Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 218

Deng Danian is a little depressed in recent days. He often sends his guys to see how the painting next door is going.

That morning, the man went to the next door without his reminding. He was shocked when he came back.

"Shopkeeper, the one next door is ready."

what the fuck! Are you fooling me? Do you want to do it!

Deng Danian certainly didn\'t believe that the next door could finish the painting in just a few days, so he went there himself.

As soon as he arrived next door, Deng Danian saw that the walls and the ground were all new, and those tables and benches were also new. His heart was half cold.

"Hey! The one in front of me has dodged!"

At this time, someone shouted in the back. Deng Danian hurried to the side and saw a line of men and women carrying kitchen utensils.

"What a beautiful pot!"

"Eh! What is this bright color?"

Since he opened the restaurant, Fang Xing certainly didn\'t mean to take out a brand-new suit from the warehouse.

In such a big kitchen, three cooks are directing people to place things.

Taking out a kitchen knife from the knife rack, Bao xinman couldn\'t help praising: "good knife!"

The whole set of kitchenware is shiny. The three cooks I saw all wish they could start business today.

Returning to the green bamboo house, Deng Danian\'s worried appearance made the waiter a little strange, so he comforted: "shopkeeper, don\'t worry, it\'s beautiful to paint, but we\'re still looking at the back kitchen. We don\'t have a unique skill. There\'s no room for him in Zhuque street!"

Deng Danian gave a cry and said, "what you said is that our cook is the descendant of the imperial chef. Anyone can invite him."

"Husband, we\'re going to fire. You have to choose a name!"

Fang Xing recently went to Zhuque street for guidance every day, so he was lazy at home today. When he heard the speech, he said casually, "or it\'s called the first fresh!"

Zhang Shuhui nodded and said, "it\'s OK. It\'s better than the one called drum belly building."

Fang woke up and became angry. While there was no one around, he hugged Zhang Shuhui and threatened, "do you start to dislike me now? Or do you say there is no green bamboo house. It sounds good from the moon Tower!"

Zhang Shuhui hurriedly struggled and said, "husband, let go. I don\'t have a concubine!"

After playing for a while, Fang woke up and asked someone to build a plaque.

"Young master, why don\'t you write it yourself."

Fang Jielun thought that his young master came down to earth with Wenqu stars and wrote a plaque. Isn\'t that like playing?

"Young master?"


Fang Xinggu said, "food is the most important thing for the people. Let\'s go to the Ministry of household."

Seeing the days of the Northern Expedition approaching, the Ministry of household is very busy.

Xia Yuanji was even busier. Zhu Di, who was busy, wanted to build a new palace in the palace, but he refused.

"Your Majesty, at the end of the year, money and food are tight!"

Zhu Di\'s eyes stared, but Xia Yuanji was still unmoved. Instead, he earnestly advised: "Your Majesty, the northern expedition is coming, and the dredging of waterways all over the world also needs money and food. I really have no money..."

In recent years, the great projects of the Ming Dynasty have continued, and Xia Yuanji has made great contributions to the financial support.

So Zhu Di had to wave sadly to drive people: "Qing, go!"

After waiting for someone to leave, Zhu Di hated his teeth and said, "this old Xia is stingy. I have to see his face when I want money!"

The eunuch snickered on the side. You know, there are only a few people who dare to refuse Zhu Di many times in the national Dynasty, and Xia Yuanji is one of them.

When the treasure banknotes depreciated rapidly, Xia Yuanji not only controlled the circulation of treasure banknotes, but also linked the price of treasure banknotes to salt, which saved the treasure banknotes that were becoming waste paper.

Moreover, Xia Yuanji went down to control the Wusong River many times at the beginning of Yongle, and finally succeeded in dredging. The extra river is the Huangpu River after that.

Even Zhu Di dared not belittle such capable people, but also assigned him to follow the emperor\'s grandson for teaching.

After returning to the household department, Xia Yuanji saw Fang Xing as soon as he went in. He said angrily, "what are you doing here?"

Fang Xing finished the "math training class" ahead of schedule. Xia Yuanji has some opinions about this. Therefore, seeing Fang Xing at the moment, of course he won\'t have a good face.

Fang Xing walked in with Xia Yuanji with a smile and said, "Lord Xia, I left a student in the household."

Xia Yuanji said casually, "Yao Ping? But he hasn\'t seen anyone all day."

Old stingy! Don\'t you give me a chance to speak?

Fang Xing made a killing move: "Lord Xia, I\'m writing the second math book..."

Sure enough, Xia Yuanji stopped, turned around and looked at Fang Xing and said, "well, send it to my household first."

Sure enough, you can\'t get up early without profit!

Fang Xing threw out the bait and naturally wanted to return.

Xia Yuanji\'s footsteps were very fast. When he got outside his Shangshu room, he asked strangely, "why haven\'t you left yet?"


Fang Xing said with a smile, "I\'ve admired your good handwriting for a long time. Today, I dare to ask you to give me ink treasure and let the students go back and copy it."

Xia laotiao, don\'t try to kill me if you don\'t give me benefits!

Xia Yuanji frowned and looked at Fang Xing. "I don\'t have time to write a post."

There\'s a door!

Fang woke up with great joy and hurriedly said, "Lord Xia, it\'s just three words."

Xia Yuanji suddenly realized, pointed to Fang Xing, smiled and scolded, "you boy, is it because you want to make a plaque at home? That\'s why you came to find our official? Come in."

Inside, Xia Yuanji was nervous about his time, so he asked someone to sharpen his ink and asked, "which three words?"

Fang woke up and glanced at the ink sharpened official and said awkwardly, "the first fresh."

"What? Say it again!"

Xia Yuanji was stunned. His brush dropped a drop of ink on the paper.

Fang Xing said, "the students have opened a restaurant in their home. If adults have time, they can go to have a product to ensure that you will be full of praise."

Xia Yuanji woke up with the finger of the brush, and then wrote three words with a wry smile.

Fang Xing took the banner and said, "your word is..."

Fang Xing is a layman in calligraphy, so he can\'t think of any good words to praise. Xia Yuanji began to rush people when he was searching his stomach.

"My words are just plain. You don\'t need to wake up and boast. Go quickly."

Fang woke up and knew that Xia Yuanji was short of time, so he arched his hands and said, "remember, Lord Xia, this first fresh is on Zhuque street. You should go often!"

Two skin faces!

Xia Yuanji couldn\'t help laughing after looking at Fang Xing\'s brisk flash.

The ink grinding official asked curiously, "Sir, why do you inscribe the name of this restaurant?"

Scholars should pay attention to character, and Xia Yuanji just talked to Fang Xing and immediately wrote a plaque, which is not reserved enough in the eyes of outsiders!

Xia Yuanji took the latest money and grain collection data and said casually, "which family does not engage in business? Many officials in the court engage in business secretly. It\'s not a shame to do business!"

Fang Xing collected Xia Yuanji\'s inscription and hurried to find Zhu Zhanji.

In TAISUN\'s house, after learning that Zhu Zhanji had gone to the thousand households in Jubao mountain, Fang Xing impolitely handed the banner to Yu Jia.

"When your highness comes back, he says this is the plaque I want. Find a famous family to do it quickly."

Yu Jia was the eunuch beside Zhu Zhanji. When she heard the speech, she looked at the words and was surprised.

"Isn\'t this the word of Xia Shangshu?"

Xia Yuanji often helps Zhu Zhanji, so people around him recognize the font of the God of wealth.