Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2173

Personal grudges!

If someone else said this, Xin Jian would probably only sneer.

But it was masu who said this. Fang Xing\'s disciple was almost half a son!

That\'s almost what Fang Xing said himself.

Personal grudges!

Everyone knows Fang\'s generous name.

Can go to just gratitude and resentment, government or something.

And now it\'s the Revenge of killing my father!

It\'s dog blood, but it\'s realistic.

Xin Jian didn\'t expect Ma Su to know about it. He hissed, "that\'s nonsense! Fang Xing has nothing to do in order to murder our official!"

Yeah! What about the evidence?

You dare to attack court officials without evidence. This is the most arrogant honor since the founding of the Ming Dynasty!

Masu said in the focus of all kinds of eyes: "Lord Xin, if so, you can go to the palace and ask your majesty for help."

Jian Yi instantly forgot the humiliation Fang Xing brought to the official department, and his eyes were more colorful.

This is a young man who is implicit and can always catch the focus of the problem in the trouble. It\'s rare!

But the young man was Fang Xing\'s disciple, which made Jian Yi only smile bitterly.

Xin Jian seemed to have been shut up and had nothing to say.

If you think Fang Xing is fooling you for no reason, then you go to the palace and ask the emperor for help!

According to everyone\'s view, so far, the emperor can\'t run away. Then Fang Xing can\'t get his support no matter how he is favored.

Countless eyes focused on Xin Jian. As long as he drank loudly and immediately entered the palace, these officials of the Ministry of officials were ready to accompany him to kowtow to the que.

But Xin Jian stared at the ground as if there were tens of millions of wealth there.

He had a lot of slanders from the other party, so Ma Su was very unforgiving and said, "the teacher has caught Yang er. Yang Er spits out the truth. The old man was falsely accused because he blocked the way of some people. This is real evidence. Therefore, if someone dares to slander the teacher again, the lower official must argue with him."

Xin Jian was frightened and wanted to scold, but Ma Su stared at him coldly. He had the intention to make this matter in front of the Emperor today.

If it comes to the front of the imperial court, according to Zhu Zhanji\'s previous rules, Xin Jian can\'t escape his family\'s exile.

He is willing to exile, but he and Fang Xingxing are enemies of killing his father. Even if it is exile, Fang Xingxing will not stop until he is tortured to death.

So he didn\'t dare to go to the front of the imperial court. He just wanted to add some psychological pressure to Fang Xing and get some public opinion by the way. Only then did he dare to scold.

Ma Su\'s words directly bankrupt his plan. No matter how shameless the officials of the Ministry of officials were, after seeing Xin Jian\'s reaction, they almost confirmed that this man had falsely accused Fang Hongjian.

Thinking of Fang Xing\'s experience in those years, if he didn\'t wake up, he probably died in Xin Jian\'s hands.

Cruel and cruel!

Seeing these eyes, Xin Jian suddenly turned gray. He tried to refute the explanation, but he couldn\'t start at the moment.

The key is that Jian Yi hasn\'t come out. What does that mean?

You play, I won\'t get involved in this!

Xin Jian looked at Ma Su, narrowed his eyes and said, "Your Majesty is hard and doesn\'t have enough rest every day. Ma Su, what do you mean?"

Ma Su didn\'t see the problem of finding fault at all, but said faintly: "Lord Xin, be fair and free in the people\'s heart, think about Dong Yan!"

Dong Yan, who avenged his mother, the origin of Cixi

Although it is not the Han Dynasty now, according to the emperor\'s faith in xinghebo and his contempt for people like Xin Jian, as long as he doesn\'t die, Fang Xingzhen can do it at will.

But in this case, it\'s better to die than to live!

Masu nodded slightly, then looked around, turned and entered the duty room.


The sound of closing the door was not loud, but it was particularly clear.

Those officials who watched looked at each other. A small official was probably tossed by Xin Jian and said, "it\'s tacit agreement to not speak. This matter needs blood. We can\'t be fools. Let\'s go!"

"Go back to work!"

"Hurry back, the test result this year is far from good! If you can\'t get out at the end of the year, you\'ll have to clean it up!"

At the end of the year, the Ministry of officials and the Ministry of household became busier. Therefore, when they heard this, those officials turned around and went back.

"My Lord!"

Someone saw Jian Yi standing inside. When Xin Jian looked at it, there was no trace.

Dead end!

Those officials preset the results for Xin Jian in their hearts, and then went back with sobs.

Jian Yi sat in the duty room for a long time, and then quietly went out of the official department.

When Fang Xing learned that Jian Yi was visiting, he said with some displeasure, "please invite him in. No, let Huang Zhong pick it up."

Jian Yi is not Liu Guan. If he turns against Liu Guan, let alone welcome, Fang Xing will only let the dog go.

When Jian Yi came, Fang Xing was already waiting outside the study. Even if it is outside the study, it can be regarded as a good treatment.

They sat down separately, and someone served tea.

Jian Yi didn\'t come to drink tea, but he was a little anxious all the way, so he took care of himself to pick up the tea cup, blew it slowly, and then drank a few mouthfuls.

Fang woke up and looked outside. The cold wind blew in. He didn\'t ask anyone to close the door.


Jian Yi visits in broad daylight instead of writing a letter, which is magnanimous.

"What do you want?"

Jian Yi put down his tea cup and asked, looking indifferent, but frowning in the middle of his eyebrows.

The cold wind made the lower part of the robe swing slightly, and the right foot moved slightly. He looked at the vamp and asked, "who is Lord Jian coming for?"

Jian Yi\'s beard was gray, turned sideways and woke up and said, "you know."

Fang Xing looked at him sideways and said, "yes."

Jian Yi said seriously, "give him a result. No matter what it is, I won\'t interfere."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "my father died at his hands, so he can choose how he wants to die, not Fang."

Cats play mice!

Fang Xing\'s meaning is obvious, that is, he gradually forces Xin Jian to finally let him choose the final road.

Jian Yi got up and said, "well, I will naturally try, but Xinghe Bo, the potential can\'t be used up!"

Fang woke up and arched his hands and said, "if it weren\'t for the dead father, Fang wouldn\'t be so."

The Revenge of killing my father, that\'s a dead man!

Jian Yi said goodbye with a bitter smile.

After returning to the official department, he called Xin Jian.

But for a long time, Xin Jian looked like a brave green skin with a rogue look on his face.

"Go home and settle down your family, and then find a way."

Xin Jian was soft in an instant.

Without Jian Yi\'s protection, he is the candle in the wind, and Fang Xing is the wind.


Xin Jian is dead.

"He\'s dead?"

Fang Xing was disappointed and skeptical.

He wondered if someone was secretly making him unhappy.

Yes, there are two things he can do for that father.

One is to avenge him.

Second, let the Fang family have the future!

"Sir, Xin Jian hanged himself outside his door last night. He was dressed in white and wrote on his clothes about the false accusation against the old master..."


Fang Xing didn\'t expect Xin Jian to be so single. No, he was so bold.

Jian Yi immediately sent someone to say: Xin Jian admitted what happened that year, and Fang hung Chien completely cleared the charge, so the matter is over.

The key is that the voice of the Ministry of officials against the expansion of the Academy was much less.

"Teacher, Mr. Jian is much older."

Ma Su came back and objectively said the current situation of the Ministry of officials.

Jian Yi left a lot of political affairs to Guo Yu. At the same time, he wrote a memorial to ask Zhu Zhanji to fill in Xin Jian\'s gap.

As a result, it was obvious that Guo Xuan had the greatest benefit, while Jian Yi was a little depressed.