Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2188

"He is an abandoned son. It doesn\'t matter whether he is useful or useless. It\'s just chicken ribs for Mier Gan. Sending Daming can save some rice. Why not?"

Fang Xing is wondering whether Mier Gan\'s character is a hero or a hero.

If he is a hero, he is out of time. The powerful Daming and the reviving meat fans have sandwiched ha lie in the middle, and the hero will die soon.

Xiaoxiong\'s words

Fang Xing squints and listens to Chen Mo\'s words.

"Xing Hebo, but he\'s a prince! Meier\'s brother."


Fang Xing added, and then said, "mei\'er should be very tough against those brothers... I guess."

Tough, that means cold and bleeding.

Chen Mo understood and said another thing.

"The messengers brought back by the fleet are very honest, but they look lazy. Some even say they just want peace and don\'t see swordsmen..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "did the fleet ever bully their country?"

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I\'ve asked, but I haven\'t."

Fang Xing said helplessly, "that is, Daming is too strong for them to see... But this is also a sign of ambition. Without ambition, Daming is suppressing in this place, and their life will be very easy. At least they don\'t have to maintain the expenditure of the army. Aren\'t they satisfied?"

Chen Mo understood it and said with admiration: "no wonder the court and the Chinese said that you have a set of external skills. The lower official benefited a lot today, so I\'ll go."

Fang woke up and nodded. After waiting for him to leave, he said to himself, "many things are actually people\'s hearts. People\'s hearts tend to benefit, and there are many kinds of benefits."

He got up and went back to the inner yard. Someone came and closed the front hall door.

The early summer sun shines on the roof and Fang Xing.

When he returned to the backyard, he moved the recliner under the eaves, took out a book and looked at it slowly.

When Zhang Shuhui found that he was asleep, she carefully took away the book covered on his face. Seeing that he was frowning and dissatisfied in his deep sleep, she muttered, "he has a bad temper."


Taking a bath is Chen Mo\'s love. Meeting his "friends" sincerely is his way of doing things.

The two wooden barrels are placed adjacent to each other, without the existence of interpretation, so that they can get along alone.

No soap, no pancreas, just dry bubble.

In the steaming water, Chen Mo\'s voice was somewhat erratic: "your envoy, ha lie... You have great courage to kill Daming\'s people!"

There was a sound of water from Siya, and then it was silent, as if there was no one in the barrel.

Chen Mo didn\'t look back and continued, "Xinghe is looking for an opportunity today. If I don\'t arrive, you... Will be in danger."

It was still silent, but Chen Mo didn\'t care.

He took a bath happily and even hummed happily.

After taking a bath, they drank in a restaurant.

Chen Mo didn\'t say those words any more. He just talked with yesiya about the things between men and women, and then the obscene immediately filled the wine glass.


The next morning, when Chen Mo arrived at the ceremony department, he heard a news.

"Yesterday, the daughter of Xinghe Bo\'s family met a tiger outside and was frightened. Xinghe Bo was very angry and took his servants to kill all night."


Chen Mo thinks it\'s terrible.

He went through many places in his business and once saw half of the corpses eaten by tigers, so he was very afraid of this animal.

But Fang woke up and felt that the tiger was dead.

Yes, when the news came into the palace, Duan hurriedly begged Hu Shanxiang, and then took people to fangjiazhuang to visit worry free. Most people in the Palace said that the tiger was dead.

News came at noon.

"Xing Hebo took his servants around to kill a tiger, killed a big tiger, ran away, and caught a little tiger alive. Xing Hebo brought it back and said to see if he could tame it and make a pet for his daughter."

Then came the news that Xiaohu had been sent to the palace.

"The little tiger caught Xinghe Bo. If his daughter hadn\'t begged, the little tiger would have become a hot pot now."

But the development of things is funny.

The Empress Dowager\'s voice came from the palace: there are many children in the palace. Xiaohu should be handed over to xinghebo.

Finally, no one knows where the little tiger was thrown, but the Fang family held a banquet. It is said that the main course is tiger meat.


In the kitchen of the Fang family, the flower mother looked at the skinned tiger and was worried.

"I haven\'t done it! Who will taste it first, see what it tastes, and then fix it."

She stared at Chunsheng. Chunsheng cut a small piece of tiger meat with a bitter face, then roasted it on the stove, bit and said, "sour."

Hua Niang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "it\'s no wonder that human flesh is sour. It turns out that everything that eats meat is sour!"

After thinking about it, she arranged: "the master said that the bones should be kept for wine, the meat should be heavier, and more pepper and spices should be prepared."


The tiger bones need to be dealt with first. It\'s impossible to take the bloody ones to make wine. It\'s just that Fang Xing hesitated about the matter. When Meng Ying and others came, they encouraged Fang Xing to braised it.

The taste of tiger meat was a little heavy. Fang Xing didn\'t want his family to get involved, so he put a banquet in the front yard.

In the inner courtyard, it is said that worry free and Duan are frightened, and Zhuzhu is looking at the little tiger in the cage.

The little tiger wandered around in the cage, then lay down inside and sobbed a few times.

He said excitedly, "let\'s keep it? When we grow up, we can ride a horse."

Zhuzhu sat on the low stool and held her cheek with her hand. She said stuffy, "his father is so fierce."


Worry free proudly said, "his father is no more fierce than my father. What are you afraid of!"

Zhuzhu nodded heavily and said, "well, uncle is the fiercest."

Yesterday, they followed them to hunt. Before they entered the mountain, they encountered the big and small tigers. Then worry free and Zhuzhu screamed happily and scared the tiger away.

When Fang woke up, he thought it was bad for the tiger to go out of the mountain, so he took people to hunt.

Well, actually, he hasn\'t eaten tiger meat, so he wants to try it fresh.

"Father is not fierce," Duanduan said with envy

If Zhu Zhanji heard this, she would spit blood three times, but the mammy maid who followed her had smiled bitterly behind her.

This will certainly be heard by his majesty, but it is mostly regarded as a joke.

"I\'ve heard that there are many Wu Xun in front of me. There are two princes waiting to eat tiger meat!"

A palace maid said admiringly. For them, even if they brought out the palace to recruit their son-in-law, they also became mothers, but they didn\'t have a chance.


Remembering Zhang Shuhui\'s previous calm of drinking potatoes and peace and not allowing them to go to the front yard for fun, people envy her after all.

"Eat tiger meat! Mother, eat tiger meat!"

The son was easy to drink, but the pampered daughter began to make trouble again.

"Eat tiger meat!"

When the three girls were making trouble together, Zhang Shuhui wanted to throw the tiger from the kitchen into the mountains.

"Tiger meat is poisonous. Don\'t eat it!"