Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2171

Xin Jian ordered outside dishes at noon. As a result, he vomited and diarrhea after eating.

After the doctor came, he pulled a few times in the dish, took a bite, and then firmly said that he was drugged.

It\'s a matter of heaven that Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of officials was drugged!

But Xin Jian said it was probably a mistake. His words were precise and with anxiety, which made everyone a little confused.

When Jian Yi came out, he just frowned, didn\'t calm or angry, but said he wanted to go out.

Everyone has some enlightenment.

Xin Jian, this is annoying!

And this man he can\'t provoke, even Jian Yi is afraid.

No wonder Jianyi will transfer many rights to Guo Yu. It seems that this is mostly the reason.

Die, die!

Xin Jian\'s face was as gray as death, but his face was gray when he came out of the Jian Yi of the official department.

He stood outside and thought for a long time. Many people in the long street bowed their hands and said hello. He just nodded slightly, as if proud.

Finally he turned back.

He felt that he had no position to stop Fang Xing unless he took public channels.

But go public

When he returned to the duty room, Xin Jian came with a pale face.

"My Lord, Fang Xing is trying to kill an official."

Xin Jian gnashed his teeth and said, "Your Majesty believes in him again, but it\'s almost the same as killing people in the street. Sir, do you want to stand aside?"

Jian Yi said expressionless, "think about the origin of Cixi."

Xin Jian was more than ten years old in an instant. The skin on his face collapsed, and Jian Yi was aware of the bad luck on his body.


"Uncle, what is the origin of Cixi?"

The two girls sat in front of Fang Xing, holding their cheeks with both hands and looking for knowledge.

Fang Xing coughed and said, "Cixi, this is about to mention a figure of the former Han Dynasty, named Dong Yan, who served his mother with filial piety, but his old mother was humiliated and scolded by his neighbor surnamed Wang, and went in a few months..."

The two girls were immediately worried and afraid. Fang woke up and smiled, and then said: "Dong Yan didn\'t take revenge at that time. He didn\'t go until his mother surnamed Wang died... Cough! Later, the emperor pardoned him and asked him to be an official, but Dong Yan refused. Later, he came to the local place and changed the name of a stream to Cixi."

The two girls were shocked. Fang woke up and regretted that he had taught them this, so he ordered: "it\'s not much cold. Sit out and play. Remember to take a dog."

Worry free and Zhuzhu got up and went out. They shouted outside. The two big dogs rushed over happily and followed them out.

Xiaobai didn\'t know what Fang Xing meant by telling the story, but Zhang Shuhui couldn\'t be clearer. She whispered, "husband, why don\'t you be more direct."

"You can\'t bear it?"

Fang Xing asked. Seeing that Zhang Shuhui\'s eyes were getting red, he said, "it\'s not that, but that a woman\'s heart is too soft."

Zhang Shuhui felt better and said, "I have to repay my father-in-law\'s revenge. I\'m just worried that if my husband does this, there will be some resentment on your Majesty\'s side."

Fang Xing smiled, patted her hand and said, "don\'t worry, if I really want to kill Xin Jian, no one in the world can stop it. Besides, his majesty won\'t stop it, so... Prepare more gifts to Zhuozhou. Our family has tired them too much these years."

Zhang Shuhui was distracted by him and said, "yes! For more than ten years, Zhuozhou has been frightened. My concubine... Gifts are the same thing. What do husband and Fang Yin do?"

Fang Xing pondered, "those children have been delayed, but... It depends on their own ideas. If they are willing to take the imperial examination, I will keep an eye on their way to take the exam. I\'m sure those people don\'t dare to do anything. If it\'s Science..."

"They are willing to enter the Academy."

Fang woke up and remembered Fang Yin\'s excitement. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "I don\'t know the height of heaven and earth. I think it\'s what young people should do to go against the trend. I won\'t know until I touch a bag in the future."

Zhang Shuhui said happily, "husband, but they still have spirit!"


Fang woke up and nodded, then got up and said, "it\'s time for the academy to move."

Zhang Shuhui was worried when she saw him go out.

The academy has been living under the eyes of those people, and its scale has remained the same.

The emperor was never afraid of challenges. He had long said to expand the scale of the Academy, but Fang Xing never agreed.

Fang Xing went all the way to the academy and had a secret discussion with Xie Jin.

"How big is the expansion?"

Xie Jin\'s eyes were filled with the words "it should have been so long ago", and he despised Fang Xing\'s caution.

Fang Xing took a piece of paper, sketched it with a charcoal pen, and said, "when the classroom was built, there was surplus. At present, how about twice? Then continue to expand the next year."

"Do you want to nibble?"

Xie Jin said with some dissatisfaction: "the expanded enrollment of students should use the art of war. Are you afraid?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "I\'m not afraid, but I want to be more solid. There are too many sudden enrollment expansion, there are problems with teacher deployment and management. Therefore, Mr. Xie, it\'s a lot to double at one time. I\'m also worried that the Academy will be disorderly at that time."

"Think I can\'t?"

Xie Jin said angrily, "when I was the first assistant, you were still peeing and playing with the mud. How many subordinates did I have? Do you look down on me? I think I\'m old and can\'t do it?"

Fang Xing said reluctantly, "Mr. Xie, our college needs public praise. If it is in place in one step, the student union will be uneven. What if the reputation is ruined at that time?"


Fang Xing entered the palace with spittle on his face. Zhu Zhanji was also curious about his ashen face.

"Mr. Xie thought he should recruit more than a thousand people at a time... Then he sprayed me."


Fang woke up and nodded. Zhu Zhanji said, "have you endured for a long time just to wait for more children of science?"

"Yes, that\'s right."

Fang Xing explained his plan: "a high-rise building, if the self-taught scientific children below are the foundation, then the top floor is the Academy. If the foundation is not firm, the high-rise building can\'t stand stably, absolutely!"

"How much?"

Zhu Zhanji felt that Fang Xing\'s prudence in academy and science was almost comparable to that of the oldest old minister, and he was stubborn and took care of him like his own child.

"Three times!"

This is the result of Xie Jin spitting on his face.

"One hundred and fifty!"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji\'s disgust on his face, Fang woke up and said, "there is Jinling Academy."

More than 200 people a year, which is much more than the imperial examination.

"More teachers are needed."

Zhu Zhanji hit the point, and Fang Xingxing agreed: "moreover, there are more and more scientific children under the Academy, and there will be more students enrolled in the Academy. This is that the river is full of water."

"The school building is ready-made, because there were few students in the past and the teachers were living a leisurely life. This is a revenge. I\'m happy."

Fang Xing wanted to revenge Xie Jin, but he was worried that he would wear out the old man, so he sent his anger to understand Zhen Liang.

To expand enrollment, it is necessary to release the news in advance so that people with interest and strength can be prepared.

So Xie Zhenliang was forced to write many enrollment notices. After his hands cramped, he knew that Fang woke up and made the students copy.

In other words, he was awakened by Fang.

Proud of his father\'s debt and son\'s repayment, Fang Xing doesn\'t know the reaction after those notices are posted

Notices were posted outside the gates of Peiping city. The students sent by the Academy stood below and read and explained to those who surrounded.

"... at the beginning of next year, after the Lantern Festival, 150 students will be enrolled this time!"