Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2172

If it is said that cleaning up the gentry\'s tax exemption is to cut off the scholar\'s sense of superiority and the greatest benefit, then science is digging its roots,

"In fact, they are digging roots."

The news spread all over Peiping City, and the assistant political scholars naturally knew it.

Jin Youzi Muran, who was most opposed to science in the past, said: "reading is no good. How many people read? There was no choice before, but now there is science. What can I do?"

Yang Rong also said, "sooner or later, don\'t make a fuss."

Yang Pu whispered, "he endured it for more than ten years and has not expanded until now. What is he waiting for?"

He looked at the people, and there was a flicker in his eyes. He said, "what is this? No matter what you think, I feel cold on my back!"

Yang rongmu ran, he didn\'t swing and knew what to do.

Yang Shiqi was not satisfied with his words and said, "didn\'t he say that the enrollment of the Academy was only 50 people? In recent years, hundreds of students have come out of the academy and scattered all over the Ming Dynasty, which is still insufficient?"

Huang Huai shook his head and said, "Shi Qi has said that."

Huang Huai showed his responsibility, and Jin Youzi was not weak.

"This is the beginning. After all, he couldn\'t help but start."

No one answered Yang Pu\'s question. He had to say his own calculation: "he is waiting for the capital investigation court to become an ally!"

After that, he looked at everyone again, but he saw something strange.

Yang Rong got up, shook his head and went out.

Jin Youzi explained: "Liu Guan is not clean, as we all know. If Fang Xing wants to, his majesty will cooperate and can hold Liu Guan at any time."

He didn\'t blame, but Yang Pu still felt hot on his face.

Jin Youzi is the most determined anti Fang Xing and anti science cadre. He feels that Fang Xing is not waiting for this, so it must not be.

The people who know you best are almost your opponents!

Yang Puna got up and went out to find Yang Rong walking outside.

"It\'s not easy, but we can\'t stop it. Otherwise, if the Tao is different, we will do it and lose face. But if we do it, who can be better than them?"

Yang Rong doesn\'t know where Yang Pu\'s hostility comes from, but he won\'t pay anything for his potential opponent. It\'s only because he is the first auxiliary.

He glanced at Yang Pu and finally warned: "don\'t think about moving those careful thoughts. It doesn\'t do much good to be the enemy of Fang Xing."


Yang Pu said only one word, and he had more awe inspiring meaning.

Yang Rong sighed, looked at the imperial city bathed in the cold winter and said, "the same and different are all lies. After watching it for a long time, I think we are too complacent. If we are strong, what science is it? Is that the truth?"

He looked at Yang Pu, but only saw Mu ran. He sighed in his heart and refused to speak again.


"Shock? Big shock or small shock?"

The emperor suddenly made a joke and almost scared a eunuch who changed tea out.

Yu Jia was also stunned for a while, and then said, "among the several bachelors, Yang Pu is the most fierce."


Zhu Zhanji had already had psychological preparation and asked easily.

"The Ministry of household is still motionless. Many people in the Ministry of rites are shouting and scolding, and some even say they want to take xinghebo\'s head..."

He stole a glance at Zhu Zhanji. Seeing that the emperor was only smiling, he continued: "Zhang Ben of the Ministry of war scolded a lot of people. He said that he was afraid of others. They were all a group of waste people waiting to die, and then the Ministry of war stopped."

"The Ministry of punishment and the Ministry of work didn\'t scold much, especially the Ministry of work. Some people cheered and said they wanted their nephew to sign up..."

Zhu Zhanji nodded slightly. The work department is highly professional. The scholars assigned to it, including those scholars, have to start from scratch, otherwise you can\'t do anything at all.

So there, science receives the least opposition and almost welcome.

"Official department..."


"Wake up, if you can, you\'ll kill me!"

"Fang hung Chien\'s own involvement has nothing to do with my official. You start with my official by relying on your power. I want to see how the mottled history books will be written in a hundred years!"

Masu\'s duty room opened just now, but Xin Jian, who was yelling, didn\'t come in.

If you don\'t come in, I\'ll go out!

Why did Xin Jian choose to yell here? Don\'t you just want Ma Su to pass these cries to Fang Xing\'s ears?

Then Fang Xing will probably be angry and start directly, so public opinion will come to Xin Jian\'s side.

At least Fang Xing has no evidence!

"Where is the evidence?"

Xin Jian stared at Ma Su with a faint look and shouted, "if you don\'t have evidence, you dare to lay a black hand on me. What\'s this? Is this still Daming?"

He turned around, looked up, stretched his hands into the air and shouted: "emperor Taizu, Emperor Gao, Emperor Wen, Emperor Ren... God, come out and have a look, see how these upstarts humiliate the old ministers! See how they kill the old ministers..."

Masu looked coldly. The officials of the Ministry who were silently watching were looking at the crazy Xin Jian, and many people showed sympathy.

So he spoke.

"Sorry, Mr. Xin, the teacher is also an old minister."

Masu is more like a nail in the official department, and the emperor is a nail in the official department.

The nail didn\'t talk much, and even didn\'t care about anything except his own work, so the officials of the Ministry ignored him.

Until this moment, the dull nail suddenly glittered, and the sharp part was frightening.

Fang Xing has been valued by Emperor Wen since Yongle\'s reign, and even asked his current majesty and then emperor TAISUN to teach him.

He has made numerous military exploits since the reign of Yongle. When he was Emperor Zhiren, he was still reused.

The most incredible thing is that emperor Ren was thinking about him before he died. He only asked xinghebo why he hadn\'t returned.

How many people can have such a letter?

Look through the history books, how many people can have?

This is not an old minister. Who is it?

Are you Xin Jian?

No matter how thick skinned Xin Jian is, he doesn\'t dare to promise, otherwise Ma Su will smoke for nothing.

Xin Jian was already out of his mind. He looked at Ma Su and said, "your teacher murdered court officials and officials of the official department. As a member of the official department, what do you think?"

The surrounding officials were looking at masu.

Fang woke up with a black hand... No, he wanted to kill Xin Jian. This happened around him, and all the officials were terrified.

Jian Yi was in the courtyard door inside. He stood on the side, revealing only half of his body, and looked at Ma Su calmly with complex eyes.

This is the man\'s disciple, the housekeeper!

I\'m young and don\'t change color in front of people.

Jian Yi thought of his tension and uneasiness when he first experienced the big scene. He sighed in his heart and suddenly didn\'t know why he insisted so much.

"Lord Xin, dare to do something. The royal guards in those days..."

Ma Su said coldly, "the old man died of depression after being framed. The teacher said, this is a personal grudge!"