Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2159

Corn, or Zhu Qiyu\'s children, have become the heart of the Empress Dowager. With him, Zhu Zhanji has to stand aside and say hello every day.

So Hu Shanxiang, who freed his hand, began to work on his daughter\'s education.

So every day, the palace of tranquility became a battlefield between mother and daughter.

As soon as Wan Wan came, Duan Duan was liberated. He immediately ran away and said he was going to the Empress Dowager.

Hu Shanxiang asked someone to follow, and then chatted with Wan Wan.

"You haven\'t come out for a long time."

Hu Shanxiang found that Wan Wan had more cold breath, so he said with concern: "go out more, especially in winter. Otherwise, this person will be lazy. He won\'t want to move in spring and will be fat."

"You see, you are still young. You have to get married in the future. No, you have to recruit a son-in-law and have children. The days in the future are still long..."

Hu Shanxiang\'s chatter made Wan Wan feel helpless. She could only listen. When she heard what to teach when she had children and how to save some private money for her children\'s future spending, she felt that this was not a queen, but a peasant woman.

This discovery made her a little funny. She listened slowly and felt very warm.

"... none of the people I was looking for last time was good. My mother was angry, and your imperial brother was very angry. More than ten people were arrested outside. Five of them were internal attendants who went out of the palace. They didn\'t work well."

Hu Shanxiang didn\'t notice Wan Wan\'s indifferent look, and continued: "my mother said to stop first, so that people outside don\'t think our girl can\'t get married or something. I think it should be like this. Later, slowly... Wan Wan?"

She was surprised to see Wan Wan\'s indifference.

Wan Wan said with a strong smile, "I\'m fine, sister-in-law. I\'ll go to my mother\'s house first."

Hu Shanxiang sent her out. When he came back, he sighed: "there are evil intentions outside. No one knows who is like. He looks gentle and elegant. Maybe he is sinister and vicious behind his back. This man! Hey!"

The Moon said curiously, "madam, but this is a princess! If they dare to cheat, your majesty will not spare them."

Yi\'an frowned at her and said, "those men are staring at the princess\'s love and dowry. They can dress for a year or two. When they have children, with the princess\'s temperament, will he slowly change back and the princess Sue?"

Said the moon thought for a while, shook her head and said, "no, the princess will probably bear it by herself."

Yi\'an glanced at Hu Shanxiang, who was meditating, and said, "this is it. If the son-in-law is not good, tell me how the princess will suffer..."


Zheng He recuperated for a long time, but his head was still gray, but his spirit was much better.

"The fleet is stationed in the south. How can you reassure your majesty?"

This is the governor\'s house. Several Wu Xun are here, but everyone is very kind without the swords and crossbows on the court hall yesterday.

Swords and crossbows were only in the court hall, but the emperor finally decided. What\'s more, if you want to control the fleet, you have to learn from Zheng He.

Zheng He commanded the fleet all year round and experienced more difficulties and dangers than these martial heroes.

So his temperament was calm and even compared with Zhang Fu.

The fleet is usually led by someone and monitored by eunuchs. When they want to set sail, Zheng He and others return to their places and then command the fleet.

Up to now, the fleet is almost an independent unit, and the outside world shall not interfere.

Zhang Fu acknowledged this independence and expressed his respect, and then said: "since then, Daming will certainly attack and patrol more overseas. If the governor\'s office and the military department are isolated, the fleet will be separated... Duke Zheng should know the harm of doing so."

Meng Ying and others nodded one after another.

Daming\'s navy is actually independent. If you want to fight in the future, who will coordinate and command?

The governor\'s office knows nothing about the fleet. Even if it is the combined command in wartime, how to command?

Then it will become a blind man touching an elephant. It will be a ghost if you don\'t lose the war.

Zheng He of course knew the harm. He said: "in the past, Daming had few rivals overseas and did not leave land overseas, so the fleet just preached comfort and prestige, and was optimistic about Daming\'s sea territory. Now the national policy has changed. We naturally know the importance, but are you familiar with going to sea?"

Some words came from Zhang furan\'s back palace, saying that his majesty always wants to make decisions for the people. If someone relies on the strong to bully the weak, it can\'t be said that Ming will give less titles and salaries every year.

So the dignitaries stopped, but they were also angry.

So recently, the Zongren mansion and Yang Rong are busy, and the memorials of vassal kings everywhere are flying, which makes people anxious.

Those vassal kings have collected a lot of land donated and even forcibly seized. At that time, an inventory will be made. According to the emperor\'s practice of not bird clans, who can escape?

"It can\'t be done!"

In the duty room, Jin Youzi suddenly threw his pen in his hand. The ink drew a line in the air and then fell on the ground.

Yang Rong looked at the ink mark and frowned, "what\'s up?"

Jin Youzi is still angry, "those vassal kings keep playing, that is to cry for poverty!"

Yang Rong covered his forehead and said, "it\'s time to hand it over to the Zongren mansion. How did you get here?"

Jin Youzi sneered and said, "the Zongren mansion is a place where people mix up. No one is willing to worry."

"Who dares to provoke these vassal kings? If we provoke them, we will alienate our relatives. Fortunately, there is no second king of the Han Dynasty, otherwise we will be the one who will be broken one day!"

Yang Shiqi also had some helplessness and said, "your majesty will not let go. After all, you have to go through a journey, but it\'s happening now. It\'s a guilty heart and don\'t recruit yourself!"

Yang Rong got up and said, "take it. I\'ll go in and see your majesty and see what your majesty means."