Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2175

"There are a lot of students here, Dehua. When will you come down and talk? Let\'s start school!"

Xie Jin stood by the window and looked at more than 200 students doing exercises on the playground. He couldn\'t help asking with complacency.

Fang Xing is reading the latest textbook, Confucianism.

Scientific teaching materials are no longer his concern. Naturally, masu took the time to organize those teachers to discuss.

He dropped the textbook and said with a sad face, "Mr. Xie, your majesty can\'t show up now!"

Xie Jin wanted to get angry. Finally, he read the sound Buddha and said, "well, no one is making trouble this time. We\'ll make less trouble, but if we don\'t have your majesty, you\'ll stay away from the Academy more and more."

Knowing what he meant, Fang woke up and said, "I\'ll go to him to discuss it. I\'ll have to put the Academy in the name of the royal family. Everyone will be fine in the future."

Xie Jin nodded and said, "yes, everyone is good."

The Academy cannot be a private academy, otherwise even if Zhu Zhanji does not speak and is not afraid, those civil servants will naturally take the opportunity to attack.

Fang wakes up and goes to the palace. Zhu Zhanji is dealing with political affairs. Fang wakes up and doesn\'t shy away from those civil servants. He directly says, "Your Majesty, the academy is about to start. Someone has to go and see it?"

This man is really magnanimous!

Yang Pu looked at Fang Xing and thought about whether Fang Xing was magnanimous or confident.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the officials and knew that he was not suitable to go in person. He thought about it and thought of a way.

"Why don\'t you... There aren\'t many things tomorrow. How about going to have a look together?"

The officials changed their faces one after another, thinking that it would be good if we didn\'t trip up, but we had to go to the academy to support the bad feet. Do you think Daming\'s important officials are worthless?

When a man is angry, he becomes bold.

A voice suddenly stunned everyone: "Your Majesty, the Imperial College didn\'t have such a big battle at the beginning of school!"

These words made Zhu Zhanji find that he subconsciously biased towards Zhixing academy, but he couldn\'t take back what he said.

When he was about to press down, Fang Xing said, "Your Majesty, I think... Your highness in the Palace should go out to see the scenery outside."

what the fuck!

Jin Youzi stared at Fang Xing and scolded her shamelessly.

How big is the corn? He knows a fart. He can\'t even recognize it!

But under Zhu Di\'s leadership, the prince\'s leaving the palace is not a major event. Zhu Zhanji often leaves the palace himself.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Corn out of the palace to the school site is the first contact with the outside world, which is of great significance.

And a more significant layer of significance is somewhat frightening.

In the past, the opening ceremony of Zhixing Academy was mostly the grandson of the emperor at that time, and later the crown prince Zhu Zhanji went.

Now that the corn has gone, what does that mean?

The ministers looked at Fang Xing and thought that this man would become the teacher of the little prince, otherwise he wouldn\'t bother so much.

But the emperor was in his prime of life. When you wake up, raise the prince

But the figure of Zhu gaochi immediately appeared in these people\'s minds.

Zhu gaochi began to supervise the country very early, but he was not young when he succeeded to the throne.

The prince is still a baby, even if he can succeed in 30 years!

The emperor\'s body looks good, so there is no fear to see the world at this time.

It\'s really crafty!

Zhu Zhanji looked strange, thinking about the corn that made the Kunning palace restless last night, and then said, "OK."

He believes Fang Xing will take good care of his future students, but if corn cries

"What, what ceremony are you going to attend?"

The emperor\'s orders reached the Kunning palace. Hu Shanxiang almost thought the emperor wanted to kill his son.

"The corn is still small. If you go out to catch a cold, you will get sick."

She was holding the muttering corn like a female animal protecting her calf. Even if Zhu Zhanji came, she couldn\'t want her to compromise.

No children have ever attended any ceremony.

In Hu Shanxiang\'s impression, only those subjugated kings were pulled out as puppets when they were very young.

But corn is not!

Yu Jia didn\'t expect Hu Shanxiang to react like this. He warned and looked at the two eunuchs who came with him, and then said, "madam, it\'s Zhixing Academy. When your Majesty was still crown prince TAISUN, he went to school every year."

It\'s Hu Shanxiang\'s turn to be embarrassed.

The emperor valued corn so much and asked him to do what the future prince could do, but she thought it was harming her children.

So in the early morning of the next day, corn was dressed up. Yu Jia, who came to urge, didn\'t remind him.

Corn can\'t appear like this, that is, to be a sign in the carriage, so that those teachers and students can know the royal family\'s importance to the Academy.

The corn was waited on to pee, then had breakfast, burped, dropped his food and was carried out.

The nanny was more worried than Hu Shanxiang. As she put on her clothes, she said, "Your Highness is still young. It\'s not cold outside. There\'s evil!"

Hu Shanxiang was not worried. She said, "you Xing and Bo are here. You don\'t dare to approach any evil."

The nanny was stunned and murmured, "madam, is the teacher going to start teaching students?"

Hu Shanxiang said happily, "yes! Your majesty promised."

She looked forward to the gradual growth of corn, then married and had children, and then took over this huge empire and ruled the world.

She had been looking forward to it and had forgotten that if corn wanted to reign in the world, she had to be a widow first.

In his mother\'s vision, the emperor\'s eldest son was held and surrounded in the palace.

As Hu Shanxiang\'s most trusted person, Yi\'an followed closely.

All the people I met along the way bowed down and dodged, and then became very curious.

After the corn came out of the palace, the news came out of the palace.

——The eldest son of the emperor goes to attend the opening ceremony of Zhixing academy!

The bodyguards mounted and watched in awe as the two wet nurses and corn got into the carriage, followed by another carriage with a small toilet and a small night pot, as well as several eunuchs and Mammy.

Aon got on the carriage of corn, nodded to the following moon, and then said, "OK."

The leading general was about to give orders, but a team of cavalry came ahead.

"I\'ve seen uncle."

It was Fang Xing who came. He personally came to meet corn. This posture is very sufficient. As corn who left the palace for the first time, this moment will be constantly mentioned in the future.

When the emperor left the palace, Xing and Bo didn\'t come to pick him up!

Yi\'an poked her head out of the carriage and said, "thank you, Xing and Bo."

She said thanks on behalf of corn, and Fang woke up and nodded slightly.

Today, he was dressed in a green shirt. The meaning was more obvious. When sun learned that, he was afraid that he would stab him.

He nodded slightly and said, "Your Highness, please leave!"

The motorcade then moved slowly and gradually went away, but Fang woke up, but the courtesy to corn just now was shocking.

This is the declaration of chiguoguo: Your Highness is the future prince!