Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2146

In the south of the city, a newly built building is bathed in the dawn.

Cornices, black tiles and huge columns look like bodyguards in the dim environment.

The military leaders have arrived. Fang woke up late.

The wind in the early morning hurt his face. Fang woke up and walked over. He arched his hands and said, "Fang is late."

Xue Lu nodded and said, "xinghebo, it\'s better to find a house in the city and live in it, so as to avoid the hard work of waiting to enter the city."

Meng Ying smiled and said, "Meng knows a house. The location is good. There are all the buildings in it. You can move in just a little. Qian Qianxing and Bo must be indispensable. If you like, Meng is willing to be a Chinese."

Before Fang Xing answered, Zhang Fu said for him, "he doesn\'t like to go to the city. He always feels that the smoke and dust in the city is stronger. It\'s better to be quiet in the villa."

Meng Ying sniffed and felt a little pungent, so she looked up.

Under the action of dawn, the sky looks blue, and the waning moon still hasn\'t set. It\'s a lonely picture.

"It\'s all soot!"

Since calling for the protection of trees, the people in the capital have been encouraged to burn coal, so now there is more pungent smell in the capital every time it comes to dinner.

"Is this Dehua\'s idea?"

Xue Lu also thought it didn\'t smell good, but it was more popular.

Fang woke up and walked around. When he heard the speech, he said, "my idea is mine. I\'m afraid of the smell of smoke and dust. I want to find a quiet place. If I stay in the city, I will be troubled by human feelings every day."

The others couldn\'t help laughing. Zhang Fu said, "human feelings are human feelings. Walking is human feelings. Don\'t walk! It won\'t take long for anything to happen."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that Fang Xing\'s relatives had no contact with him after Fang Hongjian got into trouble. Someone said something vague to him privately, so he coughed and came over and whispered, "now you are also an earl of the imperial dynasty. At least go and find it, so that others won\'t say you are cold hearted and cold hearted. It\'s not easy to explain in the future!"

The so-called account generally refers to the other party\'s evaluation in the annals of history.

According to practice, most of these evaluations are written by important civil servants. These people now wish they could find Fang Xing\'s loophole to attack, so Zhang Fu\'s reminder is at the right time.

Fang woke up and said vaguely, "well, let\'s go back and have a look."

He hasn\'t had any relatives since he arrived here, so he feels a little strange and lucky about it.

It used to be bad luck for the Fang family. Relatives didn\'t communicate normally.

But the Fang family has developed for many years. Don\'t those relatives come to find a relative?

This is really evil!

Fang Xing shook his head and was ready to go back and let people look for it. At least it was a contribution to the Fang family.

At this time, the people from the Ministry of rites came, and Hu Zhen was the leader.

"I\'ve seen your generals. Your majesty will arrive later. Let\'s prepare ourselves."

Hu Chen didn\'t see the group of Wu Xun wearing Sergeant clothes. After Yan Dajian was beaten, the etiquette department made up its mind. We just do our part and don\'t touch the superfluous things.

Anyway, jokes are also martial jokes!

There were only a few Zhang Fu, who had the highest title. He immediately shouted, "let them come!"

Someone promised and trotted back.

The sound of neat footsteps came gradually, and the people stood solemnly on the side.

The civil servants came. They were embarrassed when they saw the scene. No one spoke, and they quietly gathered on the other side.

The sound of footsteps is in my ears. Against the purple background of the sky, the array of invisible heads comes slowly.

"Is the gun in place?"

Zhang Fu asked in a low voice. Today, they abandoned the proposal of civil servants as etiquette officials, but the military men came by themselves.

Fang woke up and nodded. Today he will be the ceremonial officer, and Zhang Fu will be the chief priest.

He went to the side and turned his back to the martyrs\' temple.

The wheels rolled gently, and countless guns were pushed to the side of the martyrs\' temple.

"Check the artillery. If something goes wrong, I don\'t have to do it. Those dead brothers can turn into enemies and kill you!"

Shen Yao lowered his voice, but seeing that everyone was very serious, he gave up his plan to kick in the past. He just looked at the wall around him and sighed, "I didn\'t expect!"

There are many unexpected people.

Martial arts people can also have ancestral halls to worship. Who dared to think a few years ago?

Those footsteps gradually lowered, as if afraid of startling the soul.

The array stopped in front of the martyrs\' temple, then lined up silently, leaving a passage in the middle.

The front is the firearm guard station, and the Jubaoshan guard station without a thousand households is in front, followed by Zhuque guard, Xuanwu guard, Shenji camp, etc.

The array is getting longer and longer.

A group of sergeants slowly lined up behind in the purple, silent.

Here comes Zhu Zhanji.

Shen Hao, who was on duty last night, escorted him.

He sat on his horse and looked at the silent arrays bathed in purple, with some palpitations in his heart.

The array is silent, like sculpture.

He rode his horse in the middle of the array, behind him were all martial artists.

This is the emperor\'s moment!

Wu is the most reliable power of the emperor!

The arrays on both sides silently bow their heads, just like the ears of harvest rice, which are blown by the wind and bow their heads in turn.

Those civil servants watched the scene silently.

Their eyes are complex and fearful!

The emperor worships martial arts, which is a disaster for them!

So they are afraid and try their best to suppress it.

But I can\'t suppress that power after all!

The emperor stood on the side of the warrior, and the literati could only try their best to maintain the situation and wait for the opportunity.

When he reached the middle of the array, Zhu Zhanji suddenly dismounted and came on foot.

This is respect for the warrior!

Yang Rong looked across the street and saw that someone was already in tears.

The emperor understands people\'s hearts more and more!

There was more fanaticism in the eyes of those soldiers looking at the emperor!

What will this frenzy bring?


Or endless killing, and can\'t see the border at a glance

Zhu Zhanji saw these fanatics, and he thought of a lot.

Daming needs more!

He remembered Fang Xing\'s idea of "the sun never sets" and Chu Di\'s obsession with the north.

——There are great enemies in the North!

This is Zhu Di\'s lifelong obsession until his death!


No, every direction!

Daming will attack in all directions until he looks around and is invincible again!

Across the world!

He remembered the fanaticism in Fang Xing\'s eyes when he mentioned this!

He smiled. Daming\'s fleet had no rivals on the sea. Can\'t it be considered as crossing the world?

He nodded. Yes, the world is still big. Daming needs to be stronger!

Then let\'s build bigger and better warships!

Then, let\'s cross the world!

He walked out of the array and slowly turned back.

"Long live your majesty!"

Rows and rows slowly kneel on one knee, like wheat seedlings in the morning wind.

These wheat seedlings will grow slowly until they are tall

He nodded slightly, with dignity and said calmly, "flat!"

So the wheat seedlings grew tall