majesty the Daming emperor right away.

"There is no such arrangement. Your majesty is busy in politics. It is impossible to make an exception for you!"

Hu Chenyi refused their request, and then waved to Chen mo.

"Take them to the bath."

Chen Mo thinks this is his time to show his face, but later he understands what stubbornness is.

The mission was brought into the post house. Along the way, Beiping people saw the Western scenery. People were making fun everywhere.

They have lost the strength of protest. They are almost shocked and greedy at every detail of the city.

There is no accumulation of excrement and urine on the clean street, and there is no one to pee on the wall or squat there as if no one else is there.

The city is not full of birds and flowers, but it is enough to be clean.

Because they used to go in and out of those smelly places, their nasal cavity was baptized all the way.

Those people dressed neatly and looked curious. When they saw their messy hair and clothes, some people looked disgusted, and then everyone did so.

"Barbarians! Smelly barbarians!"

A scholar frowned and said.

"Yes, smelly!"

A child looked close at the strange, and then ran back to prove that the scholar was right.

So the people gradually felt more superior. Someone went to ask the people of the five cities army and horse department. When they came back, they smiled and said it was tessi\'s mission.

"Tessie? Is it the Da Qin?"

"Daqin was in the former Han Dynasty, but now it is Daming. What Daqin can exist for so long?"

The scholar dismissively refuted and went back, so that the people around him had no good feelings for him.

"Where is that?"

Someone asked curiously. At the same time, it also meant running against the readers.

But the scholar didn\'t know. He muttered, "villain, villain, it\'s really unreasonable."

"In the Far West, meat fans used to be Taixi!"

A man\'s voice sounded behind the crowd. It seemed very confident. When everyone looked back, there was no figure.

"What do you think?"

In front of the crowd, Zhu Zhanji\'s questions dissolved Hong Bao\'s doubts. He felt that Fang Xing suddenly explained that it was meaningless and rash.

The DPRK and China have not yet decided what strategy to adopt against tessi. Any news should be hidden.

Zhu Zhanji is in the middle, Fang Xing is on the left, Hong Bao is on the right, and a group of bodyguards are around.

Fang woke up and said, "they look very wild, their eyes are full of curiosity, but they can\'t see friendship."

The hint was very clear. Zhu Zhanji looked at Hong Bao and Hong Bao acquiesced.

So he said, "then go back and call the ministers to discuss."


The ministers\' discussion is a piece of brown sugar, and the central topic is what attitude Daming should take towards tessi.

Wu Xun\'s idea is very simple. Be on alert, and then try. If you can\'t, fight.

Civil servants are different. They think they should communicate first. They can\'t be friends again.

Amid the confusion, Fang woke up and said, "his country is in the Far West. In recent years, there is only water communication, and Hong Bao found that they are all exploring overseas..."

"But Daming has been exploring for many years."

Someone retorted.

Fang woke up and said, "yes, the Ming Dynasty, that is, Emperor Wen, was far sighted, which made him the master of the sea in advance. However, we can\'t ignore it. I still remember that in the former Tang Dynasty, the Bing Feng seemed invincible, but it couldn\'t last long, and finally disappeared into dust."

He noticed the officials\' contempt for Tessie, so he winked at Hong Bao.

Hong Bao said, "both Goldfinch and Frank are big countries in tessi."