Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2160


Hearing this sound early in the morning, Fang Xing, who was moving under the tree, almost thought it was his daughter.

"Zhu Zhu."

Fang Xing turned back and waved to Zhu Zhu not far away.

The little girl combed two bunnies and walked a little slowly. It was still some recognition.

Fang woke up and moved his arm. He said with a smile, "is Zhuzhu hungry?"

Zhuzhu frowned and said, "uncle, my mother is cooking in the kitchen."


It seems that the Fang family here didn\'t eat breakfast before!

Fang woke up with some guilt and went into the house. When he came out again, Zhuzhu was still waiting.

The child is unaccompanied!

Fang Xing took a sugar to her and said, "there is a girl in my uncle\'s house, about your age. Does Zhu Zhu want to play?"

Zhuzhu took the sugar and didn\'t eat it. After thinking for a long time, she didn\'t answer.

Fang Xing smiled and touched her head, then led her to the main room.

In the main room, Fang Hongzhong was talking to his two grandchildren. Seeing Fang Xing coming in with beads, he said, "it\'s windy recently. Did Dehua sleep well last night?"

Fang Xing said yes with a smile. Then when he saw that Fang Yin and Fang Mu were somewhat constrained, he said, "uncle, look. If you like, they can learn anything in the future."

As Fang Xing\'s relatives, unless they draw a clear line, they will be automatically placed on the side of science.

Fang Hongzhong said, "you were also a genius and specialized in the imperial examination. What do you think of these two boys?"

Fang woke up and looked at his two restrained nephews and said, "I could have arranged for you to go to the Imperial College..."

As soon as the two children\'s eyes lit up, Fang woke up and interrupted their hope: "but now I\'m like water and fire with Confucianism. It\'s useless for you to go in, so..."

"I am the sworn enemy of Confucianism, so unless we break up, they will take the initiative to regard you as the children of Science..."

Fang Xing said while staring at the two children. As a result, he didn\'t see what was despair, but excitement.


Fang woke up the other Hongzhong with a wry smile and said, "uncle, after all, my nephew\'s family has dragged you and your second uncle down."

Fang Hongzhong shook his head and denied, "anyway, you are Xinghe Bo of the current Dynasty. I believe you will compensate them in the future. That\'s good."

He said with some regret: "this world is so ruthless. No matter how many ambitions you have, you can only do it when you can jump around. When you are old, it depends on them in the future."

Fang Xing shook his head and did not go to comfort. Instead, he asked the two children, "what your grandfather said, you can say in a word."

"Ancient heroes... Er, my nephew is wrong."

Fang Yin\'s reaction was the quickest, but he felt that this poem desecrated his grandfather.

Fang Xing said, "this poem is right. You are not allowed to see white heads in the world. On the contrary, if you don\'t work hard, the eldest is sad."

Fang Yin bowed down to be taught.

Fang woke up and looked at Fang Mu. The gentle child was a little shy. "Uncle," he said, "an old man has great ambition."

Fang Xing gently stroked his palm and asked, "whose poem?"

"Cao Cao\'s."

These days, Cao Cao is a treacherous minister and a traitor to seize the Han Dynasty, so Fang Mu disdains this name.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "that\'s right. You\'re still young. Naturally, you can\'t understand Cao Cao\'s state of mind. However... It\'s better to believe in books than to have no books. Go back and get some books for you to see."

Knowing that he had given too much information, Fang Hongzhong and his son needed to discuss, he got up and said he was going out for a walk.

"Your sister-in-law made breakfast and went after it."

After breakfast, Fang Xing took his servants out for a walk. It was the first time for him to go back to his hometown and go out to see something.

Holding Zhuzhu out of the side door, Fang woke up and saw that there was a hula outside. At least more than ten people ran away. He smiled and said, "it\'s early in the morning waiting to invite us to breakfast?"

A knife fell from the wall. He sniffed and said, "Sir, it\'s not a family."

Those people are so brave?

Fang woke up dissatisfied and said, "catch some questions."

The servants went immediately, leaving only Xin Laoqi\'s close protection to wake up.

Zhuzhu looked outside curiously, looked up and asked, "uncle, are they bad guys?"


Fang Xing said, "so you have to be beaten."


They wandered around the city slowly and bought some things from time to time.

Xin Laoqi is a coolie naturally, and Zhu Zhu is gradually familiar with Fang Xing and becomes lively.

"Square mouse! Square mouse!"

At this time, a group of children ran up from behind, turned back and shouted at beads, looking proud.

Zhuzhu immediately closed her smiling face and silently looked at her toes.

Most of the children were seven or eight years old. After arguing with them, Fang Xing still couldn\'t do it, so he squatted on the ground and said with a smile, "don\'t listen to their nonsense. They will regret it in the future."

Will you regret it?

Zhuzhu raised her head, a little puzzled.

Fang Xing said, "there is no Fang mouse, just like the sun. Before the sun comes out, the world is black, which is the same as before in our family, but now the sun comes out..."

Pearl looked up, the sun was rising slowly, some dazzling.

She gradually smiled, and the other party she relied on woke up and said, "uncle, people used to come here! No one dares to smash the door in the future?"

Fang woke up stunned, and then said seriously, "no, uncle, I promise I won\'t have it in the future."

He felt as if there were more life around him.

Yes, even the void seems to be full of layers; The people on the street have become multicolored, and he used to think it should be light.

He looked at the smile that reappeared on Zhuzhu\'s face, felt something more in his heart, and was very happy.

How angry!

Since he came to Daming, he has actually rejected his relatives subconsciously. He always feels that he can\'t control it, and then finds his abnormality

He always has this worry!

Now the worry is gone. Fang Xing only feels that something is missing from his back, and even his soul is cheering.

He took Zhu Zhu into a grocery store and bought some children\'s things.

"Master, you are a powerful man in the north."

"Oh! What do they want?"

Fang Xing picked up a puppet, frowned and asked. Then he handed the puppet back to the shopkeeper and said, "there are some ferocious spirits. My niece is so small. Who is it to have nightmares at night?"

The shopkeeper wanted to retort. He looked up at Fang Wu\'s eyes. He was startled and hurriedly said, "OK, I\'ll change another one."

He went to the side to look for a doll. Fang Wu whispered, "they came to see you... Whether they want to start from Zhuozhou, just like Hejian Prefecture. They were caught off guard."


Fang woke up a little embarrassed and thought, is someone\'s reputation on our side so worthless?

What he didn\'t know was that in the eyes of the dignitaries in the north, after the incident in Hejian Prefecture, someone else\'s reputation was not worth even a copper coin.

Yes, people may still believe, but dignitaries have looked down on him morally.

"Then... How many people are there?"

Fang Xing thinks more than ten people are great. He thinks his reputation is so bad.

Fang Wu hesitated and said heavily, "Sir, they said they saw at least thirty or forty people."

It\'s just that Fang Xing is worried that he will clean up the fields in Zhuozhou. If it\'s on the outskirts of Peiping, Fang Xing can\'t imagine how many people will follow him.

Xin Laoqi whispered, "master, those people are mixed in it. It\'s hard to find them, or... Take them all!"

Fang woke up coldly and said, "it\'s estimated that they were the first to run. Just, I\'m here to scare people! Look who dares to come to Zhuozhou to find trouble for the Fang family in the future!"