Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2148

The memorial tablets stand there silently. There is a roster on the table in front. You can find the location of the specific memorial tablets according to their names.

Fang woke up and found Miao Xi\'s memorial tablet in the back.

Miao Xi, the son of Dongji factory, died in Samarkand.

A short line of words records a person\'s life.

He found the memorial tablet of Shang Yi again, on which was written the words of seizing Ning Changbo.

"Whether it is Fanzi or the count, it is the same to return to the nether world after death."

Zhang Fu was also looking for the memorial tablet under his former command. He helped Fang wake up and find it. Seeing that he was confused, he comforted him.

Fang woke up, nodded, shook his head and said, "different big brother."

They went out of the main hall and the martyrs\' temple. Looking at many people waiting outside, they probably wanted to go in and look for the memorial tablets of their relatives.

"They are happy."

Fang Xing pointed to the people and said, "after their relatives died in the country... You should know, for example, Shangyi... They are ready to mourn and honor after death. Of course, the credit is different, naturally. Just thinking about this life and dying in obscurity, how can we feel if we don\'t build an ancestral temple to worship them?"

At this time, Meng Ying and others also came out. Xue Lu sneezed and suggested, "let\'s have a drink?"


Shenxianju asked his brother to prepare the food himself. Except for the private room, the two private rooms next door were empty. No one was allowed to take the opportunity to listen.

"It\'s all Wu Xun. Looking at the murderous, the master accompanied the guests and ordered a lot of wine..."

Mo Chou was reading to Huanhuan. After Fang woke up, Huanhuan couldn\'t sit still. He lay on Mo Chou\'s knee and begged, "Mom, find Dad! Find Dad!"

Mo Chou laughed with a puff, tapped his forehead and said angrily, "I was afraid to see your father before, but now I\'m not afraid?"

The child\'s feeling was the sharpest. Huanhuan noticed that Mo Chou agreed, so she cheered: "Dad took me on a horse, riding a horse!"

Mo Chou shook his head and said, "your father wants to entertain people. Your children can\'t make trouble."


"At present, the expedition costs too much. We have to wait until the household can\'t hold enough food. Then go to sea."

"Where do you go to sea? You can\'t go up to a desert island to show off? I\'m not ashamed enough!"

"Isn\'t there a lot of places in the west? Just fight down."

"Yes, fight along!"

The wine table has become a battlefield. A jar of good wine has been drunk. The four people occupy one side and start the "expedition". The dishes and chopsticks on the table have become tools.

Fang Xing rubbed his chin and said, "it\'s not easy to fight directly. Even if it\'s a long-distance and close attack, we have to pick our opponents!"

"What do you mean?"

Xue Lu\'s eyes were red. As soon as he patted the table, he said, "make it clear! Why can\'t you fight?"

"That\'s pushing the map. It\'s easy to push it down, but it\'s difficult to settle down. Ladies and gentlemen, that\'s not advisable!"

Fang Xing pointed to the South and said, "if you think about Jiaozhi, you should know that it is easy to lay the next place, but it is difficult to manage. If you can\'t do it well, it will take decades, or even hundreds of years. It has always been a trouble for Daming, so unlimited expansion is the way to die."

"Not to mention more, how about five toes?"

Fang Xing asked provocatively.

Everyone was silent. Jiaozhi was Daming\'s wound and kept bleeding.

If it had not been for the thorough cleaning of those restless guys, Jiaozhi would not stop now.

But even so, Daming still has to garrison in Jiaozhi and pay continuous attention.

If there were five Jiaozhi, maybe Zhu Zhanji would go crazy first. In history, when Jiaozhi became a quagmire, he resolutely gave up that place, then returned to the Central Plains and began to enter a long period of defense.

These people think of meritorious service and expedition. As for the governance after expedition, most of them are too lazy to think about it and just want to give it to civil servants.

"Yes, if we don\'t care, it will cause trouble for ourselves, so we need to be careful."

Zhang Fu\'s words triggered silence.

"Let\'s go!"

Xue Lu got up and said calmly, "what\'s the use of saying this now? Hong Bao\'s fleet hasn\'t come back, and I don\'t know if we can come back. If we can\'t come back, where shall we go to sea?"

At this time, there was the sound of stumbling footsteps outside, and then someone called the third young master.

Fang woke up and said, "it\'s my naughty little son. Marquis Yangwu, wait a minute. At least drink sober soup."

Xue Lu was a little listless. When he heard the speech, he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "well, look, if you have that qualification, it\'s OK for Xue to accept a disciple."

"Come in!"

Fang Xing accepted Zhang Fu\'s hint, but refused: "if you can get the blue eyes of marquis Yang Wu, it\'s his blessing. See."

One of them looked at it, made Xue Lu look a little dark, and then said, "maybe we need firearms in the future? Our bows and horses will become antiques, no!"

The door was pushed open, Huanhuan walked in alone, and then shook his hand, which immediately made several people in the room laugh.


Six repaired and replenished ships are ready to go.

The dock was full of people. Abel, DOC and Henry looked at the four warships with complacency.

The missions of the three countries have been ready. When Hong Bao repeatedly stressed that the fleet could not hold so many people, the three countries expressed their willingness to provide ships, which was coldly rejected by Hong Bao.

Everyone is not a fool, what ship, just want to explore the route.

Today\'s weather is good and sunny. It\'s a rare sunny day.

Zhang Wang looked at the people below and whispered, "father-in-law, they want to get on the warship."


Hong Bao smiled. "Have all the scouts come back?"

"They\'re all back, father-in-law."

Hong Bao nodded with satisfaction and ordered, "let them aboard!"

"Father in law, which ship?"

Hong Bao smiled and said, "of course it\'s a grain boat!"

"Get on the boat, get out of Lisbon, lock them up immediately, and if you don\'t like it, leave the boat and feed the fish!"

Zhang Wang responded and felt really happy.

Hong Bao was surprised when he saw the three people on the wharf. He couldn\'t help sneering: "if you dare to ignore Daming and threaten the cavalry, whether you can live to Daming depends on whether you know it or not."

A eunuch asked, "father-in-law, if they don\'t come back, the three countries will... Become great enemies!"

"Afraid of farts!"

Hong Bao said coldly, "they are all ambitious people. They will definitely not be like this next time. They dare to jump a beam. That\'s a ready-made excuse. Let\'s talk about it again."

"But father-in-law, it\'s too far away. Daming can\'t control it! We can\'t garrison millions of troops, can we?"

"That\'s not what we think. The ministers in the court will naturally consider it. Let\'s remember one thing. Don\'t lose Daming\'s face!"