Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2169

Most of Xin Jian\'s most important rights were taken away, and most of his heart was taken away. His heart was like death.

Guo Xuan was a little panicked. He didn\'t know why Jian Yi suddenly ignored Xin Jian and deprived him of many rights.

He doesn\'t dislike power, but he is more afraid of Xin Jian\'s crazy revenge after he turns over again one day.

Don\'t doubt that when your boss is dealt with and you happen to take over his power, you\'d better pray that he won\'t turn over all his life. Otherwise, when he returns, you\'d better change a department, because the shadow will always be in his mind, and he will look for an opportunity to remove the shadow.

This shadow can be understood as a threat to status or a disgrace!

And the best way to shed shame is to clean you up!

In the face of Guo Yu\'s panic, Xin Jian just smiles and smiles all the time.

What he is most worried about now is that the royal guards will take the initiative to track down the events of that year.


The world is often full of malice where you are most worried.

Shenyang quietly came to fangjiazhuang.

"You shouldn\'t have come."

It was getting late. Fang woke up and watched the two little girls play. He was in a happy mood for a long time, and then he was broken by Shenyang.

Shenyang didn\'t bring anything, but Fang Xing believed that everything was in his mind, so he said first: "was it that year? Did you find any clues about Xin Jian?"

Shenyang nodded and Fang Xing refused, "no, Xin Jian\'s business is not worth it. It\'s not good for the future."

"Xinghebo, lower Officer..."

"No lower officials."

Fang woke up and said, "you are your Majesty\'s man. If you come today, it\'s a private job. It\'s bad to have more."

"Xin Jian..."

Fang Xing stretched out his hand to stop him again and said calmly, "Fang really wants to get a person. Do you still need these things?"


Xin Jian doesn\'t know if Fang Xing found something wrong. Fang Xing has been worried since he emerged.

But as time passed, more than ten years later, Fang hung Chien\'s bones were cold, Fang Xing became more and more prominent, and Xin Jian became more and more relieved.

Until Fang Xing suddenly went to Zhuozhou and caught Yang ER in Zhuozhou, he turned that worry out again.

Yang Er knew that after Fang Xing began to emerge, he sent someone to Zhuozhou to check and know Yang er\'s hands and feet in that year.

Fang Xing won\'t aim at nothing!

Xin Jian is very decisive. He immediately reports to Jian Yi. He would rather lose the possibility of promotion and just want to save his life.

"Save your life!"

Dinner was coming soon. Xin Jian was in a hurry and went to the toilet.

The toilet of Xin Jian\'s family is better than that of the common people\'s family, but the taste in summer can still smoke people.

So he is only willing to go to the toilet in winter, and the night pot and toilet in summer.

When I opened the small door, a smell rushed into my nose.

Xin Jian frowned slightly, went in and began to untie his belt.

The murmur of water reverberated in the toilet. Xin Jian finally trembled all over, and then trembled, ready to put away his things.

At this time, he just felt pushed behind him, and then his body fell forward.


After a short call, Xin Jian tensed all over, then opened his arms and threw himself on two boards.

At this time, the benefits of solid materials and real construction come out.

In the toilet of ordinary people\'s house, the wooden board is directly placed in the front and back of the cesspit. People squat on it and shake if they don\'t pay attention.

But the board of Xin Jian\'s family plunged into the wall at one end, so that even if it swayed again, the board wouldn\'t fall.

Xin Jian stood on the shaking board like this. His feet had fallen, so he put his hands on the board.

The fear of falling into the cesspit supported him to burst out his potential. He not only supported his body, but also had the spare power to raise his head and shout.


The cottage is a little away from the gate. The porter is cooking mutton hotpot on the small stove. He can\'t wait. He sips the spirits that rich people disdain to drink from time to time, and then sighs, he hears Xin Jian\'s call.

After he rescued Xin Jian from the pit, the whole Xin family was disturbed.

"Husband, but surprised?"

Xin Jian\'s wife and children gathered around him. Seeing his face as gray as death, they thought he was frightened and wanted to find a doctor.

But Xin Jian just shook his head. When his wife and children were happy, he looked at the void and murmured, "it\'s him, it must be him!"

"Husband, who is it?"

Xin Jian was the left Shilang of the Ministry of officials. It was universally recognized that the future Minister of the Ministry of officials dared to attack him. Suddenly, the whole family was boiling.

Xin Jian shook his head and said with a bleak face, "ask people to stare at home and patrol at night!"

The family asked who it was. Xin Jian just shook his head and insisted that someone go on patrol.

But the Xin family had no servants to protect the courtyard, so the servants and servant girls were arranged to take turns, and immediately complained.

That night, Xin Jian tossed and turned. He just slept for a while in the early morning. Finally, he had a nightmare.

When he came to the official department with two dark circles under his eyes, he found someone pointing at him behind him.

Although I lost my power, I\'m still a Zuo Shilang, right?

Xin Jian was furious and turned around with cold eyes. When those people bowed their heads, they found that their eyes were behind them.

He entered the duty room, touched his back with his backhand, and touched down a note.


There is no doubt that this is a severe accusation, and it was pasted on Xin Jian\'s back unknowingly.

If this man wants to kill me... Can I hide?

In an instant, cold sweat covered Xin Jian\'s back.

He looked at the door of the duty room, then bounced up and ran to the window.

He opened the window and hesitated. Finally, he didn\'t stretch out his head. He just leaned against the window and waited nervously.

He waited for a long time and didn\'t jump into a man with a knife outside the window.

Knock, knock, knock!

The sudden knock on the door made Xin Jian almost paralyzed. He leaned hard against the wall, which kept him from falling. Then he asked, "who?"

The voice was hoarse and phlegm like an old man in his 70s and 80s.

Xin Jian was startled by his own voice. Most of the people outside the door were the same, so he hesitated to say, "Lord Xin?"

It\'s Guo Yu!

Xin Jian felt weak. He slowly opened the door, then tried to squeeze out a serious look and asked, "what\'s the matter with Lord Guo?"

Because the window was opened, the light was excellent, so Guo Yu saw Xin Jian\'s pale face.

"Lord Xin, is this... Sick?"

In the morning, Xin Jian came to the Yamen with a pair of big bags under his eyes and dark circles. Those gossip parties had long analyzed dozens of possibilities, including "it must have fallen out of the pit.".

"No, I just didn\'t sleep well last night."

"You have to pay more attention! I know a doctor who has a prescription. He sleeps very sweet after eating and can\'t wake up..."

"Is that mostly a liar?"

"No, he\'s at the alley entrance of my official\'s house..."