Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2186

The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her father-in-law, and it is difficult for the work department to delay any longer. That day, Wuzhong went to see Xia Yuanji to find a reason to postpone the test for a few days.

When they turned back, the work department gave them a reward, so the craftsmen with green eyes began to improve the carriage, and then took on a new look.

Xia Yuanji reported it, but Zhu Zhanji was no longer interested in watching it, and all officials were not interested.

So the Ministry of industry and Jin Ying had a face-to-face confrontation.

No, it should be said that the craftsmen led by Zhu Fang are fighting against the Ministry of work.

Fang woke up to watch and stood with Wuzhong. Seeing the new look of the carriage, he said, "improved? Then pull away and let people ride with the same goods to see who runs fast and who breaks first. How about it?"

This suggestion is very fair. As the representative of the emperor, Shen Shitou nodded and said, "it\'s very fair."

But Wu Zhong had no bottom in his heart, so he said, "it will take a lot of time! Or... An hour."

He kept calm and looked at Fang Xing, but he could not see any sign of guilt.

Even if it was the Minister of the Ministry of work, Wu Zhong still practiced to a state where happiness and anger were not in color.

When Shen Shitou thought he was going to be angry and Wu Zhong thought he saw through his plan, Fang woke up and said, "OK."

So Jin Ying received Fang Xing\'s instruction: come on!

He stood beside the carriage. Of course he didn\'t drive this time, but he was the conductor.

"Wuzhong is trying to cheat? Hehe!"

Jin Ying said to the coachman, "we want you to pull them down from the beginning. After an hour, we want them to despair!"

The man is the special coachman of the workshop to test the carriage, and he knows the performance of the carriage like the back of his hand. He glanced at the carriage of the Ministry of work, then raised his mouth contemptuously at the colleagues sitting on it and said, "father-in-law, just wait. Small ones will make them can\'t even smell small farts..."

The coachman said it was vulgar, but Jin Ying appreciated it very much. He patted the coachman on the shoulder and said, "do a good job. Come back to the workshop to celebrate. Enough wine and meat!"

Morale here is high, but Wuzhong over there has no bottom in his heart.

"My Lord, the material of the car... I\'m not afraid to say a word of killing my head. I\'m afraid it\'s more solid than your Majesty\'s car... The coachman is the number one in the car and horse shop in the capital. He has run all the way. You can know what the problem is by listening to the sound of the axle... We\'re sure to win."

Wu Zhong nodded. According to the plan of the Ministry of household, with the promotion of cement road, the demand for new carriages will be so large that the Ministry of industry can make a lot of money.

So the work department has decided on this list. Who dares to stop it... He can\'t care about his past friendship.

The attitude of the Ministry of work towards science is the most friendly, and there are many praises in secret.

But now everyone is competing for the right to speak in the future, let alone science. Even Confucianism, Wuzhong will roar and even dare to break people\'s heads.

So he looked at Fang and woke up. He arched his hands and said, "Xinghe Bo, then... Start?"

Fang Xing pointed to Jin Ying and said, "Lord Wu has found the wrong person. Jin Ying is the master of the workshop."

Wu Zhong said with a smile: "why should Xinghe be modest."

Fang Xing also smiled and said, "let\'s start."

So someone began to load the two carriages. Both sides sent people to supervise. They were afraid that the other side would take advantage of them and find internal assistance.

After loading, Shen Shitou shouted at random, and the two carriages began to race from the gate of the city.

At the beginning, there was little difference between the two sides. Later, even the carriage of the Ministry of work gradually took the lead.

Wu Zhong Fuxu said, "Xinghe Bo, stop here?"

He meant well and thought it best for both sides to end peacefully.

Fang Xing didn\'t speak, because the work department was shameless and used a good horse, which was much better than Jinying\'s horse.

He looked at Jin Ying, who was angry but still confident. He felt that eunuchs were not born bad. Not before, Jin Ying, who was exquisite in all aspects around Zhu Zhanji, was punished by the Ministry of work.

Wu Zhong felt guilty when he didn\'t get a response. He glanced at the official preparing for the matter. The official just smiled and was a little proud.

Yes, people from the work department gathered to one side and looked at the two carriages disappearing away with a proud smile.

Someone beat a horse and followed the carriage, paying back every quarter of an hour.

Fang Xing felt a little boring. It happened that the sun came out a little dazzling. He went to the city gate cave to have a rest.

"Uncle, who can win?"

The sergeants guarding the gate were watching Fang wake up, as if the answer could make them fly up immediately.

They got Fang Xing a stool, so Fang Xing gave an answer.

"First fat is not fat, and then fat collapses the bed!"

A group of sergeants looked at each other under the leadership of Baihu officials. Someone read: "fat first is not fat. Does this mean that the Ministry of industry takes the lead?"

"After the fat collapsed the bed..."

"Buy wrong, go after it quickly, and buy the workshop to win!"

The hundred family officials were crying and asked people to chase them. When he reacted, he asked Fang Xing to apologize.

Some people in the city have already opened a plate to bet on the victory or defeat of the competition between the work department and the workshop. At present, it seems that the work department has the upper hand, and even these sergeants bet there.

But the trust of the other party made hundreds of officials regret their intestines. If Fang Xing hadn\'t been here, he would have to chase after his bet in person at the moment.

Fang Xing doesn\'t care about this. The army is boring. If you don\'t give any fun, something will happen sooner or later.

As for gambling

Fang Xing thinks this is a very bad habit.

In a quarter of an hour, two horses came running. One went to Wuzhong and the other came to the gate.

"Uncle, take the lead!"



The people and sergeants waiting for the news at the gate couldn\'t help cheering.

Fang Xing asked, "how much ahead?"

"Thirty steps."

Thirty steps is neither too much nor too little.

Wu Zhong took a look here and felt that the name of the corpse vegetarian meal would soon be worn on the body of the work department. He gritted his teeth and said, "you have to fight!"


The carriages of the Ministry of work are indeed fighting. On the wide official road, there are cavalry ahead to clear the road, so that they can run recklessly.

From the beginning of the lead to the present lag, in fact, the workshop\'s carriage looks a little relaxed, at least not nervous.

At the moment of overtaking, the coachman of the workshop even glanced at him and sneered contemptuously.

You\'re a scum!

He still remembered that look, so he began to work hard.

He began to beat the horse, and the good horse was beginning to sweat.

At that time, he chose horses based on endurance. Now he is sweating. It can be seen that the pressure from the workshop made him give up his prepared plan.

The horse hissed, then slowly accelerated again, but the carriage in front seemed to never keep up, and the distance was getting bigger and bigger.

The coachman of the work department looked at the scenery flashing behind him, and then looked at the carriage in front of him. He looked up and said in despair: "my horse is better than him. I can\'t catch up with him because I\'m the first in the capital!"


"Uncle, I can\'t see. At least two miles."

When the second group of informants arrived, Fang woke up and said, "then it should be over."

In terms of time, it will be almost half an hour when these reports are reported for the second time. If there is no accident, this will be the final result.

Fang woke up and looked at Wuzhong.

Wu Zhong said bitterly, "won\'t Zhu Fang come to the work department? I\'m willing to recommend him..."

"Sir, that workshop is actually your Majesty\'s......"