Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2147

The sun rose from the horizon.

Orange immediately soaked the clouds in the sky, like struggling, orange gradually beating.

The emperor\'s presence is a great face.

"Open the door!"

Two sergeants came to the gate and opened it with force.

The door shaft was oiled, so it was almost silent.

The door opened and a cold wind rushed out.

Entering the gate is a stone tablet covered with cloth.


There was a gunshot on the side, and Zhang Fu stepped in slowly. He stood on the side and carefully lifted the cloth.

That\'s the Royal pen!

——Come back, bless my country!


The gunfire began to go on.

In the gap, a team of red fruits came slowly with their upper body and a sergeant with a knife in his hand.

Big drums have been prepared on the left and right sides, which roar with the sound of gently beating on the edge of the big drum.


When the powerful drums sounded, the sergeant stopped and looked up.

Their faces were smeared with black lines and looked more primitive and wild.

The first sergeant raised his right hand and sang loudly: "fuck Wu Ge Xi, be rhinoceros armor..."

Thirty six sergeants sang in unison: "fuck Wu Ge Xi, be rhinoceros armor..."

"National war!"

Yang Rong\'s eyes shrunk and whispered.

He was surrounded by civil servants. At the moment, there were all whispers of surprise.

Who chose it?

And this tune!

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Those sergeants waved their long knives as if they were sworn enemies in front of them.

The drums are vigorous, and their songs are equally vigorous.

The gunfire had stopped, the fields were silent, and the waking city of Peiping was repressed, leaving only these powerful voices.

"The car is wrong, and the soldiers are short connected..."

Armed with weapons and wearing armor, the enemy and I staggered and fought hard with my colleagues.

Fang Xing was in a trance. He thought of the fight at Jiaozhi. It was a raw and astringent first battle between himself and the thousand families of Jubaoshan.

It was flustered. Only he had self-confidence and uneasy self-confidence.

Then he won for the first time, which was the first World War to lay the foundation for a strong army of Jubaoshan Wei.

The steps of the sergeants were heavy, as if they were trudging in the mud step by step, just as it was difficult for Daming to recapture the Central Plains from the hands of the Mongolian Yuan people.

"The sun is blotted out, the enemy is like a cloud, the arrow is handed over, and the scholars compete for the first..."

The drums grew louder and louder, as if the two armies were at war and arrows were flying in the air.

"Ling Yu\'s array is moving, and the left is moving, and the right is cutting..."

"There are two rounds of haze and four horses, and the jade is aided to beat the drum..."

The sergeants\' upper bodies were gradually bent down, and their faces were in pain.

The drumming became more and more urgent. The vigorous heart couldn\'t stand this rhythm, as if it would jump out of the mouth in the next moment.

Zhu Zhanji looked at her seriously. He listened to the gradually rapid breathing behind him and couldn\'t help nodding slightly. He was very satisfied with the arrangement.

The army is blood!

Whether hot-blooded or cold-blooded, killing is the eternal theme.

It\'s a good idea to protect our country. If we kill for this, we can get the protection of the gods.

"When the sky is angry, it is powerful and angry. It is strict to kill all. It abandons the field. It cannot go out or go back. Suddenly, the plain is far away..."

As soon as I go, I\'m not ready to look back. When I come back, maybe it\'s just a urn of ashes, or a dress, a broken long knife

Far away, there were people close to the outside and were intercepted by sergeants.

"With a long sword and a Qin bow, I leave my body without punishment..."

This was the cry of the soldiers, and Zhang Fu and others were moved by it.

"Honesty is both brave and martial. It is strong in the end and can\'t be bullied..."

"When the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is the ghost hero!"

The drum sounded slowly, like trying to knock something out.

The sergeants gradually slowed down and sang loudly as they walked towards the gate.

Who says China is not powerful?

The Ode to the Fallen!

This is the song of sacrifice in the distant period. When it is sung at this time, the heroes of the Warring States period and the clanking iron bones of the Ming Dynasty are seamlessly integrated.

"When the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is the ghost hero!"

The sergeants repeated the last sentence, and all the soldiers present sang loudly, with their voices ringing through the sky.

Yang Pu looked at the scene numbly, and his ears were full of songs. He peeked at the left.

Huang Huai looked a little confused, as if he was remembering something.

Yang Pu\'s body unconsciously went out and saw more people in front of him.

Jin Youzi was in a daze and clenched his fists.

Yang Shiqi is also remembering. His eyes seem to be a little red.

Yeah! He followed Emperor Wen on the Northern Expedition many times and saw those fierce battles. The war songs and dances in front of him moved him.

Yang Rong was also in a trance. He also remembered the golden iron horse of that year.

He closed his eyes and thought of the heroes who personally attacked the enemy line by Emperor Wen, and of those shouting and splashing blood

"When the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is the ghost hero!"

The sergeant knelt outside the gate on one knee, clubbed with a long knife, lowered his head, and his voice became low and inaudible.


In this low and inaudible sound, a sharp drink sounded.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The dense gunfire suddenly came, and several trance civil servants were startled and couldn\'t help hiding behind. When they found out that it was firing, they tried to be calm and hide their shame.

A disgrace!

"Enter the tablet!"

Fang woke up and shouted, and soon a team of sergeants appeared from behind.

They each carried a memorial tablet and lined up to enter.

A group of Taoists came out from the inside, stood in front and began to welcome the spirit.

There are many memorial tablets. After the first batch of sergeants come out, they have to run the second and third times

These are only the memorial tablets of martyrs whose names have been found out. There is also a large memorial tablet for those who died unknown, so that they can also enjoy the sacrifice of national luck.


The continuous gunfire is what Fang xingyili advocates.

At first, some people said that the sound of artillery would scare away the heroes, but Fang woke up and said that the heroes were naturally not afraid of the sound of artillery and would only be happy.

Memorial tablets were sent in an endless stream, and the sound of artillery continued.

Shen Yao looked behind him and couldn\'t see the artillery team on the side. He whispered, "line up and prepare the spare artillery. Don\'t let the artillery stop!"

Amid the gunfire, the memorial tablet was finally finished.

Zhu Zhanji walked over and a Taoist priest gave him a incense stick. He twisted his hands, nodded slightly, and then inserted the incense into the censer.

As an emperor, he has done everything he can.

He turned back and all the soldiers bowed.

He nodded slightly, then mounted his horse and was escorted to the imperial city.

Zhang Fu and others began offering sacrifices. There were many rituals, which Fang Xing could not interfere with.

He went in and went all the way to the hall.

This is just a main hall where memorial tablets are placed, filled with incense.

Through the incense, the densely placed memorial tablets look a little vague