Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2189

From noon to afternoon, there was still a lot of tiger meat left. Those Wu Xun took some home. Only the tiger bone woke up but refused to give it. They only said that they would not fight the tiger in the future and keep it useful.

Tiger bone is most useful for treating joint problems at this time, which is very effective.

Drunk Xu Jingchang scolded, "Dehua, how old are you thinking about this? It\'s early. I\'ll get you two pairs at that time. You can stew, roast and fry."

Zhang Fu was better. He was not drunk, but he was also drunk. He burped and said, "don\'t talk nonsense. You can\'t eat that thing indiscriminately. Let\'s go."

Fang Xing knew that Xu Jingchang was talking about the dish, but he didn\'t eat it! It was robbed by some old guys.

He was not interested in the thorn thing, but a pair of kidneys were left behind.

"Dare not eat!"

Fang Xing felt a little hot. He didn\'t go into the inner yard. He just rested in the study outside.

When he slept until the sunset, he woke up and went out lazily. As a result, the knife outside the door was startled.


Fang Xing\'s nose was bleeding and his front was wet. He went into the inner yard and was scolded by Zhang Shuhui.

He knew it was the function of the tiger feast, but he was anxious and waited for the night to come.

And several big men at the banquet also made a lot of jokes.

It is said that Zhang Fu, who showed himself in a refined manner in the mansion, actually left in broad daylight

And Xu Jingchang is unbearable. It is said that he summoned a group of women and was sleeping together.


Getting angry is a good thing.

When a tiger meat feast humiliated several leaders of the military, a team of cavalry rushed into Peiping city and went to the military headquarters and the governor\'s office.

Then the news spread and everyone who should know knew it.

Hami City is completed!

Those people found materials that could burn cement nearby, and then burned bricks and cement. The speed of building the city greatly exceeded expectations.

After the construction of Hami City, Daming must garrison, and whether the garrison is alert or exploration is a headache.

It was others who had a headache. Fang woke up and at least felt relieved.

Meiergan also tried to destroy Li, and watched Daming build a strong city in Hami, which shows that he is afraid.

Just be afraid!

Fang Xing then went into the palace and discussed the plan of Hami Wei with the ministers.

This is a delicate issue related to Daming\'s attitude towards the outside world.

"Meier is ambitious, with at least 20000 people!"

Meng Ying spoke on behalf of the military, which made Yang Rong sneer.

"I\'m afraid Baoding Hou thinks it\'s the beginning of Yongle. Can Meier Gan compare with their old king?"

This old king refers to the oldest one and the founder of Hari.

Meng Ying didn\'t talk about being exposed, but said plausibly, "but now there are meat fans."

Yang Rong sneered, "when was that? This year? Or next year."

When the two countries get in touch and run in, they don\'t know it\'s monkey years and horses.

This is Yang Rong\'s view. He has a resume of painting military affairs with Zhu Di, and his opinion must be paid attention to.

Zhang Fu coughed and said, "fifteen thousand."

Yang Rong sneered again, "British Duke, how difficult the supplies are over there, don\'t you know?"

Zhang Fu was a little embarrassed, but the interests of the military must be guaranteed, so he said: "Lord Yang, it\'s remote over there. It\'s not easy to supply, but the more so, we should prepare more troops. Last time the Hari people just passed through the border, Hami disappeared. There can\'t be any more jokes."

Contradictions between civil and military affairs can be seen everywhere. Jin Youzhi and others are already gearing up to suppress the excessive demands of the military.

Now say 15000, so to what extent?

Fang woke up and remembered who had made those plans in the last years of Daming?

King? The king doesn\'t understand military affairs. Isn\'t he fooled by those important officials?

So balance!

Zhu Zhanji also felt that balance was too important, so he was just watching. If the martial arts were suppressed again, he would have to stand out.

"Yes! The great enemy on the land of Daming is over there. It\'s not good if it\'s too weak..."

Yang Rong was the first assistant after all. He knew that he couldn\'t fight too much, so he made a compromise: "then 10000!"

Immediately someone came out against it. It seemed that he and Yang Rong meant to cooperate with each other: "no, too much. It\'s really difficult to supply. If you don\'t believe it, ask Lord Xia yourself."

"Cough! You guys, Hami guard is too biased. It will cost a lot to supply the past."

Zixia Yuanji finally finalized the coffin board. Zhang Fu frowned and said, "how much is the most?"

He didn\'t ask Yang Rong, but Xia Yuanji.

Xia Yuanji thought for a moment and said, "if the central government attaches importance to Hami Wei, it should build warehouses along the way and find some good places to grow land. Potatoes can always have a good harvest. At least it will reduce the difficulty of transportation. As for the number of people... 5000."

Zhang Fu\'s eyelids jumped and stared at Xia Yuanji.

He wanted to see if Xia Yuanji also joined the team to suppress the martial arts.

But Fang woke up and knew Xia Yuanji\'s integrity, so he came out and said, "Your Majesty, it\'s not appropriate to spend too much. It\'s still subject to Lord Xia\'s opinion."

Xia Yuanji nodded slightly. He disdained to defend his position, and Fang Xing\'s words were undoubtedly endorsing him.

Fang Xing agrees with Xia Yuanji. Because of his position, he has great authority over civil servants.

Yes, at least 5000 people.

Zhu Zhanji said: "in this way, the Ministry of household should start preparing to build warehouses along the way. The governor\'s office and the Ministry of war discuss who to send to Hami and disperse."

"Five thousand is less!"

Out of the hall, Meng Ying said discontentedly, "it\'s difficult to protect yourself for five thousand, not to mention what initiative to harass ha lie people. It\'s a loss!"

Zhang Fu was also a little angry, "at least 10000, so that the ranger can dare to release more than 3000, and there is room for maneuver. If 5000, the Ranger... Can only be regarded as a scout."

The ambitious Wu Xun were thinking of taking the initiative to provoke meiergan, which was in line with their meat eating nature, so the emperor did not interfere, but had to give a discount because the supply was too difficult.

"Xinghebo, your majesty summoned."

Fang woke up, looked back, and then said, "brother, it\'s hard to do this. I\'ve been there. It\'s really hard to supply. It\'s also difficult to emigrate, so Xia Yuanji\'s words are right."

He hurried away with the waiter. Meng Ying said with a bitter smile: "who doesn\'t know that Hami\'s conditions are poor? It\'s just asking too much, but Xia Yuanji deceived people too much. He cut off most of them at once. It\'s impossible to live this day!"

Zhang Fu knew that it was the chance of the last war, which made Meng Ying a little restless.

"If meat fans join hands with HA lie, it must be the biggest battle of our Dynasty since the year of Hong Wu. It almost topples the country. No, it\'s the country... Xia Yuanji is sophisticated. How can he not see it? So he pressed it for a moment, which is actually hinting at us..."

Zhang Fu suddenly smiled and suddenly changed the topic: "the kids at home are fun! When they are older, they can have close access to water and buildings. At that time, we will see whether to study science or martial arts directly."