Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2180

A memorial arrived at the duty room and fell into Yang Pu\'s hands.

He opened his eyes and said in surprise, "it\'s xinghebo\'s Memorial. Didn\'t he go straight?"

The emperor\'s confidants, as well as those important officials, naturally have the right to send the memorials directly to the front of the emperor. Otherwise, the rights of the assistant political scholars are too frightening. They can almost isolate the connection between the emperor and the outside of the imperial city.

Yang Shiqi looked up and said, "what did you say? Impeachment? Impossible."

Fang Xing had a close relationship with the emperor. He could not directly impeach the emperor.

Yang Pu looked at the memorial and said, "it is suggested that the Navy and the fleet going to the West should be merged."

Everyone put down what they were doing. If they didn\'t have to worry about demeanor, they all wanted to squeeze behind Yang Pu and read the memorial at a glance.

"... it is suggested to reorganize them all into naval divisions, subordinate to the Emperor..."

The excitement dissipated immediately. Yang Shiqi rubbed his sour eyes and asked, "no?"

Yang Pu passed the memorial and said, "just these lines are very short."

Huang Huai looked at the memorial and nodded, "it\'s very short, but there are many."

Everyone looked at the memorial and squinted at the information contained in the short lines.

"Wu Xun will be disappointed, and the governor\'s office will be disappointed."

Jin Youzi murmured, wondering whether to be happy or sad.

"But the military department was also ranked outside and subordinate to the emperor, so... What\'s the difference between it and now?"

"There is a difference."

"What\'s the difference?"

"The original sailors of the Navy were still under the control of the military department. If your majesty agrees with this memorial, they will become your Majesty\'s people in the future."

Several people were silly, and Jin Youzi said in amazement: "previously, he hurried into the palace and looked a little angry. Was that just..."


"He is good at the art of war. He has mental arithmetic but no intention. Who would know that he made such a mistake."


"He\'s crazy!"

A memorial aroused the wind and cloud, but Fang Xing took his wife and children shopping in the city.

Time always passed quickly. I felt that just after the new year, but in the twinkling of an eye, even the corners of Peiping city were green.

Spring is coming. It\'s the best season. It\'s early to step on the spring, but it\'s time to go shopping.

Fang Xing didn\'t seem to know that he had become the focus. He started the buying mode with his wife and children.

Until noon, the family had dinner outside. Fang woke up and asked someone to escort the family back. He himself went to the governor\'s house of the Fifth Army.

"I\'ll come sooner or later, you say."

It seemed that he would come. Several Wu Xun who had planned the Navy were there. It seemed that they didn\'t eat lunch.

Fang woke up to their grievances, put on a posture of waiting for criticism, and then belched.

This is a little disrespectful.

"Xing Hebo, when did you think about the Navy becoming your majesty?"

No one dares to question Fang Xing\'s Memorial, otherwise he is not loyal enough.

Fang Xing said frankly, "with all due respect, if the Navy becomes what everyone thinks, it will be managed and led by the governor\'s office and transferred by the military department. Fang dares to assert that the Navy will be destroyed if it can\'t last for a hundred years."

Fang woke up and looked at these people. He saw bitterness and dissatisfaction.

No matter who it is, they are dissatisfied with the fact that the martial arts man has lost another chance.

"The Ministry of war is Zhang Ben now. Who will it be in the future? Your majesty can control it now. What about the future emperor?"

Fang woke up and said, "that\'s all you have to say. Think carefully."

He left and several Wu Xun looked at each other.


Later, the emperor convened his courtiers to discuss the matter.

"... it\'s too expensive for the Navy, your majesty. Please control the scale."

After the emperor firmly expressed his determination to support the sea, no one said to ban the sea and destroy ships, but it was a common voice to lower the scale.


Zhu Zhanji ordered Xia Yuanji\'s general. Xia Yuanji went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, last time I went to sea, I brought back a lot of gold and silver and some valuable things. The household has been disposed of. There should be a surplus, and there are still a lot."

This is a real hammer. One guy beat down those doubts.

Who dares not be convinced?

The fleet can make money without losing money!

Fang woke up and said, "Your Majesty, the fleet has now controlled the Strait. That sea has become Daming\'s bath basin. Countless resources can be excavated by Daming. This is the greatest benefit."

He looked around at the officials and said, "there are many gold and silver mines, copper mines and other mines, many more than in Daming. With those fertile land, can the sea be abandoned?"

No one answered, but Fang woke up and went on to say, "if you control the Strait, the sea of Daming will be safe. In the past, you had to move the people of the coastal islands in order to avoid the Japanese pirates. Maybe some people like it best in those days..."

He looked at the civilian side and said, "Daming\'s gate has been opened. Don\'t think about closing it. If anyone wants to, it\'s either a fool or an evil thief with ulterior motives!"

He didn\'t want to use the word traitor, but the sea was related to the national fortune of Daming, so he naturally didn\'t hesitate to buckle his hat.

So those brewing in the dark were thrown out by Fang when he woke up, and then dried in the sun, which made people feel sick.

as timid as a mouse!

Zheng He is also there. Today, he actually stood on Wu Xun\'s side, which is a dangerous signal.

Zheng He went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, overseas has great interests and great dangers. If interests are not taken, others will naturally take them, and then strengthen themselves. If dangers are not subdued, they will naturally come to the door."

Take the initiative!

Zheng He emphasized that the navy must take the initiative, attack actively, look for benefits and dangers for Daming, and then obtain benefits and suppress dangers.

Yang Rong finally left the class and said, "Your Majesty, you can\'t go to sea too often after all!"

As the chief assistant, he naturally can\'t disagree with Zhu Zhanji, but his posture is needed.

When I said that, I didn\'t say it.

Is this the skill of Shoufu and thin mud?

Several assistant political scholars were thinking about it, and then wanted to see the emperor\'s response to it.

"Your Majesty, is the enemy after the Ming Dynasty land or sea?"

Hu Zhen didn\'t talk much in the court, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was amazed by Fang Xing and others.

This not only eased the atmosphere, but also successfully put forward a proposition.

"There is no doubt that Daming\'s enemy has both land and sea, but Daming\'s future must be at sea."

Fang Xing\'s words were recognized by Zheng He, the most senior sailor of Daming. He said: "Your Majesty, I have seen a lot overseas. Daming should not be afraid, but should explore and control."

When Zheng He claimed to be a minister, many people\'s eyelids were jumping.

Is this eunuch going to do something?

"But one storm is enough to overturn Daming\'s fleet and have nothing."

Some people have raised questions, which is a manifestation of fear.

Zheng he frowned and said, "when people are at home, misfortune comes from heaven, not to mention the sea. As for wind and waves, they can avoid or carry them. In the future, Daming\'s ships will be more and more solid. This is not a problem."


Several civil servants wanted to refute Zheng He with scattered hearts, but when they saw Fang xingchu there, they immediately gave up their idea.

The refutation of that year is still fresh in my memory!

——That\'s a mouse. He only dares to hide at home and dominate all day. He becomes a mouse as soon as he goes out. No, you don\'t dare to go out. You just want to say the rule of three generations in the city wall, and then feel that your wisdom shines ancient and modern, and no one can match

That mean man!

Several pairs of eyes flashed on Fang Xing, and then fell into silence.