Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 217

Fang Xing and Deng Danian fought for a few times and then ran away, leaving Deng Danian alone.

"Paint now? How many days will it take?"

When Lin Zhiyuan, the shopkeeper of Mingyue building next door, heard that it was also a restaurant next door, he disdained: "I ride in Mingyue building on Zhuque street. You don\'t have to bother me with such trifles!"

Fang Xing was very busy. He hurried back to fangjiazhuang to check and accept the cook sent by Zhu Zhanji.

In the kitchen, Hua Niang is looking at her three peers with a little hostility. Chunsheng was wronged because he had to test three people, so he had to deal with too many ingredients.

When Fang woke up, he was seeing three cooks in relative silence.

Three people, there must be one is the boss, and this choice is in Fang Xing\'s hands.

"Mr. Fang, little Bao xinman, worked in the palace for several years before, and then..."

The man who took the lead in initiating public relations looked very confident, while the other two were somewhat oppressed.

Yes, they used to be imperial chefs. Let\'s stand aside.

However, Fang Xing was not frightened by Bao xinman\'s name, but ordered: "cook three dishes, one for high school and one for low school."

The three cooks went to choose the ingredients to prepare, and Hua Niang quickly brought Fang Xing a chair.

Sitting in a chair, Fang woke up and rubbed his stomach and said, "for this, I haven\'t eaten lunch yet!"


Before long, the kitchen was filled with the smell of cooking and cooking.

Fang Xing has been resting with his eyes closed, thinking about the old dog Huang Yan.

Huang Yan was a trusted eunuch when Zhu Di lived in King Yan. He was full-time in private affairs for Zhu Di and was highly trusted.

He has been to North Korea many times, and his conduct is despicable. His reputation in North Korea is rotten.

Greed, good enjoyment, this is the consensus of North Korea on Huang Yan.

And I heard that the goods seem to have married like normal people.

Does he have that function?

Thinking of this, Fang Xing couldn\'t help laughing.

"Young master, they are all well."

Fang Xing was fantasizing about Huang Yan\'s ugly appearance with his hands and mouth together. When he heard the sound, he opened his eyes, looked at the nine dishes in front of him and tasted them one by one.

The dishes in front of him were just mutton and poultry. Fang woke up and tasted each dish, then frowned and said, "the taste is too heavy!"

Bao xinman rubbed his hands and said, "small people can also eat Southern food. They just have to take care of your tastes when making meals in the palace, so they pay more attention to it."

The other two cooks also said they could cook Southern food. Fang woke up and looked at these dishes sadly: "then do it again."

"Brother Dehua."

Fang Xing was about to give these dishes to his family. When he saw Zhu Zhanji coming, he just admonished, "come on, look at these dishes."

Zhu Zhanji strode in. Bao xinman\'s hand trembled and almost reached into the oil pan.

"Do it well."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and waved his hand. Then he sat down and asked, "brother Dehua, what\'s wrong with these dishes?"

This dish Zhu Zhanji is from snack to large, so he doesn\'t think it\'s wrong.

Fang woke up and said, "look at these dishes. They are all big oil and meat, and there are so many seasonings that they have completely lost the original flavor of the food."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji\'s disapproval, Fang woke up and warned: "according to this way of eating, in the long run, the man\'s body will have problems sooner or later."

"Brother Dehua..."

Zhu Zhanji knew that Fang Xing had some strange talents, so he hesitated and said, "if so, my emperor\'s grandfather..."

Zhu Di himself is a heavy taste lover. He affects generations, and the Royal sons and grandchildren who finally eat are full of fat.

Fang woke up and didn\'t dare to take this stubble, so he said vaguely: "Your Majesty has a spirit attached to him. Maybe he won\'t be harmed..."

That\'s weird!

Remembering that Zhu Di seemed to have gout, Fang woke up and felt that Zhu Zhanji had a tendency to follow suit.

"Change it."

Just as the Southern food of the three came out, Fang woke up and asked Zhu Zhanji to taste it together.

Hu PI Mao tofu tastes good, but there is more soy sauce. Fang Xing gave a bad comment.

"Our restaurant is in the south. We should put less soy sauce."

Bao xinman said wrongfully, "Mr. Fang, this dish is deeply loved by Emperor Taizu Gao!"

Fang woke up and looked up at him. This eye cooled Bao xinman\'s body and quickly made up for it: "look back and see what good way to improve the taste."

The heat of white cut chicken is good, and the meat is tender.

After eating a few dishes, Fang Xing took out a small porcelain vase and asked Hua Niang to communicate with them.

Hua Niang felt a little depressed today. When she saw Fang Xing put her in front of the imperial kitchen, she immediately said with a smile: "this is the secret recipe of our young master. If anyone spreads it, be careful that everyone is unlucky!"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji sitting there quietly, the three cooks quickly nodded and said that they would never dare to reveal a little.

Fang woke up and nodded to Hua Niang, then took Zhu Zhanji out.

"You all have a good look. The young master asked me to teach you how to cook, and it\'s not allowed to spread..."

Hua Niang has to teach Fang Xing\'s recipe. She can cook a lot of dishes, so Fang Xing believes that the three cooks will worship Hua Niang\'s pomegranate skirt today... Oh, no, they should fall under Hua Niang\'s spatula.

Fang Xing is ready to let Hua Niang teach the three people, and then launch a variety of new dishes to fight for a shot.

At this time, the three people in the kitchen were shocked by a double cooked meat fried by Hua Niang.

Bao xinman took a small rolled piece of meat, looked carefully, sniffed again, and then put it into his mouth.


Bao xinman chewed carefully and looked at the two people\'s faces. He was shocked.

"This is..."

Hua Niang raised her head and said, "double cooked meat, and put a little monosodium glutamate. How about it?"

Bao xinman was a little depressed and said, "it\'s delicious. You can eat and drink."

Without Bao xinman\'s kitchen shelf, the other two asked Hua Niang for tips on using monosodium glutamate.

When Hua Niang was in high spirits, Zhu Zhanji was gnashing his teeth.

When they arrived at the study, Zhu Zhanji said angrily, "Huang Yan, the old dog, has slandered in the face of Grandpa Huang again today!"

Fang woke up safely and said, "what\'s expected, why bother."

Zhu Zhanji fiddled with Fang Xing\'s homemade globe and said with disdain: "the old dog said that you and I opened a restaurant in Zhuque street and were worried about my reputation. It\'s really loyal!"

Fang Xing scribbled the formation of the firemen on the paper and asked, "what does your majesty say?"

Since we can find out Huang Yan\'s words and deeds, Zhu Di\'s reaction should also be known.

"Grandpa Huang ignored him."

Zhu Zhanji said proudly: "finally, there was a saying that TAISUN had to experience the hardships of the people, so that he could govern calmly."

Yongle has the final say that the reaction is not surprising, because at this time, the upright gentlemen did not even have cells at this time.

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanji said sadly, "Huang Yan is deeply trusted by grandpa Huang. He can\'t be shaken at this time!"

Fang woke up and said, "do you see the disadvantages of the rampant internal waiter?"

Even if there are examples such as Zheng He, Fang Xing is still worried about the invasion of power by the eunuch system.

"Most of these people are twisted after being cut. Be careful!"