Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2177

"Fang Xing is so red?"

"He will become an emperor in the future. Who do you want him to support if he doesn\'t support the eldest son of the emperor?"

"But it\'s too early now! Who bet so early? If nothing else, what if something happens in the middle?"

"What accident?"

"You are stupid! If the emperor\'s eldest son... Suddenly has an accident, he will wake up."

The two scholars thought they spoke in a low voice and were surrounded by traffickers and pawns, so they were very bold.

Just as they were talking nonsense, a man with a hat came over, patted a waist token on their table, sneered and said, "east hall asked, come back with me!"

Not to mention these two unlucky people, the biggest news in the capital today is that the eldest son of the emperor went to Zhixing academy to attend the ceremony that only Zhu Zhanji could attend in the past, and then the capital was boiling.

Memorials rushed into the Forbidden City. There were impeachments: they impeached Fang Xing and put the corn in danger.

Some people boast that your Highness has such a graceful posture at a young age. You will be able to

No one dares to say that corn will reign in the world in the future. At most, it means that the royal family has a smart child. Congratulations.

For a time, the queen turned into a hot land, and there were few people in the sun family.

But the queen just closed the door and let the concubines think bitterly about how to encircle and "meet" Zhu Zhanji.

The sun family is still the same, not sad or happy. The imperial doctor goes to feel his pulse every day, and the sun family takes a walk in the yard every day.

Everything runs in order, then this is the Tao.


"What is Tao?"

Hong Bao looked at the familiar dark clouds and big waves in front of him and said, "the way of officials is to govern the country, the way of soldiers is to defend the country, and our way..."

He looked back at the crew who were not as afraid as last time and said, "our way is to fight the wind and waves. Before we die, we are the winners!"

"Grandpa, the fleet has a favorable wind. As long as it passes here, it can return to Daming in March at most."

Zhang Wang knew that this was a barrier and that it was a smooth road, so he just mobilized.

Hong Bao nodded and saw that someone was drawing the terrain on both sides. He will draw the map later.

Someone climbed to the top of the mast and looked around. They wouldn\'t come down until they entered the storm.

These are dedicated people.

Hong Bao asked, "where are those people?"

Zhang Wang said murderously, "we have sent more people to watch. If you are dishonest, you will directly throw it into the sea."


Hong Bao thought everything was ready, so he was short of a good meal. He ordered: "make a good meal for everyone to eat and take out the wine, but don\'t get drunk."

So a big meal began immediately. Everyone knew that it might be a broken meal. After eating this meal, there was no next meal, so they cherished it very much.

The cooks were not stingy. They took out all the good things and the skills of pressing the bottom of the box. For a time, the fleet was full of fragrance.

The mission in the cabin under the deck also smelled the smell. Doc\'s nose sniffed the smell and said, "they\'re having a big meal. What does that mean?"

Abel said lazily, "either we found something or we passed the danger. Well, we should be able to eat together."

Henry sat in silence. When he heard the two men arguing about this, he whispered, "don\'t forget one thing. There are few people who are bright and few dead."

The cabin was silent, and Henry, as the top navigation expert, was expressing his views.

"Sailing is a matter of gambling with the gods. If you go out, you may not come back. Some are lost, others are destroyed by wind and waves, but the biggest problem is illness."

Doc nodded, "yes, I didn\'t hear their people cry, nor did I hear someone being thrown into the sea."

"No, there is one."

Abel habitually revealed his feud: "the man tried Ming people at your command, but he was caught and thrown into the sea. I remember he was off Lisbon?"

At that time, the Ming people called all the people of the mission to see how they threw the canary into the sea.

Doc looked at Abel gloomily and said, "don\'t talk about this. It\'s for everyone\'s good."

"Ming people didn\'t catch turtles and didn\'t drink, but they didn\'t get sick. How did this happen?"

Doc shook his head to show that he didn\'t understand, and Abel was a marine idiot. Recently, he began to make up lessons with the people in the mission.

Henry said, "the biggest enemy of navigation is disease. If you can know the medicine and skills of Ming people, I think this discovery will not be inferior to the manufacturing method of Ming people\'s firearms."


Doc\'s eyes flashed greedy and said, "we need to cooperate, but last time it was my man, this time it\'s your man\'s turn."

Henry shook his head and said, "I don\'t want to annoy the messenger. I\'ve seen his eyes. It\'s very dangerous. The person he wants to kill most is me, so my people can\'t go out."

Abel frowned and said, "then my people can\'t go out."

The three were silent for a while. Henry said, "when we get to the place of Ming people, we have more opportunities."

But we all know that when we get to Ming people, unless there is no way to go, the three families will separate and seek benefits by luck.

"Shut up!"

Outside came the sound of kicking the door. Henry said helplessly, "well, it seems that our friends are a little uneasy."

At this time, the ship moved. Doc said, "stop the ship. This is the first time to stop the ship for dinner. Pay attention!"

"Our life and death are in their hands. Pray."


Hong Bao drank a few glasses of wine. From the day before yesterday, his eyebrows were jumping. He was flustered.

Just to appease the army, he never showed a different color.

He thought he was dead and might die in the storm ahead.

He smashed the cup on the ground, and Zhang Wang and others smashed it, but what they smashed was the bowl, the Daming bowl that made the Tibetans crazy.

Hong Bao got up and said, "let\'s see those storms again!"

"OK! Follow my father-in-law and be afraid of a bird!"

"Go! Go and have a look."

Everyone walked out of the cabin together, but Hong Bao stood motionless outside, looking dull.

They looked ahead, and countless crew members and sergeants stood on the deck, staring blankly at the front.

Zhang Wang ran a few steps to the right, jumped onto a platform, and then saw the distance.

If someone used to describe the scenery and climate of a place to Zhang Wang, he would feel tired.

Summer in Jinling can make people forget the word. They just want to go back to winter, no matter how cold it is.

But now it\'s the only word in his mind.

"It\'s sunny..."

In the distance, they were still in the cloudy sky before eating. At the moment, the sun was high and the white clouds in the sky stopped moving, as if the time there had stopped.