Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2157

Yang Er is in his forties and is in the golden age of a man.

He was very proud of the first half of his life, no, according to the life span of this year.

He didn\'t read a book. He was born in green skin. Later, he sneaked into the Yamen of the state capital during the Jianwen period. Only a handyman and even an idle man can help him work.

When Emperor Jianwen was finished, their superior officials were unlucky, and then cleaned. A group of people rolled home to eat old rice, so the eloquent Yang Er took the opportunity to be a petty official.

He has climbed, knelt, begged and flattered, so he is as treacherous as a fox.

"He didn\'t deny it?"

Yang Er is very dignified. People below occasionally flatter and joke that he is more dignified than Lord Zhizhou Lu.

The petty official with a swollen nose and face and a swollen mouth like a pig\'s mouth nodded and said, "Sir, he looked very determined, but he finally let the small one back. He must have no confidence... Otherwise he should take the small one as evidence..."

Yang Er nodded noncommittally. There was a brazier in the room. He walked over and sat on the low stool beside him. He reached out to bake the fire and said, "come on, bake."

The petty official came to the fire flattered, and then Yang Er slowly asked what happened today.

"... the people of the Fang family were shocked and scared..."

"What\'s that man like?"

"Ordinary appearance, looking at the appearance of thirty, I smile a little..."

The low stool suddenly rubbed on the ground and made a sharp sound.

"My lord..."

The petty official was a little flustered and took a look.

But Yang ER was still smiling with no eagerness.

"It\'s all right. Those officials in the court are at most six or seven grade officials at this age, so what are you afraid of? Lord Lu is there!"

The petty official remembered Lu Yun\'s importance to Yang Erduo, so he smiled flatteringly. As a result, he pulled the wound on his mouth and suddenly made a mess of his face.

"Take the money to the doctor. Tomorrow... It will be hard. You continue to be on duty."

The petty official refused for a while, and finally happily took the half string of copper money home.

Yes, Lu Yun took his vacation.

Although I was beaten, I got Yang er\'s gratitude and money to take. How can I lose this!

The petty official\'s face was bleak, but he was happy. Those people in the state capital couldn\'t help but wonder. Then they asked him, but they didn\'t get the answer.

Yang Er sat on the low stool, trembling like chaff.

He looked at the charcoal fire and blew up a spark without blinking.

"Who is that?"

He was trembling, mumbling at the charcoal fire and said, "thirty... More than thirty? That man actually maintained so well? Several carriages, he was not afraid to disturb me, so..."

Yang er\'s dullness gradually became flexible. He quickly opened the door and went out. Then he coughed, and a small official came to make fun of it.

"Sir, are you going out for a walk? It\'s just cold..."

Yang Er pointed to the outside and said, "recently, there has been a lot of resentment in Hejian Prefecture. I\'m sure it will spread to us. Ask someone to search around the Yamen to see if there are any strangers. If you see them, report them. I\'ll ask for help here."

Yang er\'s seniority is old, and Lu Yun often sends private work to him, so even if he is only an official, he still has a voice in the state capital.

Then there were many more yamen servants outside the state government. They searched everywhere.

It\'s cold this season. Even beggars... No, now beggars have to be picked up, and then immigrants will be arranged uniformly.

No one!

After searching several times, those yamen servants went back with regret.


Knife looked at their search in the distance, then sneered and went back.



There is a lot of meat, even beef. It can be seen that Zhu really has a lot of blood.

Fang woke up and looked at the golden hairpin missing from her head. He just smiled and raised his glasses frequently.

During the dinner, it was hard to avoid mentioning his fate over the years. Fang Xing just picked up some smooth words and let the two slightly drunk old people shout happily.

After dinner, Fang Hongzhong had an attack. He kept going to the ancestral hall to worship his ancestors. He said he wanted to tell his ancestors the good news and let Fang wake up and kowtow.

But who drank too much to worship their ancestors? So Fang Zhuo and Fang Hongwei advised desperately. Finally, Fang Hongzhong was tired and was helped to go to the bedroom to have a rest.

Fang Hongwei is ready to go back. Fang Xing sends him out.

"I\'ve been afraid in my family for years, so I don\'t dare to provoke the government. Zhuozhou is only a small place for you, but at least it\'s the root of the Fang family. Don\'t go too far to avoid hurting the villagers..."

Hometown seems ethereal, but once you touch it, it will become real. Those people and those mountains and rivers seem to be within reach.

Fang woke up and nodded. Fang Hongwei said with satisfaction: "you are in the early stage now. The Fang family dares to take the exam. No matter what you can get, at least let the Shuxiang gate" Wu Xun put on a memorial and asked to hand over the fleet to the governor\'s office. It is said that Zheng Gonggong is not angry and wants to fight with the British public... "