Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2156

Several yamen servants rushed over with sticks and shouted to Fang Xing and others to kneel down.

"Don\'t do it!"


Fang Xing also said don\'t do it. Xin Laoqi and others greeted them. The wooden stick can only be regarded as a fire burning stick in front of them, but a few face to face. These people knelt in front of Fang Xing.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "look, look, I said don\'t do it. Look, it\'s going to be trouble."

The onlookers were stunned, and then someone shouted, "they must be officials, or they don\'t dare to do it!"

This is the simplest truth, otherwise Fang Xing must be a guy with a brain problem.

The petty official understood this truth after the servants started, so he was just looking forward to this group of people who couldn\'t keep them from knowing the state.

Fang Xing asked with a smile, "come on, who let you come? You\'re right and rewarded, you\'re wrong... I\'ll be unhappy, very unhappy."

There was a dangerous light in his eyes. He was thinking about who was behind him.

Do you want to detour back to wake us up?


Zhang Fu\'s reminder meant this, suggesting that someone started from Fang\'s relatives and was ready to give him a good look.

The petty official looked up and said with a flattering smile: "Sir, no one instructed. Someone went to the Yamen and said. The senior official asked the little one to have a look..."


Fang Xing asked.

The petty official nodded like pounding garlic. Fang woke up and said with a smile: "if no one instructs you, how dare you start without asking?"

The petty official was stunned. Fang Xing pointed to the tied green skins and said, "you must know them. Then you must know what their temperament is. You know exactly what they are doing here. But in that case, why do you favor them?"

The petty official was stunned and looked at Fang Xingna and said, "Sir, these are..."


Fang woke up and kicked him to the ground. Then he shouted ferociously, "how dare you lie to me? Do you dare to do it with the words of a suburb of Beiping?"

The little official just got up, Fang Xing rushed to slap him and knocked him down again.

The little official screamed, and then Fang woke up and grabbed his hair. He was frightened and said, "adult, small..."

Fang woke up with a slap in the back hand. The small official\'s mouth quickly swelled into a pig\'s large intestine. He blinked and knew that he was afraid of encountering a hard stubble.

"How dare you come to Fang\'s house to find fault, Shen Shitou!"

Shen Shitou rushed over. He looked at Fang Xing pitifully and asked Fang Xing to stop. Then he would teach Zhuozhou to be a man.

Fang Xing pointed to the petty official and asked, "is this a crime?"

Shen Shitou said with a wry smile, "guilty."

Fang woke up, turned his head and said to the petty official, "tell me, who is in the middle."

The petty official shook his head and looked miserable.

"Do you want to die for others?"

Fang Xing bent the petty official with a punch, then let go of his hand and let him fall to the ground.

"This is a fat job. If you can come, it means that there is someone behind you, and that person must have a grudge against the Fang family. Well, ten interest, you can try."

Xin Laoqi came over. Now they all wear knives. He pulled out his long knife and Shen Shitou whispered, "brother seven, this is a private murder! It\'s said that Xinghe Bo\'s reputation is not good."

Xin Laoqi said indifferently, "it\'s all bullied on my master. Have you ever seen any Xun Qi bullied like this?"

Shen Shitou was stunned and said, "but didn\'t they know at first?"

Xin Laoqi asked, "what do you think?"

Is it true that no one knows the identity of xinghebo\'s relatives in the dynasty?

Shen Shitou knows that many people know, but Fang Xing hasn\'t seen any action, so everyone thinks they have fallen out.

Relatives who have fallen out are often stranger and even hateful than strangers.

So watch it. Don\'t stretch out your hand to meddle in your own business, so that your kindness won\'t be rewarded.

So as long as Fang Xing doesn\'t kill people today, insiders think it\'s right.

"It\'s Lord Yang..."

Xin Laoqi\'s evil spirit frightened the petty official. He blurted out the person who called himself.

"Lord Yang? What is Yang?"

Fang Xing encouraged the little official to pat him on the cheek. The little official looked at him blankly and murmured, "Yang er... It\'s Yang er. He asked the little one to see who it is."

"Then you make your own decisions?"

Fang Xing felt that the petty official was not timid.

The petty official sucked his nose, swallowed a mouthful of blood and said, "Lord Yang looked a little scared, so he wanted to be for him..."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "do you want to share his worries?"

The petty official hesitated and finally nodded.

"He\'s afraid, uncle. Does he already know who I am?"

Fang Hongzhong stood by Fang Xing\'s side and thought about it when he heard the speech.

But Fang Hongwei had figured it out for a long time. He said, "yes, Yang Er ran to the capital several times later. He has also been to Peiping. He must know something."


When Fang Hong and Fang Hongwei were shocked and happy, they really felt like they were separated from each other.

When Fang hung Chien died, the child turned over

This title

They heard a lot of rumors about xinghebo, but they didn\'t expect to be their nephew.

Wake up, wake up, how many wakes can there be in this world?


The two brothers looked at each other, the joy in their eyes gradually melted, and then tears filled their eyes.

Lao Fang\'s family is out of trouble!

In front, Fang Xing had let go of the petty officials and said with a smile, "that\'s a misunderstanding."


The petty official just thought if Fang woke up, and then looked for an opportunity to clean him up.

Fang Xing reached out and patted him on the cheek. He got up and said, "go away."

It was a humiliating move, but the petty officials got up and ran away like Amnesty.

Halfway through, he looked back and asked, "who are you?"

He thought that these people could not be better than their governor Lu Yun, so they had great momentum.

Fang Xing ignored him, looked at the green skin on the ground and said, "tie it outside and throw it out tomorrow."

"Sir, spare your life..."

Those green skins pretending to be dead immediately began to beg for mercy.

This weather can freeze people into dogs at night. If they are left outside overnight, they will be at least half dead.

Fang Xing turned and said, "sister-in-law works hard, but I feel hungry."

Zhu remembered the kitchen he had left behind and hurriedly ran away with the reluctant beads.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!"

Zhu Zhu went in shouting all the way. Fang woke up and said with a smile: "my little nephew also has a daughter at home. She is bigger than Zhu Zhu Zhu. She is generally lovable."

Fang Hongwei pointed to the outside and asked, "the government..."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "wait for Lu Yun to speak."

Fang Hongzhong\'s body trembled. Fang woke up and held him. He said with a pun: "uncle, what are you afraid of? Just know the state. It\'s more than 100 miles away from the capital. Can they cover the sky with one hand?"

Fang Hong nodded and said, "wake up..."

When Fang woke up and saw that he was a little frightened, he smiled and said, "you should call me that. Do you want to call me uncle? I\'m afraid God can\'t see it. A thunder in the backhand will take me away."

After a burst of laughter, the Fang family went in. Xin Laoqi took people to tie the green skins, then tied them one by one, and finally tied them to a big tree.

He looked at the onlookers with flashing eyes and said, "those who are brave can try to untie them."

No one dares to answer. Xin Laoqi and others go in to repair the door.

"Seven elder brothers, why did the master let those people go?"

"The master is fishing!"

"Just catch the fish in Zhuozhou?"

Xin Laoqi shook his head. A man picked up a heavy door and said, "more than that, the fish in Zhuozhou City are not worth it. The master uses such means."