Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2187


Wu Zhong didn\'t admit defeat, but as a half expert, he was a little puzzled.

"The gap lies in the fit of shock absorber and shaft sleeve, as well as lubrication," Fang said

Wu Zhong frowned and said, "ours is also greased."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "the shaft sleeve and shaft of the workshop match well, accelerate smoothly, and save horsepower after getting up. Lord Wu, believe me, if you run at such a high speed, your shaft and shaft sleeve must be almost the same."

Fang Xing left without waiting for the result, leaving Wu Zhong angry.

He is waiting.

The carriage of the workshop came back first. The coachman stood proudly on it and roared up to the sky. Jin Ying smiled and scolded proudly, and then called friends and friends to celebrate in the workshop today.

"Lord Wu, we\'re going back now."

Jin Ying even came to Wuzhong to provoke, and Wuzhong had nothing to do.

As for the victory or defeat, no one is willing to mention it at the moment, so as not to annoy Wuzhong.

After changing horses, Jin Ying and others got on the carriage. The coachman shouted proudly and gradually went away.

Wu Zhong was thinking about the future of the Ministry of work, but someone exclaimed, "Sir, their carriage has not been repaired..."

When a carriage runs a long distance, the most important thing to pay attention to is the axle.

Just now, the carriage ran for two hours, and it was very fast.

Are they so confident in their axle and axle sleeve?

You know, they\'re going back to TongZhou now!

If the carriage breaks down halfway, they will wait to walk back slowly.

He felt more and more the value of Zhu Fang.

"Zhu Fang... Who spoke to him?"

He still didn\'t give up trying to dig Zhu Fang over. As for Fang Xing\'s reaction with the emperor, he didn\'t care at all.

They all work for Daming. Where do they work?!

A group of officials and craftsmen murmured together, and a craftsman came.

"Can you bring Zhu Fang over? Use official positions and benefits."

Wuzhong was more and more depressed because half an hour had passed and the carriage of the Ministry of work still didn\'t come back.

The craftsman said: "my Lord, Zhu Fang... I have worked with him for several years, and his craftsmanship is even better than that of the small..."

Wu Zhong wanted to slap the shameless guy in front of him, but the craftsman was still talking.

"He also said later that those were all taught by xinghebo, and many things were..."

Wu Zhong resisted the indecent act of rolling his eyes and felt that Fang Xing\'s science was really

"... sir, Zhu Fang is still a sacrifice of Xinghe Bo\'s family! He can\'t come."

Wu Zhong was desperate and murmured, "angry! There\'s nothing I can do about him, or... Recommend him to be the Minister of work?"

This almost mischievous idea is naturally impossible. Wu Zhong had to go back and write a memorial to apologize.


The workshop won. It is said that in the end, it directly dumped the carriage of the workshop for more than three miles.

According to this calculation, if you run a long distance, isn\'t it

When Wu Zhong\'s memorial arrived at the palace, Zhu Zhanji refused to comment, but just spread the news.

A craftsman without a craftsman\'s status can only have money if he does his own thing well. If he doesn\'t do anything, there is nothing

The workshop seems to treat craftsmen harshly, even ruthlessly. But in the eyes of many people, such rules are the rules of doing things.

In fact, many workshops are fooling around and doing work, but few people seriously do it.

If they don\'t do it, they have money and food. If they don\'t give money and food, they have to beg for a living. If they can\'t get a life, they have to be beggars and beg home.


"Who\'s good?"

Zhu Zhanji asked the ministers, but no one could answer.

This is a big era, the eve of change.

Yang Rong suddenly felt a sense of urgency. He felt that Zhu Zhanji was examining the ministers.

If you can\'t keep up with me, you will be ruthlessly abandoned.

Wake up!

He can always let everyone down and disappointed.


"Master, what tooth asks for a meeting."

Fang Xing was stunned, then numb. Seeing that the worry free eyes playing Gobang with him were turning around, he touched her head and said, "go, just follow your brothers. Don\'t run around, otherwise..."

"Dad, it\'s very kind of you!"

Before he finished, worry free jumped up, rushed out and shouted, "Zhuzhu, let\'s go into the mountain."

"Big bug, little bug, come out and go hunting!"

The housekeeper and the potato brothers who were preparing to go into the mountain in the front yard heard the gradual shouts, and they all looked bitter.

Only Xin Laoqi had no change. He said, "miss and nephew are going too. Go and ask. Mother Deng must go and have another girl to look after the two young ladies."

Later, the whole family came out. Seeing worry free and Zhu Zhu\'s joy, Zhang Shuhui endured her worry and explained many things. It\'s a headache.

"It\'s not a long trip. Stop."

Fang woke up and stopped Zhang Shuhui\'s muttering, then said, "this is mainly an outing before summer. Lao Qi remembers to teach them to identify plants, trees and animals."

Then the four children were taken away. When Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai saw someone blocking the front hall, they took them back.

Fang Xing turned around and saw some restrained also missing teeth in the front hall, and his face was slightly heavy in the past.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

Also thinking of teeth, the Daming dialect became more and more standard. Fang Xing casually arched his hand and said, "why, is your envoy ready to attack the little girl?"

Just now, yesiya was blocked by the servants. Later, the servants set out. Yesiya saw two girls, so Fang Xingxing asked.

The etiquette officials who followed him were embarrassed.

When he came out earlier, he wanted to come by and get close to Fang Xing, but he didn\'t expect Fang Xing\'s mouth to be so amazing.

He looked at his teeth and thought that this man was really barbarian. He actually looked at other people\'s women\'s dependents. That is, xinghebo\'s family is not afraid of this. If someone else, even a girl, will still clean you up.

Also Siya denies it in panic. Fang wakes up and sits down. When he thinks of his daughter following into the mountain, he suddenly feels empty and boring.

"Why are you looking for Benbo?"

That is, Siya was captured by Fang Xing in Xinghe castle, so the momentum between the two naturally biased towards Fang Xing.

The official of the Ministry of rites was surprised to see that yisiya was a little timid.

As an emissary, unless Daming is ready to deal with Haley... No, even if he is ready to deal with Haley, he will not embarrass the emissary!

"Master, Chen mo of the Ministry of rites asks for an audience."

Chen Mo

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

As soon as Chen Mo came in, he said to Ye Siya after saluting: "your envoy, aren\'t you afraid of polluting xinghebo\'s ears? Let\'s go, follow my official to take a bath, and then have a glass of wine. All our worries will be forgotten."

Also Siya looked at Fang Xing and wanted to stop talking. Chen Mo put a face on his face and said, "if your envoy is so unreasonable, I can only invite people from the East Hall."

East factory?

What made Chen Mo so hurried to find his teeth?

Fang woke up quietly and said, "I\'m not the etiquette department here."

Chen Mo said in panic, "yes, the lower official is more upright."

Then he stared at Ye Siya and kept staring at him out of the lobby. Accompanied by the etiquette officials, he went out of the door. Then he turned back and said, "Xing Hebo, this man is a little crazy. He drank yesterday... Bathed and recognized the wrong person."

"With whom?"

Fang Xing asked.

Chen Mo said awkwardly, "it\'s an officer."

Fang Xing\'s face changed, a little pale, and said, "well, it\'s not like you to sacrifice for your country."

Sacrifice for your country?

Chen Mo didn\'t understand this, so he explained: "this man has been talking about ha lie\'s small country and few people recently. He just wants to fight. The weaker he is, the stronger he will say he is strong. The stronger he is, he will show weakness in order to belittle the enemy, so this is mostly a cliche..."