Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2182

In early summer, I also thought about my teeth and finally saw Beiping city.

He stood outside Peiping City, looking at the familiar city wall, but thinking about the woman in his heart.

As a reward for his willingness to make an envoy to Daming, meiergan sent him a beautiful woman. According to their eyes, it was a beautiful woman that could make men crazy.

He indulged in the woman for three days, then got on the horse with soft hands and feet, and set out with the mission.

All the way, he was remembering the beauty\'s body and the happiness he brought to himself.

When he saw the city wall of Peiping, he suddenly forgot the beauty. Only Yang Wumei was in his mind.

After they entered the pass, Chaozhong was informed by a fast horse, so after waiting outside the city, the people from the ritual Department came.

Both sides knew each other, so there was no need for too much politeness. The officials of the etiquette department took them to stay, and then arranged the food specifications and left.

Daming now has a standard for foreign-related hospitality. If you show off your wealth with people\'s fat and cream, you can ensure that those imperial censors will stare at you and bite madly.

Also Siya was not picky. He was treated as a prisoner in Peiping last time. Otherwise, Ming people thought he was useless and estimated that they would never think of it in their whole life.

He\'s not in the mood to eat. He\'s waiting.


"Yesiya dares to come?"

Fang Xing is very busy. Recently, the workshop and the workshop department played a challenge arena. He stood at the side of the workshop to serve Jin Ying. He was denounced as a eunuch party. He broke the man\'s head on the spot and was banned for three days.

Today is the first day he lifted his foot ban, so he took his daughter and his niece to go shopping in the city.

Xinghebo goes shopping. It really exists like a clean street tiger.

The green skins disappeared, and even the thieves stopped working temporarily.

The people of the five cities army and horses Department followed them far behind. They thought it was a good day.

Fang woke up and saw that he also thought of teeth entering the city, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Royal guards and east hall are out. They will patrol the city for strangers and beware of each other\'s spies.

Fang woke up and saw Shenyang and Anlun.

The royal guards have been very stable for more than half a year, and Shenyang has lost its spirit.

But Dongchang is making rapid progress. After Anlun took over the East factory, he made drastic reforms and drove away many stalls who only wanted to live. Then the East factory was like a hungry beast, looking for the mistakes of all officials all day.

This is what the Royal Eagle dog looks like. Under the leadership of Shenyang, the royal guards now focus on overseas.

Outside the royal guards and inside the East Hall, this pattern has initially taken shape.

"Also think of teeth... Does he dare to come to Daming?"

Anlun\'s eyes were angry. Shenyang said, "don\'t stare at him alone. Your people are heroes. There are many opportunities for revenge. When the Ming iron cavalry arrived in Samarkand, you can search for the people who did it at that time. You can vent whatever you want, and even your majesty won\'t stop you."

"Are you envious?"

Anlun said coldly, "Ha lie has only one choice, that is to submit to Daming. Should your people arrive? What\'s the situation with HA lie? The news from the royal guards is always the first to arrive, but the east hall doesn\'t envy it. We just want to cut the skin dried by Meier and avenge Miao Xi."

Shenyang bowed his head slightly, expressed his condolences to Miao Xi and others who died in the country, and then said: "Ha lie\'s news also advised Mei Ergan to make friends with Daming, so his Majesty\'s meaning doesn\'t matter."

Anlun solemnly arched his hand and said, "thank you, Lord Shen. We know how to be measured."

Shenyang knows this measure, but Anlun doesn\'t know. There\'s more flavor inside.

But Anlun didn\'t complain at all. He ordered: "let people stare at the Harie mission. Who dares to traffic them and take them down and ask!"

With this order, around him, many people began to disperse, and their directions were important places in the capital.

Either at the entrance of the street or outside the important place, the people of the East factory gradually laid a net around them.

Shenyang didn\'t compete for this opportunity. He just sent someone to the mission station.

"I\'ll see you. Let him be careful. At least don\'t go out and show off until your majesty sees him."

Shenyang went to the post house, but was stopped outside.

The man who intercepted him was Fang Wu.

"Lord Shen, my master said that they will die when they die. There is nothing to regret."

Once Shenyang knew the attitude of the court towards ha lie, he said, "thank you Xing and boti for your advice. I know."

The central court regarded the Khaled mission as garbage, and Siya and the mission he took could only make dung in Peiping city.


"Ha lie will not submit to Daming, otherwise he will be thinking of teeth. At the moment, he has asked to see his majesty outside the imperial city until his death."

Zhang Fu asked, "so what does it mean to do it?"


Fang Xing didn\'t seem to know that this was Zhang Fu\'s first meeting with him after three months. It was like drinking together yesterday.

"Meier Gan is afraid of Daming, so he wants to be between Daming and meat fans. He also thinks that teeth are just a chess piece. If they are not in Meier Gan\'s heart, victory is gratifying, and it\'s not a pity to die."

Zhang Fu got up and said, "OK, I see. Dehua remembers when he went home for a drink and brought potatoes. At least he let him socialize with others."

Fang woke up and sent Zhang Fu out.

When my younger brother saw Zhang Fu out, he quickly took Huanhuan outside the private room.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!"

Fang Xing, who was thinking about things inside, smiled and said, "come in."

The door was pushed open and Huanhuan ran in.


Fang Xing smiled and held him in his lap. He asked about the recent events. When he looked up again, he saw Mo Chou outside the door.

"It\'s time to go back and stay for a few days."


Also Siya was not grounded, so he took a bath and changed clothes, tried to go out, but found that there was no obstruction, so he happily went straight to his last place of confinement.

The courtyard is still secluded. It seems that there is a family living in it. Siya ventured to knock on the door and was driven out by a woman with a face full of flesh with a broom.

"I think I was also a flower in those days. How many men were reluctant to leave after looking at me! Take a look, isn\'t that proof? How young and strong that guy is. If I hadn\'t been faithful and unyielding, he would have broken in just now. Do you understand? As long as I gave him a smiling face, he would go crazy immediately!"

"Crazy fart!"

"Who wants a woman like you? You can almost burn the kitchen if you cook. We bought this house at a high price. If you burn it, you can live in the street."

"Husband, can\'t you bring a good word?"

"What a fart! The man just looked at the seed outside the Great Wall. He looked unlucky. He\'ll beat it away next time!"

Also Siya heard this conversation. He turned back dully and asked, "where\'s the fifth sister?"

Behind him is a royal guards.

There was some tacit understanding between the two. Fan Zi of the royal guards said, "Yang Wumei got married at the beginning of last year. Now the child\'s cry is louder than your snoring."


Also Siya was dejected and asked the royal guards to take him to find Yang Wumei at the price of something he said.

For example, Mier\'s ambition.

Then he saw Yang Wumei on the wall.

Yang Wumei holding the child.

The child\'s cry is really loud!

But Yang Wumei is not impatient at all. She is very gentle. She has never let Siya see her tenderness.

So he felt sad.

After a long time, this kind of grief was called war by some guys who moaned without illness.

Love war!