Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2170

"Your Highness, get up..."

A eunuch stood by the bed and shouted loudly.

The little corn on the bed was still sleeping, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

For children of his age, the only task at present is to eat, drink and Lazar, and sleep if you want.

The eunuch was helpless, but because he wanted to mix a position with little corn, he had to accumulate strength again and prepare to wake him up with a louder voice.

"Your Highness..."

"What are you arguing about?"

A wet nurse came in, skillfully picked up the corn, and then changed her urine. The corn was still confused, but she didn\'t cry.

All the way to Hu Shanxiang, she was having breakfast, but it was just porridge.

After winter, Hu Shanxiang fasted for more than ten days. Now he has just opened meat, but he is not used to it.


Hu Shanxiang put down his small bowl and took the child. He asked, "did you sleep well last night?"

Corn yawned, probably smelling his mother\'s smell and closed his eyes.

Hu Shanxiang said helplessly, "the child often bumps and sleeps these days."

Yi\'an suggested, "madam, why don\'t you go to the temple and ask for a peace talisman?"

Hu Shanxiang looked at the corn lovingly and said, "the third child of Xinghe Bo\'s family is said to have been unlucky since childhood. The temple Taoist hall is useless. Finally, he sent it to Xinghe Bo and took it with him. Sure enough, it was polished with evil spirit."

Yi\'an said helplessly: "madam, Xinghe Bo can\'t come to the Kunning palace no matter what, or... When discussing the military one day, see if you can let your highness listen to it on the side..."


Hu Shanxiang glanced at Yi\'an and said, "the corn is still small..."

Aon pleaded, "it\'s the old slave who forgot to be measured."

They were silent and the room became quiet.

Hu Shanxiang is making small clothes. He is very serious.

Everyone is light handed, lest they wake up the little prince... People in Kunning palace walk carefully.

It\'s like a pair of eyes looking at them.

Until corn opened his eyes again, and then cried earth shaking, anger came to Kunning palace again.

And sun\'s side is also very quiet. The bright moon has awakened, but she is lying obediently.

Sun leaned back on the wide chair, and in front of him was a silver white charcoal that burned without the smell of fireworks.

It was warm. She touched her belly and recited poems silently.

If you want your child to grow up well, you have to listen to elegant music poetry when you are in your stomach.

"Empress, the queen... It is said that your highness often bumps these days."

Wang Zhen came in with a low eyebrow and reported. Then he was cold and hot, and his body was sweating.

Sun frowned and said, "mind your own business!"

Wang Zhen\'s waist bent a little more, and then pleaded guilty and walked away.

After going out, a cold wind blew, and those greasy sweats became the source of cold.

He stood on the steps and looked at the bleak yard for a long time, then bowed his head to cover his loss.

If this baby is a girl again, it is almost impossible for sun to rise!


It\'s cold this morning.

"Is it cold?"

Aaron brushed the horses in the stable.

The front leg of the war horse is much better, but it can\'t land yet.

It enjoyed the service of Anlun, shook its head and drilled its huge head into Anlun\'s arms from time to time.

Anlun smiled, pushed his head away and said, "well, I\'ll see you next time."

He is the supervisor of the East factory. Naturally, he can\'t often spend the night outside. He comes back occasionally just to see the horse.

After the men and horses separated, Anlun went out to the East factory.

In the street, it was still the stall and the girl making potstickers.

"Go and buy some. It\'s hot and delicious at noon."

A fan son beside him passed, but his smile was almost flattering.

"Girl, get twenty potstickers and wrap them in oil paper. Let\'s take them with us."

The girl\'s name is Ying Mei. Her family is poor. She got up early and came out in the dark to make potstickers.

It\'s just that a little girl\'s business is too difficult. Those green bullies don\'t say anything. Some customers will flirt and even give less money.

Last time, Anlun\'s entourage pony was polite. He just flirted and touched his little hand.

So fan Zi suddenly flattered and frightened Ying Mei. She said with tears: "no money, no money!"

Fan Zi\'s body was soft and almost knelt down. He said with a bitter face: "Yingmei, don\'t! Smile quickly."

Ying Mei was stunned and asked in surprise with a bubble of tears: "do you know me?"

Fan Zi nodded hurriedly, then patted his chest and said that since then, she is the most precious in doing business in this street. Whoever dares to bully her is unable to get along with East Hall.

As for who was in the East Hall, he didn\'t say or couldn\'t say.

Yingmei glanced at Anlun, then sniffed and looked at Fanzi\'s waist.

Many people are used to hanging the money bag around their waist, so fan Zi subconsciously took out the money bag and said, "how much money to talk about. Who dares to take your potstickers and give less money or no money in the future? Go to the East Hall and say it\'s Yingmei. I\'ll break their legs!"

Yingmei timidly took the copper money. Seeing that Fanzi didn\'t regret it, she happily began to turn over the potstickers, and then poured something in with a teapot, which suddenly smelled delicious.

"Brother, this is chicken soup. I poured more!"

Yingmei\'s flattering way.

When a girl comes out to make a living and catches a thigh, she almost won\'t let go and doesn\'t want to let go.

She didn\'t know what the east hall was for, but when she saw that the owners and customers of the stalls around her looked frightened, she knew that she was afraid of holding a golden thigh.

Fan Zi said positively, "you can do whatever you want, but you don\'t have to put many things."

How dare he ask for more! The pony, an Lun\'s entourage, is now unknown about life and death. After it came out, we thought it over carefully. As a result, we still broke our hands and poked our eyes, so that we found clues.

After some investigation, someone whispered that pony flirted with Yingmei.

Since then, this Yingmei has become the focus of East Hall. Everyone wants someone to bully her, and then come out to save the United States

Uh! Yingmei is not a beauty.

But power and wealth are more moving than beauty!

After the pot stickers were finished, Ying Mei wrapped 20 with oil paper and then respectfully directed at an Lunfu.

Aaron nodded slightly, then got on his horse and left.

Now he took care of the young sister. Several times immediately thought carefully and wondered if Anlun had moved his heart

Anlun glanced at Yingmei and looked back.

He thought of his little sister.

The little sister who died in Yan Dajian\'s house.

It hurts!

Anlun beat his chest hard, and then coughed for a while, but the pain in his heart could not dissipate.

The morning wind blew and hurt his face, but Anlun was unconscious.

Ying Mei counted the copper coins happily, and then said to a stall nearby, "Uncle Yang, I gave you two more copper coins!"

The stall next door sold noodles. The middle-aged man looked more worried and said with a strong smile: "OK, Yingmei, save some dowry quickly."

The reputation of East Hall is not good. It\'s similar to ghosts and demons. If you are involved in it in the future

When he arrived at the East Hall, someone came and told him, "father-in-law, Xin Jian was blackhanded."

Anlun sat down and Fanzi took out the potstickers. He took one and ate it slowly.

Potstickers, especially chicken juice potstickers, are the most delicious and can make people stop.

He ate a potsticker, drank a sip of tea, and then said slowly, "that\'s a vortex. Your majesty didn\'t make a sound. What do we care about him!"