Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2181

A reasonable person can\'t walk around the world without reason. In fact, this is just what adults coax children.

In the court, truth is a vague concept without a standard.

When is the truth of one thing? It has been unclear for thousands of years, and no one wants to make it clear.

So when he saw that Fang Xing and Zheng He had suppressed the opposition of those civil servants, Zhu Zhanji deeply felt that there should be a tough courtier above the court.

Liu Guan

Liu Guan is a little disheartened these days. Someone impeached his son. Liu Guan is struggling to defend himself.

This man is not worthy of trust!

When Zhu Zhanji saw that the ministers were speechless, he knew that after the disputes from Emperor Wen\'s period to the present, the policy of Daming\'s going to the sea could not be stopped.

He always thought it was very difficult, but at the moment of harvest, there was a lot of joy in his heart.

"There is wealth and danger at sea."

Zhu Zhanji repeated Zheng He\'s words, which is the official positioning of the Ming Dynasty on marine strategy.

He paused deliberately, waiting for someone to object.

No objection!

So he continued, "it\'s very wide outside the Strait. There are countless benefits. Others will rob it. Daming... Those natives are poor... Daming should ensure that the navy is strong, speak for those people and take good care of them."

Zhu Zhanji said these words without expression. Fang Xing was very happy, and the civil servants looked like they were constipated.

Shouldn\'t we say that? Why did the emperor end himself.

"The formation of a navy, except for civilian ships and other ships, all belong to the Navy."

The big Navy is coming. It\'s scary to think about the scale!

Who will lead?

The civil servants stared at Wu Xun and speculated who would become the first commander of the Navy.

Fang Xing is impossible. The emperor can\'t let him go to sea all year round.

Zhang Fu is impossible. That\'s the number one Wu Xun in the military.


When his eyes swept over Zheng He, who was standing straight, Yang Rong was shocked and finally guessed Zhu Zhanji\'s plans.

"Zheng He."

"I\'m here!"

There are few eunuchs who can call themselves ministers in front of the emperor, and Zheng He is one of them, the best one.

Zhu Zhanji said, "you have made many contributions. I wanted you to live a healthy life, but since you want to reorganize the Navy, there are not many things that can reassure me..."

It is the greatest honor for the officials to let the King say so.

Zheng he knelt down and looked up. His wrinkled face was less, but his gray hair continued to make people feel pity.

"I am willing to take charge of the Navy and watch the fleet for your majesty and Daming."

These words seemed to have the meaning of selling melons, but the officials were awed.

In the whole Ming Dynasty, when Zheng He said this, no one dared to refute it.

No one dares to say that he can do better than him.

No one dares to say that he is more loyal than Zheng He.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "well, I\'ll leave the matter of the navy to your general manager. If you have something to do with the outside world, you can discuss with the governor\'s office and the Ministry of war."

Wu Xun and Zhang ben both looked different. Later, they remembered Fang Xing\'s words at that time.

The navy is independent or united, but its independence must be guaranteed.

Fang Xing didn\'t want the navy to be dragged down by the traditional land strategic thinking, so he negotiated with Zhu Zhanji for a long time and finally decided on a general plan.

"When you are old, you can run around and go to sea again... I can\'t bear it. You will stay in Peiping more in the future."

Zhu Zhanji\'s words defined the nature of the naval commander: as the commander in chief, he stayed in Peiping, spoke for the navy in the court, and served the Navy\'s strategy in wartime.

The deputy governor didn\'t know who it was, but the wise man probably guessed the emperor\'s intention.


Make sure the Navy doesn\'t become a tool for ambitious people!

"Fu Xian."

Zhu Zhanji called a name that people seldom hear.

Then a general came in from the back, no, from outside the temple.

The dark Fu Xian was impressive, but Zhu Zhanji nodded slightly and said, "you have been on the sea for many years. You can be the deputy commander of the Navy."

This arrangement is in line with the rules. Fu Xian is a veteran of the Navy. These talents are the leaders of the navy in the future.

Those who looked at Zheng He suddenly felt more pity.

This is the last value that the emperor is squeezing you, and after you, the eunuch can no longer have the opportunity to lead the army.

"Give it to Wang Jinghong in Jinling. Let\'s start."

The emperor got up and the ministers bowed to each other.

When Fu Xian got up, he went to hold Zheng He and said with admiration on his face: "father Zheng, I have long thought of working under your command. Today I get what I want..."

Zheng he patted his hand and said, "before I can\'t walk, Lord Fu is worried."

Fu Xian wondered why Zheng He\'s attitude was so cold. At this time, Fang woke up.

"Zheng Gong, drink at night?"

Zheng He said with a smile, "OK! But you can\'t go to the city. Let\'s go at noon."

The fleet is still in Jinling. What Zheng He, the governor, has to do is to integrate the fleet on paper, and then make an overall plan, which will be implemented after the approval of the emperor.

Zheng He\'s completely different attitude made Fu Xian a little embarrassed. He stepped back and didn\'t go out until Fang Xing and Zheng He left.

He rarely entered the palace, so he was intoxicated by the architecture and spring in the palace.

"What attracts you more than the sea?"

"The sea, of course."

Fu Xian turned sideways and said, "I\'ve seen Xinghe Bo."

Zheng He has left. Fang Xing has been waiting for him.

"Zheng Gong is not a person who is jealous of virtue and ability. He is just inside and outside. Don\'t be too close. Do you understand?"

Fang woke up and left.

Fu Xian stood blankly in place, thought the whole thing over, and then understood the layout of the emperor.

"Lord Fu, your majesty summoned."

He was lucky. Zhu Zhanji summoned him and encouraged him. Finally, he wrote a poem and gave it to him as a gift.

This is a rare courtesy, so Fu Xian is happy on the surface, but feels pressure in his heart.

Zheng He made a plan and sent him to the palace. Zhu Zhanji called Fang Xing to the palace for consultation.

"The Navy\'s main opponent is the tessi."

Fang Xing suggested: "the first line of defense at sea is the Strait of Malacca. Of course, according to the previous idea, Daming should put the first line of defense... No, it\'s the base. Daming should put the base outside and control it, and then gradually control the important place, later..."

Fang Xing slid over the part of Shanghai Ocean on the map and said with a smile, "in the future, Daming will be respected on the sea."

Last time Frank\'s mission revealed something, and the interpreter also said a lot.

"Tessie, the Canary ship is very small, but the scale is very frightening. Other countries also have the ambition to beg for food on the sea, so we should move in that direction and try to interrupt their ambition to expand outward as soon as possible."

The sun never sets!

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji looked at each other, and then their pride suddenly came into being.