Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2184

"... the car overturned dozens of times. Each time, it was either in the pit or the goods were loaded incorrectly, and dozens of horses were lost..."

Everyone has seen Jin Ying before. She is white and slightly fat.

But Jin Ying was like a craftsman in a blacksmith\'s shop, gray and dark.

This man is doing something!

Yu Jia\'s heart moved, but she didn\'t know whether it was better to be in the palace or outside the palace.

The power in the palace is so great that everyone has to flatter him. If you have benefits, you have to think of him first.

But outside the palace was free.

Take a look at Jin Ying. He can drive a carriage to test himself, and Yu Jia can only look at the sky above his head in the palace.

Yu Jia looked up at the sky. This was his first time out of the Imperial City in nearly half a year.

At this time, Jin Ying looked over, and the two old rivals looked at each other and smiled, as if they had lost their gratitude and hatred.

"... try!"

Zhu Zhanji listened to the benefits of one ear, but he still wanted to see it after all.

This is the difference between the present emperor and the future emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji, when they know that there are good things, they mostly want to see them in person and verify them carefully.

After the emperor ascended the throne, he estimated that it was rare to see anything outside the palace. He didn\'t say why not eat meat surimi, even if it was good.

That\'s why the later broken stones in the chest directly destroyed Daming.

Jin Ying retreated to the side and said confidently, "don\'t worry, your majesty. Go up and make sure you can run fast here."

Zhu Zhanji retreated to the side. At this time, Shen Shitou came. He came to the emperor and whispered, "Your Majesty, what Jin Ying said is true."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and still didn\'t go back.

A group of sergeants carried grain and piled it up in bags.

After twenty bags, Jin Ying said with a smile, "come again!"

what the fuck!

So they got ten more bags, and then Jin Ying went to catch the car himself, which made people look sideways.

Yu Jia looked at the emperor\'s look, but she didn\'t see appreciation, but she didn\'t have a bottom in her heart.


Jin Ying sat on the front coachman\'s seat, quickly shook a whip, and the carriage moved slowly.

The carriage began to speed up and began to run wildly along the wall.

The road conditions here are good, so it\'s nothing.

But someone immediately asked for instructions, and then began to dig a pit on the way back.

It\'s very convenient to dig a hole with a special shovel.

The same shovel has long appeared in the firearms guard station, with a variety of functions.

"Your Majesty, this shovel can shovel things, saw things, cut people, and finally be a small pot."

Fang woke up and asked for a shovel to explain the functions of various parts to Zhu Zhanji, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Chen Mo also came. He came to find Hu Zhen, the boss of the etiquette department, and asked how to contact Ye Siya.

The head of the Ministry of rites naturally couldn\'t get in front of the emperor. Chen Mo was stopped by the bodyguard twice, so he stepped on his feet and looked over there. When he heard someone saying, "can you chop a chicken with this thing home", he shouted.

"The chicken can\'t be cut! Your majesty, the chicken has to cut its throat and then chant a curse... Otherwise there will be sin."

Xia Yuanji, who was appreciating the shovel over there, looked up and said to Hu: "Lord Hu, the top talent of your etiquette department is coming!"

Hu Chen glanced at Zhu Zhanji. Seeing that he looked strange, he thought he was angry, so he shouted, "come here!"

Chen Mo ran up to him. Hu grabbed him to the side and shouted, "Your Majesty is here. What are you talking nonsense over there? Come back and apologize..."

After Zheng He returned last time, Chen Mo went out to have a "close contact" with the messengers who were brought back. After several times, the messengers only said that Daming was "kind" and was as memorable as his home country.

This is Chen Mo\'s credit, but his means are disdained by the Ministry of rites. Even Hu doesn\'t want to hear his specific means.

Such a "cadre" of the etiquette department made Hu Chen feel helpless. When he saw that Chen Mo was actually smiling at the other side, he couldn\'t help shouting, "stand up!"

An official should look like an official, which is the requirement of all dynasties. For example, when selecting Jinshi as an official, appearance and temperament are important assessment criteria.

Chen Mo\'s obscene appearance really makes Hu Chen want to hit people.

So he subconsciously stretched out his hand.

"My Lord, your majesty is waving to me!"

Hu Zhen was in a cold sweat. When he turned around and saw that it was true, he scolded, "hurry!"

He really hasn\'t beaten anyone in his life, let alone his subordinates. His children haven\'t beaten.

So he was frightened by himself.

What\'s the matter with me? Actually want to hit people

What he doesn\'t know is that Zhu Zhanji also wants to smoke Chen Mo at the moment.

I asked you to come here. Can\'t you show some courtiers?

"Your Majesty, that chicken can\'t be cut!"

The king and his officials were all covered with black lines. They just felt that this guy was really ignorant.

Fang Xing didn\'t care. He was looking at the carriage of juechen.

With a solid carriage, with the construction of cement road, the transportation of Daming will be completely changed.

Once something happens, the carriage can quickly transfer materials and personnel, and the gap between the north and the South... At least the geographical gap will be further reduced.

"... your majesty, I heard xinghebo say a spell!"

"What? Xinghebo can do this?"

Wu Zhong\'s color was iron and blue on the side. He wanted to talk again and again. Zhu Zhanji didn\'t want to hear any excuses and reasons, so he talked to Chen mo.

Fang Xing is also a little surprised. Chen Mo has begun to show off.

"Xinghebo was... In the kingdom of Japan. Xinghebo killed chickens and cooked..."

"This chicken is not an extraordinary chicken. It is the Queen Mother\'s imperial chicken. It\'s useless for the master to take you. Take you as a spicy chicken..."

The carriage began to return. Zhu Zhanji looked over there and looked more and more strange.

"Poof! Hahaha!"

I don\'t know who started laughing first, and then everyone couldn\'t help laughing. Even Zhu Zhanji turned his back and his body trembled slightly.

Hu Chen knew that Zhu Zhanji was not angry, but was laughing.

He looked at Chen Mo standing there foolishly and said, "what nonsense!"

Chen Mo just giggles. After the monarchs and ministers laugh, they look at the returning carriage together.

"So fast!"

The carriage came back faster. It was a little scary.

Ye Luoxue approached Zhu Zhanji and was ready to take him away after the carriage got out of control.

As for those ministers, it\'s none of his business!

The carriage came at a gallop, but Zhu Zhanji was very relaxed. He even discussed with Fang Xing how fast it was.

"At least fifty miles."

Fifty miles, an hour, this speed is really powerful enough.

The carriage began to slow down, and then reached the shallow pits. Suddenly the wheels sank and the car tilted.

"Eh! Rushed out!"

The carriage rushed out of the pit in surprise. Jin Ying gave a whip, and the horse began to accelerate again.

The shallow pits were washed over, the carriage was still solid, and the bag on the car was still not dropped.

Yu Jia has more haze in her eyes: do you want to express yourself in front of your majesty?

He is worried that Jin Ying will make a comeback again and has the advantage of running outside for several years. Jin Ying must help you activate your contacts and experience will be different.

Don\'t come back! Or we don\'t mind killing you!

In his silence, the carriage rushed over quickly.

He saw Jin Ying\'s crazy appearance, and his heart clicked.

Is this crazy? Isn\'t he afraid of crashing into the paladin?


A shrill voice came from the carriage and the carriage began to slow down.