Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2176

Fang Mu was a little nervous. After arriving at the Academy, he remembered Fang Hongzhong\'s explanation. Instead of looking for relatives in fangjiazhuang, he honestly cleaned the Academy.

After a general cleaning of the whole academy, it ushered in the opening day.

Get up before dawn and do exercises.

Fang Mu heard many rumors on the first day of entering the Academy. For example, xinghebo\'s two sons were in the Academy.

During the exercise, Fang Mu saw the legendary two cousins.

Potatoes are very serious and meticulous.

Ping An is very mediocre. It won\'t give more effort or discount.

One is serious, the other seems tired and lazy.

Are these the two sons of the uncle\'s family?

Running exercises is the torment of freshmen. After only half a lap, Fang Mu saw a freshman bend down and flash to the side.

Fang Mu ran past him, listening to him panting like a bellows, sweating all over his head and staring blankly.


A teacher came over with a bamboo stick, slapped the freshman\'s ass, screamed repeatedly, and then followed up the team and ran forward.

This is just the beginning. There are new students who can\'t run, and then they are beaten back.

Finally, a new student lay on the ground, panting like a beast. He said, "I can\'t run! I can\'t run if I\'m killed."

A teacher looked over and saw that his breathing frequency had been connected. He blushed like a monkey\'s ass, and his body was half wet with sweat. Then he turned back and said, "fall one and give him a rest."

An old student came and put the new student to the side, and then urged him to move around.

"Yes, clench your hands, tighten your body, hold your breath, hold it, hold it..."

One by one, the freshmen were defeated. They were embarrassed like dogs. They were put aside for review. If there was no problem, they were forced to move around, and then they increased their strength and endurance according to the method taught by Fang Xing in those years.

Fang Mu\'s family is poor. He has been working since he was a child, so he can stick to it.

Most freshmen have persisted until now, and someone nearby is giving them loud encouragement.

"This year\'s new students are really powerful. The old students have been pulled into dogs! Tongue sticking dogs!"

"Come on, as long as you can run faster than the old man, there are good dishes for breakfast, large pieces of meat, eggs and milk..."

Many freshmen have good physical quality and are gritting their teeth to catch up with the old students in front. The old student naturally didn\'t want to lose face, so he began to speed up.

So the team of morning exercises began to be scattered, pulled and pulled, full of people.


Xie Jin asked LV Changbo.

LV Changbo shook his head and said, "it depends on perseverance. You can\'t see it in a day or two, at least for a month. At that time, there will be no hiding place for these freshmen."

When Xie Jin saw that another freshman stumbled out and fell to the side, he sighed, "there is no strength to bind a chicken. What can such a student do when he leaves the academy? He can\'t do anything."

"Go back!"

At this time, after the inspection of the supervised old student, he drank and scolded the new student. Xie Jin wondered and went over with LV Changbo.

"I can\'t run!"

The new student was panting and sweating a lot on his face.

The supervisor kicked him and said, "we\'ve all come here like this. Who doesn\'t know what it\'s like to be unable to run? Get out of here."

The freshman Wu freely didn\'t admit it. After Xie Jin came over and listened to the old student\'s explanation, he frowned, looked at the freshman still sitting on the ground and said, "I\'m Xie Jin..."


Xie Jin was puzzled and looked at the new student. He also climbed up and ran forward. LV Changbo smiled and said, "Mr. Xie, your name scared him. The little guy is afraid of being scolded by you!"

Xie Jin said with some complacency: "that old man has played another role, but he has not lived up to Dehua\'s great trust. Is Dehua too proud? Most of the court will have some discussion, which is bad for the heavenly family father and son after all."

LV Changbo didn\'t understand this, but said an idea: "those people dare not? Your highness is the eldest son. Who can take his crown prince?"

Xie Jin saw the supervised students running ahead. After pressing the speed, the old students converged.

"I\'m not sure! After all, I\'ve made... Fortunately, Emperor Wen has made rules. If he doesn\'t like the prince anymore, he won\'t be abolished."


Xie Jin feels that the emperor is too affectionate now. He dotes on a sun family. He has been doting since he was a child. He is really infatuated.

The reason why the national capital is still in doubt is that the sun\'s stomach is big again. Who knows what she will give birth to?

When corn was born that year, it was auspicious and shocked the whole capital.

This is the greatest strength to support the corn party.

If other princes want to compete, come to the auspicious response of heaven and earth first, otherwise you are ordinary people, you\'d better come and go.

LV Changbo whispered, "Mr. Xie, your highness should be here soon? Is it..."

Xie Jin looked at those embarrassed freshmen and said, "don\'t worry, just be what you want."

When morning exercises were over, most of the freshmen lay on the ground panting.

Then a group of cavalry rushed in and lined up on both sides of the gate.

In the morning light, the Armored Cavalry looked at the forest. The students immediately got up and asked in panic.

"What is this? Is it to catch people?"

"Line up..."

The teacher on duty ran to the front and shouted loudly. The old students were kicking and beating the freshmen back.

The queue slowly formed, filled with gasps, and everyone was looking at the gate.

Gradually, the gasp went down and dissipated.

But there was still no movement at the gate. Even the teachers were muttering.

Fang Xing went to pick up the prince himself. Could there be any accident?

Just outside the gate, several mammies and eunuchs surrounded the carriage.

The crying in the carriage stopped, and there were some sobs.


Fang woke up with a black face and drove away the people. He approached and asked, "Your Highness, did you pee?"

Inside came the voice of Yi\'an: "xinghebo, it\'s already good."

Fang woke up and found that he used spoken English. He looked around. Fortunately, when the corn began to cry, those people hid away.

The corn inside is no longer noisy. You can hear his clicking voice, mostly sucking.

"Your Highness arrived..."

The carriage drove slowly into the gate. The Royal Highness in the carriage was suckling, and the freshmen on the playground were stunned.

"Your Highness? Who?"

The old students all stood up straight, and no one made a sound.

The hum of the new couple was particularly harsh. An old student on duty rushed in with a wooden stick, whipped and shouted, "didn\'t you hear the call to shut up? What a fool! If you can\'t hear it, call!"

So the playground was quiet until the carriage stopped at the side.

The ceremony began.

Fang Xing\'s speech, teacher\'s representative\'s speech, old students\' speech, new students\' speech

Fang Mu is listening below. Listen carefully.

He saw his cousin Fang wake up and speak calmly, and the people below are listening carefully.

He saw an old man talking, first threatening, then encouraging.


At the end of the school opening ceremony, it is said that the carriage of the eldest son of the emperor left slowly, and the cavalry were powerful and escorted all the way. “”

The freshmen looked at the old student with stars in their eyes.

The old students tried to pretend they didn\'t care, and then said the grand occasion of his Majesty\'s visit to the school opening ceremony in previous years.

Spring comes quietly. The young men are like spring, which brings fresh breath to Zhixing Academy