Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2161

If the emperor is the ultimate big boss, then the chief envoy is the small boss, and officials at all levels are all kinds of bosses.

Fang Xing, on the other hand, belongs to the category of big boss. He is one of the six books of history, the Bachelor of auxiliary politics and Wu Xun, and he is a little better in the trust of the emperor.

In this way, Fang Xing relies most on the trust of the emperor.

From Zhu Di\'s period, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji accepted various tests of Zhu Di, and then were believed to be important.

Zhu gaochi also trusted Fang Xing. Before his death, the only thing he said was Fang Xing who was fighting outside the Great Wall. He just wanted him to come back quickly, stabilize the situation and escort Zhu Zhanji.

"Grandpa! Dad! Mom!"

When she got home, Zhuzhu rushed in happily and showed off her shopping for a while.

Fang Zhuo came out and strolled around the yard with Fang Xing.

"The cloud comes from the dragon and the wind from the tiger. You should have some trouble when you come to Zhuozhou?"

After the Fang family\'s misfortune in Zhuozhou, Fang Zhuo took on the life of his family and the difficulty of making money... Fang woke up to see the calluses on his fingers and knew that he was mostly copying.

The loom thrown out by Fang Hongzhong is Zhu\'s tool for the family.

So Fang Zhuo is not a nerd. He knows what Fang will bring here when he wakes up.

Fang woke up a little embarrassed and said, "brother, I\'m scared of those... Cleaning up the fields. Many people worry that Zhuozhou will be cleaned up as soon as I arrive in Zhuozhou. Many people in the north are staring at it."

Fang Zhuo took a breath, patted the trunk around him and said, "you... Wake up, brother. It\'s not for your brother. I thought about you last night. I think you\'ve been taking risks all these years. Taking the wrong step is the abyss..."

Fang Xing was surprised and pleased. He said with a smile, "I was surprised that big brother is so sharp. No, it\'s a surprise."

"I don\'t have the idea of becoming an official, so don\'t be surprised."

Fang Zhuo said frankly: "after the third uncle had an accident, I decided to take care of my family. I have long forgotten those troubles, but I have the courage to ask you to look after it..."

"It should be."

Fang Xing said with a wry smile, "brother, I\'ve been implicated by my family here, and I\'m in love with my side... Not to mention this, I guess the Zhuozhou government will come today. What\'s the taboo here, brother?"

What shit taboo!

That\'s why he asked Fang Zhuo: brother, what\'s wrong? Just say it at that time. See who dares to refute. I\'ll clean him up!

Fang Zhuo said seriously, "wake up, my brother. Our family has been bullied by Zhuozhou officials these years. We have to vent our anger."

Fang Xing bowed and said, "it\'s my little brother who\'s late. Brother, just talk."

He owes a lot of things to the Fang family in Zhuozhou. Fang Hongzhong and his generation are not up yet. They just look at Fang Yin.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "it doesn\'t matter for brother, but your uncle resented it for many years. Every time he was drunk, he would cry and think about his third uncle... He was sober last night."

Fang Xing took a deep breath and said bitterly, "brother, it will be fine."


After lunch, Zhu Zhu, who had been excited for a long time in the morning, was tired. She yawned and said to accompany Fang to wake up, but she fell asleep in Zhu\'s arms.

"This girl is one year younger than worry free. Sister-in-law, if she is willing, I\'ll take her to play with worry free for a while, and then send it back."

Fang Xing likes girls and feels much better than his naughty son.

Zhu glanced at Fang Hongzhong. Fang Hongzhong coughed and said, "it\'s time to go and see. At least the next generation can\'t be unfamiliar, otherwise I won\'t have the courage to see my ancestors in a hundred years."

In this era, the strength and cohesion of clans are beyond Fang Xing\'s imagination, and the "sense of responsibility" for ancestors is also unbreakable.

Therefore, Fang Hongzhong, as the patriarch of this generation, clearly said: "in the future, we should often move around, regardless of the rich and the poor. Unless we dislike it, we will move around. If we don\'t move around, we won\'t be a family!"

Fang Xing nodded and agreed: "don\'t worry, uncle. I know this truth."

Fang Hongzhong said happily, "well, your eldest brother is a little stupid. Let\'s see it later."

This is to throw the next patriarch to Fang Xing, but Fang Xing can\'t refuse. He can only be silent because of his guilt.

Fang Hongzhong looked happy and felt that the Fang family finally had hope.

"Master, Lu Yun, please."

Fang Hongzhong was stunned and looked at Fang Xing.

Fang Zhuo got up and said, "wake up, brother. Don\'t move. I\'ll meet you."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "brother, you don\'t need to bow your head."

Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I know discretion."

Fang Hongzhong began to tidy up his clothes and even took care of his hair and beard.


Lu Yun is a man who looks very righteous and awe inspiring. Of course, according to the jokes of those petty officials of the state yamen, Yang Er is more angry than him.

After seeing Fang awake in the main room, Lu Yun bowed down and said in his magnetic voice, "I\'ve seen Xinghe Bo."

"Lord Lu..."

Fang Xing bent his fingers and knocked on the table and said calmly, "this is Fang\'s family. Fang is also ignorant. Yesterday, he even witnessed the mixing of green skin and petty officials, and then smashed the back door here..."

The justice on Lu Yun\'s face became more and more strong. He arched his hands and said, "Xing Hebo, the junior officer also knew about it. The junior official has been stopped by the junior officer and detained in the state yamen..."

"What about these years?"

Fang Hongzhong suddenly joined in. He raised his head and trembled slightly, as if he was speaking with all his strength.

"How many times have I reported to the government these years?"

Fang Hongzhong said angrily, "nobody cares! It\'s even getting worse. I\'m keeping myself in line. What\'s wrong? Being bullied! I don\'t dare to go out. I\'m called Fang mouse! Lord Lu... Why?"

Lu Yun glanced at Fang and said, "at that time... Now and then, the old man should know the difficulties of the lower Officer..."

This is to say: before, Fang woke up to support you. I don\'t have time to take care of this.

This is very realistic, but there is no place to blame.

Fang Hongzhong was stunned. He was old-fashioned, but his subsequent anger was blocked by this remark.

Lu Yun said positively, "I see that your house is dilapidated. It\'s just that the state capital wants to mobilize craftsmen to do things. I\'m the master and repair the house."

The man immediately talked about compensation.

It would cost a lot of money and food to renovate the Fang family\'s big house, but the state capital can mobilize craftsmen to make a name for it for free.

The key is that Lu Yun has a positive face and awe inspiring justice, which makes people feel that it should be and can be accepted calmly.

This is also a skill. If you learn how to go out to meet powerful people, it is really unfavourable.

What\'s more, when he said these things, he didn\'t look at Fang Xing in the whole process, as if Fang Xing was still in Peiping city. He Lu Yun just came to defend Fang Hongzhong.

Life is like a play!

Fang Xing thinks officialdom is a stage. If you want to act on stage, your acting skills must be high enough.

Lu Yun is good!