Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2178

"God bless!"

No one can be calm after seeing the magic of nature.

The fleet almost escaped death again, so everyone was ecstatic.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go!"

The fleet is working hard. We don\'t know how long it can last, so we have more hope as soon as possible.

This was the most desperate and cooperative time of the Daming fleet.

Even those who have gratitude and resentment have abandoned their gratitude and resentment and cooperated with each other.

The so-called sunny weather is relative to the last storm when I passed here.

The fleet lifted its sails and rushed into the beautiful wind and sun.

Hong Bao also had a deep understanding of the word "smooth". After the fleet rushed through crocodile Bay, amid the cheers, Hong Bao ordered him to rush back to Daming with all his strength, and he would have a good rest for a period of time.

It was not until the Chinese new year, which was close to the third year of Xuande, that Hong Bao came out and commanded the fleet to rely on heaven for supplies.

Here they learned a lot of news, such as that Daming killed the two people in Yili.

"Yili is gone. Ha lie is going crazy, meat fan..."

Meat fans and Haley began to attack each other. At first glance, they knew that they were ready to open up the ties between the two countries, not for the east or the West.

"Yes, this place has been in turmoil. I hope Daming can preside over justice for us."

One of the visitors was Xiao Wang of the district. He forced himself to be calm and asked Hong Bao for asylum.

Hong Bao wanted to leave immediately. After hearing the news, he didn\'t go. He sent scouts and asked to find out the latest trends of meat fans and ha lie as quickly as possible.

To this end, Hong Bao has prepared 1000 liang of gold and the only war horses left in the whole fleet.


The scouts came and went like the wind. Three days later, Xiao Wang came again. His eyes twinkled and said a lot of news.

This is for sale, but Hong Bao refused to compromise and directly sent scouts.

So Xiao Wang closed the door, and then looked for someone to send a message in fear, but he didn\'t get a response.

One betrayal, never believe it!

This sentence applies in many areas.

The scouts returned on the fifth day, missing three people.

"Father in law, the Frankish mission really went to Daming. They have passed through this area."

Hong Bao didn\'t care about the news. The scouts continued: "the Hari people and Rou charming have formed an alliance. They are dividing their territory. People in this area are panic."


Hong Bao is already satisfied. He thinks the news is more expensive than gold.

"We\'ll leave now!"


——Grandpa, the academy is very good. Everyone, including the two children of my uncle\'s family, is treated equally. The only advantage they have more than me is that they can go home every day.

I went to my uncle\'s house and was invited by Tudou and Ping\'an.

My uncle\'s house looked ordinary. My aunt was very kind and gave me many clothes and utensils.

Worry free and bead like fun. She likes to run around with two big dogs. Grandpa, uncle\'s house is very fun. No wonder Zhuzhu doesn\'t want to go home.

The food in the academy is good, better than at home

You can learn a lot here, and you have to make things yourself. This is to apply what you have learned.

Grandpa, uncle is great.


Fang Xing also felt very powerful. He actually repaired the toy car damaged by his daughter.

"Girl! Don\'t be so fierce in the future. Your father makes me dizzy!"

Fang Xing was talking while installing the shell with a screwdriver.

He felt that he was old. Even in his previous life, he should still be singing and drinking at night, but when he saw the big eyes around him, he still felt that he was old.

Big eyes flashed and carefree worshipped, "Dad, you\'re so powerful!"

Well, Fang Xing felt that the feeling of aging dissipated in an instant. He gave the toy car to worry free, then touched her head with the back of his hand and said with a smile, "go play."

Worry free cheered and ran out with the car. When she ran to the door, she stopped, turned back and asked, "Dad, when will Zhuzhu still come to our house?"

Fang woke up and said, "when spring comes and the field is busy, we\'ll take Zhuzhu to live for a while."


Carefree ran away happily. Fang woke up and frowned: "what\'s the dodgy?"

Potato dawdled in and said after saluting, "Dad, I beat someone today."

Fang Xing\'s eyelids jumped, then smiled and said, "why did you hit someone?"

He refused to say, "I know you are a sensible child, and there must be a reason for beating people," but he also restrained his anger.

Tudou glanced at him, remembered the analysis with Ping\'an who was hiding outside the door, and said, "Dad, the freshman scolded brother mu, and then Ping\'an and I said to him, he scolded all the time and threatened to do it, and then..."

Fang Xing resisted the impulse to cover his forehead and said kindly, "didn\'t you tell the teacher?"

Potato hesitated, shook his head and said, "no, Dad, we\'re wrong."

Fang Xing is the head of the mountain. He has some ways to investigate today\'s affairs, so being frank and lenient and striving for sympathy is the plan he negotiated with Ping\'an.

At first they wanted to plead with their sister, but they ran too fast when worry free went out just now. They didn\'t dare to stop her, so they became a hall.

"Come in!"

Fang Xing finally couldn\'t help covering his forehead. Then when peace outside the door came in, he said, "it\'s good for you to vent your anger for your cousin, but you broke the ban in the academy after all. No one can help you. Take the punishment!"

Tudou breathed a sigh of relief, saluted with Ping\'an, and then returned to the academy to receive punishment.

"What\'s going on?"

After they left, Fang woke up and asked someone to ask. The result was a little fun.

Fang Mu is a freshman, but he didn\'t say his identity, but the strange trend of being close to the two brothers Tudou still makes some people speculate.

Some people say this man is flattering and trying to climb high.

But some people, many people guessed that he was a relative of the Fang family according to his surname, so there were fewer people who provoked him. At least he didn\'t get the power stick given by the old student to the new student several times.

The so-called power killing stick mostly means cleaning the toilet, cleaning and carrying experimental equipment. Most people will think it doesn\'t matter.

But after all, someone couldn\'t stand it, and then struggled. It was not suppressed, but there were few friends.

Seeing that Fang Mu and Fang Xing\'s two sons were close, the man immediately felt wronged. He thought, can the Academy flatter? Just yell and scold.

"The young master advised a few words. Later, when he saw his fierce scolding, he wanted to stop it. It was useless. The new student\'s words involved you, so the young master couldn\'t help moving his hand."

"What are the consequences?"

Fang Xing was not angry, but some of my family felt that their son had just grown up and sighed. He also had a fight when he was a child. Later, he recalled that the reason was too funny, but he was very angry at that time.

"The new student has nosebleed and the bridge of his nose is not broken. The young master has left his hand, otherwise it must be more than this."

The martial arts master of the two brothers Tudou is Xin Laoqi. If you really want to do it, you\'ll probably break a bone.

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "keep an eye on the new student... No, Mr. Xie must have stepped in and eliminated his hostility."

Xie Jin\'s disposal method is very simple - business!

Potatoes and Ping An were punished for helping the freshman cook for half a month, and they had to take the initiative to clean the classroom for half a month. It\'s really surprising.

That\'s the son of Xinghe Bo in the current Dynasty and the two future uncles! I was punished like this. I dare not fart.

Therefore, the discipline of the academy is very tight, and no one dares to offend.