Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2174

Time passed quickly. When the third year of Xuande came, the north and South Zhixing academies began to recruit students.

Some people panic, some hate.

People everywhere signed up, and the Academy even sent teachers and students to more places to recruit.

The quota will be broken down, the on-site examination will be conducted, and the results will be given every other day.

Zhuozhou has an enrollment point.

Early in the morning, Fang Mu washed and had breakfast, and then Fang Hongzhong called him to lecture.

Fang Hongzhong was dressed in a green shirt and looked much better.

Zhuozhou was woken up by Fang, and the fame of the Fang family in Zhuozhou rose at once.

No one dared to mention Fang mouse in the past. There were many more guests, either nostalgic or matchmaker.

Fang Yin has already reached the age of matchmaking. It\'s just that the Fang family was unlucky in the past and no one could see it.

Now Fang Yin has long become the first king in Zhuozhou. Even officials entrusted matchmakers to speak.

This is normal, but a matchmaker came to Fang Hongzhong, an old widower, and he was ashamed. He drank and scolded the matchmaker.

"Take a good test. You are the only child in our family. Your uncle said that when you arrive in Peiping, you should honestly live in the Academy. You can practice every morning and study during the day. When you are on vacation, you can go to the city with your classmates, or go to the Fang\'s house nearby to find potatoes and play with them..."

Fang Mu was a little uneasy. Fang Xing gave him a lot of books. He even personally pointed out his basic knowledge and had "secrets", but he was still uneasy.

Now the children of the Fang family don\'t have to worry about being beaten when they go out, but Fang Zhuo personally sent Fang Mu to the place of the exam.


The recruitment point is an inn under the bag. The waiter and the shopkeeper play the role of busboy, which is also in good order.

Fang Mu was not given preferential treatment. Xie Zhenliang, who presided over the enrollment of Zhuozhou, didn\'t even know him.

In the lobby, the candidates sat down one by one, and some students came down and handed out the test papers.

"Finish it in half an hour and roll it up at that time."

Xie Zhenliang felt that Fang Xing was retaliating, so he listed Zhuozhou, which could have rushed to the capital for the exam, in the enrollment point.

He looked at the examinees of different ages and said, "the last warning is that it doesn\'t matter if you fail in the exam this time. Come again next time. If you are caught cheating, you won\'t have any connection with the Academy in your life. Well, start doing the questions!"

Fang Mu had no confidence at all. He spread out the test paper, carefully reviewed the questions, and then

The more he looked, the more surprised he was. He couldn\'t help laughing.

"Be quiet!"

Xie Zhenliang stared at Fang Mu and said, "go out after three warnings."

Fang Mu quickly restrained his mind, and then took out the brush. The ink was provided by the examination center. If it was to solidify, add water to dilute it.

Just a little more than a quarter of an hour, Fang Mu finished the exam. He checked carefully and found a mistake. Suddenly he was sweating.

After he checked it three times, he looked around proudly, but saw that three candidates were already looking at the front calmly.


Fang Mu didn\'t know that the reputation of science had been pulled up by Fang Xing\'s step-by-step measures. The previous strategy of taking as long as it was a person had changed.

Not to mention the Ministry of work, now the people\'s attitude towards science has undergone a fundamental change, a palpitating change.

Half an hour later, a student came down to collect the test paper, and then Xie Zhenliang said, "when you open the city gate tomorrow morning, the final result will be posted inside the city gate. Those who are admitted remember to come to the inn to sign up immediately."

Fang Mu went out and saw his father Fang Zhuo. He was going to report the good news, but he heard the two candidates who had finished the test paper first speak behind him.

"Shi Sui, last year you said that you could be a scholar in the exam. What do you mean by coming here today?"

"He Xin, what about you? Your family has said in recent years that they expect you to be famous in the future, but you abandoned the imperial examination and came here."

These two people are smart people. They are well-known in the Confucian circle of Zhuozhou City. At the moment, when they talk, all those candidates don\'t go.

This is a ready-made example!

Xie Zhenliang\'s heart moved slightly. While sorting out the test papers with the students, he secretly listened to the movement here.

Shi Sui smiled. He was young, but he had an excellent demeanor. He arched his hands and said, "some things in my family have encountered difficulties before, and then they were solved by scientific principles. Therefore, I have greatly changed science since then, and am willing to study deeply."

What\'s the reason?

Others speculated that the Shi Sui family mostly had a business. Later, they made a lot of money by applying the principles of science.

This is the practical school!

Xie Zhenliang secretly kept it in mind and was ready to collect some information in this regard in the future to see the real status of science among the people.

Then He Xin nodded and said, "that\'s it. I heard that your house was noisy for a while last year, and then it subsided. Congratulations."

Shi then bowed his hands and asked, "what about you?"

He Xin said with a smile: "in the past, my family was not allowed to mention science. Later, it became more relaxed. When I was older, I could read science books at home at will. This is not... I read them at a glance and want to know more."

This is not only enlightened, but also a proof of the promotion of Science in the civil society.

Xie Zhenliang smiled, and the students were also happy.


The next morning, the enrollment results were posted at the gate.

"Zhuozhou enrolled five students, Shi sui..."

Shi Sui had come and stood outside with He Xin.

He nodded and said confidently, "I never thought the exam was a problem."

He Xin said with the same confidence: "that\'s right. I heard that the problems in the academy are simple. Everyone is just less wrong than anyone else."

"He Xin..."

He Xin heard his name. He smiled and said to Shi Sui, "together?"

Shi Sui smiled and said, "of course, let\'s go to the capital together."

"Fang Mu..."

"I\'m here!"

Fang Mu jumped high and said happily, "I passed the exam! I passed the exam!"

Everyone sees him as a child, just a kind smile.

The name was learned for the first time. Fang Mu only felt that he wanted to talk to someone. He looked around and finally found the two people who were preparing to break up.

"Two brothers, shall we go to Beijing together?"

No city, no background!

Shi Sui and He Xin frown at Fang Mu and want to refuse. So many people look at it, they can\'t do it.

If they don\'t refuse, they feel like skylarks in the sky. It\'s really hard to make a family with grass chickens on the ground.

Shi Sui moved in his heart and asked, "Fang family... Does your family have anything to do with Xinghe Bo?"

Hongzhong told him that he was not allowed to talk about Fang Xing, so Fang Mu shook his head and said, "it\'s not the same family."

They relaxed for a while, then arched their hands and reluctantly agreed.

So the three made a group, and the other two made a group. After a few days, they went to Peiping.

All the way outside Beiping, there was a notice, under which stood several students.

"But the students who come to register? We are students of Zhixing Academy."

"Yes, we are students in Zhuozhou. We have met several senior brothers."

Seeing that the students of those academies were calm and generous, Fang Mu couldn\'t help admiring them and looked forward to the Academy even more.

A student said enthusiastically, "you\'ve worked hard and no adults follow. You\'ve got the first point."

First point?

When the three were confused, Shi then asked, "elder martial brother, what\'s the score?"

The student took them to the academy and said, "since you came to Peiping, the Academy will give you scores as grades. They will be calculated at the end of the term. Those who fail will be kept in grade..."