Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2190

"Just came."

Zhu Zhanji stood straight, almost comparable to the thick wooden column outside the door.

Fang woke up and felt that his eyes were a little sour, like excessive use of his eyes.

He blinked. Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was also a little funny, he said, "the news just came from the fast horse, Hong Bao... Is back."

The wind blew in from the outside, and there was a crisp wind bell at the door.

The wind chime was swinging. Fang woke up and saw that it was from the workshop that came into the palace.

"I won\'t hang up this, but it\'s been noisy for a long time. Just say it sounds good, then hang up."

As a man, he naturally has no interest in this kind of love similar to women. This mentality has existed before Fang woke up.

"Hong Bao... Tessie..."

But now his mind was full of the place name, as if he had met the so-called enemy of life.



Zhu Zhanji said, "Lisbon, frank, Goldfinch flower and the three countries\' missions have followed Hong Bao to Daming and come all the way by boat."

Seeing Fang\'s eagerness, he said, "Hong Bao is cautious. He only asks people to send a message that the three are not small countries."

"What did he say..."

Of course, there are a number of the size of the tessi country, so he just pondered and had the answer: "it must be a boat, that is to say, the tessi people are already peeping into the ocean."


Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "it\'s hard to live without an opponent, so it\'s a good thing."


Go all the way north along the canal. Although you can see many villages and small towns, you deliberately don\'t go into big cities to supply.

The fleet moved slowly, and the three embassies lifted the ban looked greedily at the two sides of the Strait.

Whether farmers, boatmans or even caoding, most of the Ming people they met along the way were calm, which was in strong contrast to the numb Thai people at the moment.

And they also noticed the fact that Ming people can eat enough.

This is very rare, such as white bread in the status of tessi, rice and big cakes are very common in Daming.

They ate a lot of delicious food made of flour, including potstickers that made the fleet sigh.

That smell is really... So fragrant!

It can make people forget the existence of white bread!

There are all kinds of noodles, cakes with different connotations, and even things with soft taste like bread, which make everyone feel that the taste buds are exploding.

"What a beautiful place than painting!"

Farmers work in the fields, and there is smoke in the distant village.

This is the rural scenery, which is no stranger to the envoys of the three countries. When several children ran to the river with pots, they looked carefully and curiously.

Several farmers went to the river to wash their hands, then arched their hands at the fleet and asked the children to sit down together.

"They eat meat! Oh! They are eating meat!"

When Abel saw a woman scooping out pieces of braised meat he had eaten from a earthen pot, he couldn\'t help saying with envy, "look, the child still has eggs!"

Several children helped obediently, and then one got an egg.

Hong Bao also saw it. An official nearby explained: "the DPRK advocates people to make a variety of living. Raising poultry and livestock is one of them. See Ming Pao, there are often ways to teach people to raise these things..."

"Potatoes have made great contributions, haven\'t they?"

Hong Bao is not a eunuch who intrigues in the deep palace. He and Zheng He have gone to sea many times. What don\'t you know?

It\'s hard to say that even the important officials in the court have such insight as him.

The official was surprised and said, "yes, with potatoes and rice or flour, people will naturally be full. Most of the rest of the grain will be sold, and the surplus will be used to raise poultry and livestock. Therefore, only when the family has meat can the children have eggs..."

The children looked at Hong Bao curiously. One of them grinned at him. His mouth missing several teeth looked funny.

Hong Bao\'s look softened. He glanced at the mission personnel on the ship behind him and said, "these Taixi missions have come to Daming. The first thing is to frighten them. We have restrained them from eating and eating. In terms of force, the navy has let them know that the sea is not theirs. There is still some shortage, but it\'s not urgent."

The fleet continued to move forward and gradually approached the capital.


The fleet stopped at a place and the shore looked empty.

There is no wharf, but the fleet pulls aside one by one through the water depth.

The feeling of being down-to-earth made doc a little dizzy. He covered his eyes with his hand, looked into the distance and said, "it\'s a good place. It\'s all fields."

Henry\'s eyes returned from the fleet. He was sorry that the warships left alone after they arrived at Daming, which frustrated his plan to look for an opportunity to observe.

Hong Bao was walking in front of him, moving his body.

"Shall we just walk?"

Abel didn\'t see anyone, so he said with a bitter smile, "how far is it? Who\'s going to ask?"

Doc shook his head. "If they can go, so can we."

Both of them smiled tacitly. Henry knew that they thought there was something wrong with Daming, and the threat level was automatically reduced.

When they were slightly happy, a shock came.

The earth was shaking, and the Ming people turned back and looked very happy.

"It\'s a cavalry!"

Some people in the mission yelled, and then saw Mingren\'s reaction, which immediately embarrassed them.

Doc stared at the smoke in the distance, as did Abel and Henry.

They need to know the strength of Ming people\'s army!

They have seen it at sea, but the number is unknown.

What about land!


Someone from the Ming side shouted, and then the sergeants and boatmans began to line up, neat, like wheat in the field.

The cavalry in the distance was getting closer and closer. When he saw the man in charge, Hong Bao\'s eyes immediately turned red. Then he bowed his head and rubbed his eyes. When he looked up again, the man had come in front of him.

Zheng he dismounted. He was old and galloped all the way from Peiping. His legs were soft.

When he came to Hong Bao, he was stunned when he looked down and said nothing. Then he patted him on the shoulder, looked at the array behind him and said, "OK!"

A short good word was said by Zheng He, but it told all the hardships and risks at sea.

The crowd looked excited. Someone shouted, "come back! We\'re back!"

After the wave robbery, the joy of relaxation and recognition can no longer be concealed.

"We\'re back!"

With laughter, Zheng He said to Hong Bao, who was still bowing his head, "Your Majesty doesn\'t know that."

Hong Bao\'s body shook, looked up at Zheng He in surprise, and then said bitterly, "our family has regarded ourselves as dead since that day."

Zheng He smiled and said, "will I coax you?"

Hong Bao\'s heart was speeding up. His face was slightly red and he said in a trembling voice: "father-in-law..."

Zheng He nodded and said, "you\'re fine. I\'ve been worried about you. You really brought them back safely. You\'re really... Really good."

Hong Bao lowered his head suddenly, and then water droplets fell quickly.

Zheng he sighed: "if I had gone, I might not have come back according to the imperial doctor after returning to Beijing..."

Seeing that Zheng He and Hong Bao were even crying, the people of the mission thought it was the excitement of meeting again after a long separation.

"That man is better than Hong Bao. Look for a chance to talk."

Henry thinks Zheng He should be Hong Bao\'s boss. Then they saw a man walking past. Hong Bao looked up, wiped his tears shyly, and then bowed his hands to the man.

"Who is this man?"

The greetings over there soon ended. Hong Bao woke up with Zheng He and Fang and introduced the identities of both sides.

Zheng He\'s new identity was shocking, and all three paid attention to the change of his look.

"This is Xing He Bo of Daming... Fang Xing."
