Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2183

——I don\'t know what I like.

"Where is he?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Interesting, is he still a fool? I don\'t believe it!"

Fang Xing never thought Yang Wumei was a beauty. Even in the charming aesthetics of Harley people and meat, Fang Xing also felt that Yang Wumei should not be a beauty.

So he felt that he was just showing weakness.

"That\'s a guy who wants to survive in the cracks. Look at him."

The people from the royal guards responded respectfully, and then said, "our adults want to ask Uncle, Yang Wumei and the family whether they can withdraw?"

Fang Xing was making a dough man for worry free and beads. He carefully dipped his brush in syrup, lit his pupils in the dough man\'s eyes, and then looked up and said, "it\'s not worth tossing the people of Daming for him if you can let him see it once."


Fang Xing kept lowering his head and pinched his ears very carefully.

"Dad, are you ready?"

A quarter of an hour later, a carefree voice came from outside. Fang woke up, looked up at the two face people with bamboo sticks and said, "come in."

Two girls rushed in with joy on their faces.



The whole fangjiazhuang people know that the master\'s favorite is the young lady. Recently, there is another young nephew.

So they can get warmth here instead of the indifference of the royal guards just now.

Fang Xing\'s face smiled, almost spoiled.

"Come on, worry free is my sister. Don\'t rob Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu will choose first."

Zhuzhu looks at worry free. The child still has the problem of being cautious. Fang Xing doesn\'t deliberately influence her, but lets worry free play with her more.

Many problems are actually caused by atmosphere. If you want to solve it, you still need atmosphere.

And this cautious is caused by the Fang family in the capital, so Fang is duty bound to wake up.

And this is one of the reasons why he often receives beads to live.

The two children took the dough and ran. Fang woke up and shouted with a smile, slow down, slow down.

Relaxation is always short. When someone comes to the palace, Fang wakes up, quickly changes his clothes and gets on his horse into the city.


"Ha lie is unified."


Isn\'t that big news?

For the unification of HA lie, Daming had long foreseen it and did not think it was a threat.

"Ha lie is attacking the meat fan..."

All the people present were smart people. They immediately heard something from this sentence.

"Your Majesty, this is confluence!"

"Yes! Harold and the meat fan joined forces, otherwise the two sheep would be their shields and would not attack."

Wu Xun were all excited. Meng Ying said, "Your Majesty, we can see the wolf ambition of the Hari people. Daming should take the opportunity to attack, at least down Samarkand, and then frighten the meat."

"Meat fans are far away, far from the threat of Daming."

Yang Shiqi felt that these Wu Xun were all guys who wanted to see chaos in the world. One day he wanted to start a war, but he forgot that Samarkand was far away from Daming.

"They dare not attack Daming, or even rebuild Yibaili. Your majesty, Daming just needs to sit back and watch. There will be dirt between their two countries, and then they will kill each other. At that time, it is the time for Daming to take action."

Yang Rong was not a pure civil servant. He went on many expeditions with Emperor Wen. It was his profession to praise painting and military strategy.

Wu Xun\'s twists and turns can\'t hide from him, nor can he hide from Zhu Zhanji.

They want to enter yilibaoli, and then force the Hari people to either give up Samarkand or fight against Daming, otherwise the attack of Daming will break them down.

"Meier is afraid."

The confidence of a big country comes from its own strength.

Daming is strong enough in the world, but the gloomy court gives the king a headache, so it is inevitable to cheer up.

Zhu Zhanji said calmly, "he wants to seek protection, but the meat fan is a tiger wolf. Can this tiger wolf dare to show his teeth at Daming? I don\'t know. But it\'s best to go away in the first war. The final threat I will leave to my children and grandchildren will be a huge Daming, a safe Daming."

This is the emperor\'s confidence!

The most elite firearms guard stations are all in the capital. Once there are police in the north, they can drive along the cement avenue under construction and deploy quickly.

After the cement road between North and South Beijing is built, the carriage will become a sharp tool for transportation.


Outside the Imperial City, Jin Ying stood by a carriage and waited.

Although there was a change of people, some people still remember Jin Ying and advised him to avoid the sun and drink water.

Jin Ying just shook his head. Now he has less resentment. He thinks he will be calm when he sees Yu Jia again.

Everyone has his own way!

He felt that his way was in the workshop, in the stoves that could burn people\'s bones.

Zheng He can become a naval commander. Why can\'t Jin Ying become the Minister of work?

Jin Ying\'s ambition never dissipated, but she changed her goal.

Yeah! Yu Jia looks at the boundless scenery now, but after all

The emperor\'s favor is unreliable. What is reliable is his ability and ability to do things.

"Your Majesty..."

After a shout, the sergeant guarding the gate quickly lined up and looked at each other.

Jin Ying did not expect that the emperor would come out in person. He glanced at the carriages and thought of the broken carriages in the workshop. He was full of confidence.

A team of bodyguards rushed out, followed by Ye Luoxue. He looked outside, then went over to check the carriage, turned back to the sergeant guarding the door and said, "did you check it just now?"

The sergeant shook his head, but did not turn back to his immediate boss.

The back hundred officials came up and arched their hands and said, "it\'s the negligence of the lower officials. Please punish me."

There is no plea for the imperial city guard. Whoever asks for permission will be unlucky.

Ye Luoxue looked at him and said, "according to your own rules, you will receive the punishment later. If you let me know perfunctory, start from the beginning."

Hundreds of officials responded with awe. Ye Luoxue stared. Who dares to be perfunctory? One of those present today is one, and all of them have to go away!

Later, Zhu Zhanji came out with his ministers. When he saw the carriage, he asked, "this is the carriage from your workshop? What are its advantages? Tell me."

This is Jin Ying\'s opportunity to show off. He said: "Your Majesty, after the Ministry of household made a request, the maidservant stared at the craftsmen. The steel used is good steel, and there are springs. Very thick springs. You can still run in bumpy places..."

Wu Zhong, the Minister of the Ministry of work, said awkwardly, "Your Majesty, the carriage of the Ministry of work is better."

The Ministry of household was ready to purchase a batch of carriages, and all departments wanted them. Then, at Fang Xing\'s suggestion, a "bidding" was held.

Those who participate in the competition are the workshops managed by the Ministry of work and Jin Ying.

Jin Ying brought the carriage, and the Ministry of work brought the mouth. So Wu Zhong has only one idea now: go back and find out who is responsible for it, and then kick him out of the work department and go home to eat old rice.

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t care about this. He went to the side of the carriage and looked carefully. From time to time, he touched his hand and asked very professional questions.

"... I can run the dirt road and have tried in the field, but not too fast..."

You\'re bragging!

Wu Zhong was also an expert. He looked at the spring and asked, "is this what you call a spring? Can it withstand a kilogram?"

Jin Ying stretched out her rough hands, pointed to the same rough face, and said with a smile: "the maidservant drove the car himself. The goods were all hard, and there were more than 1000 kilograms... Tossing back and forth on all kinds of roads, fast and slow..."