Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2158

"Your Majesty, xinghebo found relatives in Zhuozhou, but he also moved his hand and beat the local green skins and petty officials. Those green skins were frozen all night and were half dead and carried back..."

"What about Zhuozhou?"

Zhu Zhanji is very interested in this kind of life, but his relatives are either rich or expensive. There is a big gap between Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing\'s relatives.

Yes, Zhu Zhanji already knew the state of Fang Xing\'s two uncles in Zhuozhou, but Fang Xing didn\'t act. Naturally, he wouldn\'t interfere.

When Fang woke up to look for relatives, Zhang Fu\'s reminder was one thing. Zhu Zhanji\'s people found that someone was testing Fang Hongzhong\'s two brothers.

Ye Luoxue said, "Your Majesty, some people look guilty, but Lu Yun hasn\'t moved yet."


Zhu Zhanji thought it was really funny.

He doesn\'t believe that people with a heart don\'t know the relationship between Fang Hongzhong\'s two brothers and Fang Xing. He dares to wait and see. This is Fang Xing who hates poison!

However, this is just a corner of the country. He has been paying more attention to the disputes between the sailors these days.

The military asked the fleet to belong to the governor\'s office. It was a big deal to add a military headquarters as a mother-in-law to recite the hoop curse.

But Zheng He, who was recuperating and writing books, couldn\'t bear to hear the news. He struggled to come to Chaozhong, and then quarreled with Zhang Fu and others.

Zhu Zhanji\'s attitude is very ambiguous. No, he is watching.

The threat on the land is slowly decreasing, leaving only Hari and meat fans, and the distance is far away.

The focus of Daming\'s recent efforts is to expand the fleet and let the fleet go out to find resources for Daming, which is why we value the fleet.

Eunuch... Even if zheng he retired, there was no doubt about the loyalty of Wang Jinghong and Hong Bao, and they would only obey Zhu Zhanji\'s orders, and others could not interfere.

This is equivalent to the emperor\'s private arms!

It\'s interesting that Wu Xun wants to receive this armed force now.

Those guys who cry out and want to destroy the treasure ship are really for the country and the people?

It\'s their ultimate goal to make me a lonely person

Zhu Zhanji thought thoughtfully, and then asked, "does Wan Wan still refuse to go out?"

When ye Luoxue left, Yu Jia said, "the princess has a fever recently. I\'ve seen it in the hospital and said it\'s all right. She\'s just resting."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "it\'s cold. Didn\'t you put in some good charcoal? The empress mother and they all have it and send some to Wan Wan."

Yu Jia answered, personally asked someone to take the scooter, loaded a car of good charcoal and went to Wan Wan.

Early winter was bleak. Walking in the palace, those eunuchs and maids were timid. When they saw Yu Jia, they immediately let go of their sleeved hands and said hello with a smile.

This is power!

Men\'s first wish in their life is to conquer women, which is their source of motivation.

Eunuchs who have lost their male function can only be infatuated with power. Of course, there is another saying, that is career.

Zheng He and Wang Jinghong are representatives of successful careers.

Most of those obsessed with power, such as the eunuchs of the former Tang Dynasty

Eh! Those eunuchs seem very awesome! How does it feel to be able to determine the direction of the throne?

Yu Jia\'s face suddenly flushed. Then he looked around and wet his back and armpits with cold sweat.

That\'s a terrible idea!

How did Huang Yan die?

Isn\'t it that you are greedy for power and have been walking on the wrong road, and you can only take risks in the end

Yu Jia thinks she should read some Buddhist scriptures in the future to avoid making trouble one day.

"Princess, father-in-law Yu beside your majesty sent good charcoal."

Inside, Wan Wan is copying scriptures in front of the window.

No, she should be dictating.


This is oh, Wan Wan lowers her head again, and the brush in her hand moves slowly.

Green leaf frowned and said, "princess, you have to move! The hospital has said that you have to go out for a walk."

Wan Wan said again, then looked up and stared out of the window.

Her face was a little pale and numb, like

A haggard!

Green leaf was worried and advised, "princess, the Queen invited you several times. You didn\'t go once. It\'s impolite."

Wan Wan slowly turned her face, as if she could see through it, like a white paper.

She frowned and said, "Duan Duan... Haven\'t you come these days?"

Green leaf nodded and said happily, "Princess Duanduan is studying. I heard that she cried several times, but the queen refused to accommodate her."

Wan Wan loves Duan Duan. Qing Ye thinks this is a breakthrough.

Sure enough, Wan Wan tightened her lips, thought about it and said, "go and have a look."

The green leaf rushed out happily and shouted, "princess, go out."

In the palace, except the emperor, Empress Dowager and queen, others don\'t think about airs. Of course, the princess is no exception.

Just a group of maids and eunuchs followed and went out.

Seeing that Wan Wan was willing to go out, Yu Jia thought it was her own credit. She hurried up and said, "princess, your majesty is worried about you!"

Wan Wan looked up at him, then lowered her eyes and passed by slowly.

This cold look made Yu Jia stay where she was.

After Wan Wan walked away, he woke up and said in surprise, "why is the princess more and more lonely?"

A sweeping eunuch complained, "I don\'t go out all day. It\'s cold for everyone!"

Yu Jia nodded subconsciously and said, "yes! It\'s boring..."


Sun\'s stomach is getting bigger and bigger. Recently, the palace has been more cautious. No matter who the Empress Dowager or, for the sake of the emperor\'s doting on sun, he has also deliberately calmed down a lot.

Wan Wan has adapted very well and likes this quiet atmosphere.

The people around her deliberately blocked the wind, so she didn\'t feel cold in the inner circle.

She looked up slightly, looked at the bleak scenery around, and smiled.

There was more and more blood on that face, and his eyes narrowed slightly, hiding all his emotions.

All the way to the queen, Duan Duan shouted, "empress mother, worry free just learns to read, listen to books and draw. Why should I learn so much? You\'re bullying me. I\'m going to sue. I\'m going to sue the Queen\'s grandmother..."

"Nonsense! You will use worry free as a shield."

"No nonsense. It\'s a dog and a little black."

Xiao Fang looked up beside Wan Wan, wagged his tail, and then rushed in.

"Xiao Fang... Mother, aunt Wan Wan is here."

After a cheer inside, Hu Shanxiang sighed helplessly, and then rushed out.

"Aunt Wan Wan."

In the days without sunshine, children\'s joy is sunshine.

Wan Wan took her hand and whispered, "no good."

She shook her head and said, "aunt Wan Wan, worry free really didn\'t learn so much."


"Worry free said that it was said by Xinghe Bo. He said that when children were young, don\'t force them too hard. They should have a good time when they should play. Otherwise, they won\'t be willing to learn well."

Wan Wan was surprised and said, "Why are these words so neat?"

Duanduan\'s eyes began to turn and look away. Wan Wan couldn\'t help laughing and said, "but did worry carry it with you?"

Duanduan hurriedly denied: "no, no, it\'s what I think. It\'s really what I think, aunt Wan Wan. If you don\'t believe me, I have something to say."

Then Hu Shanxiang came out and said with a smile, "it\'s cold outside. Don\'t pester your aunt. Wan Wan, come in."

When you enter it, a sudden heat makes people feel that the pores are open.

"Where\'s the corn, sister-in-law?"

Wan Wan didn\'t see the corn, so she looked for it.

"Behind my mother."

Hu Shanxiang smiled bitterly and said, "my mother loves corn now. She asked someone to send it every three or five times. She said it was rare, so she almost let corn sleep there."