Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2145

A state-owned event inevitably requires an auspicious day.

As for the origin of the auspicious day, there are different opinions, but a systematic system has long been formed. As long as the above requirements are put forward, the following will immediately feed back that the recent auspicious day is the first day.

"There has been no auspicious day recently. I have to wait half a month."

This answer did not surprise Fang Xing, because Xie Jin checked it and said that there was no auspicious day recently.

There are a few lucky days among the people, but Xie Jin, who once learned this thing, ridiculed those lucky days as the day when he could pick up a few copper coins when he went out.

"Then wait."

Important military officials gathered in the governor\'s office of the Fifth Army. Zhang Fu thought it was God\'s will, so wait.

Meng Ying did not feel the pain of being deducted. She frowned and said, "it\'s just that Yan Dajian is lucky."

Xue Lu said with a smile, "I also fought, but in fact, Zhu Zhanji watched the whole fight and knew a lot, but he didn\'t intervene.

"No auspicious day?"

Zhu Zhanji looked at the memorial playfully. It happened that Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi were also there. He asked, "they want to open the martyrs\' temple in the future. What do you think?"

Yang Shiqi thought it was a child\'s play: "Your Majesty, the major events of the country are enshrined in the army. How can they open without auspicious days? I\'m afraid they are angry! But those souls sacrificed their lives for the country. Their anger doesn\'t matter. They disturb their souls..."

Yang Rong disagreed and said, "this matter is recognized by the governor\'s office, and the minister thinks it is feasible."

No auspicious day is better than recognition. Since the martial arts people recognize it, what do they do?

"They are bold, but... That\'s an excellent sentence."

Zhu Zhanji picked up the memorial and read a sentence: "since he is a ghost hero, he should be fearless..."

He slowly looked up, a light flashed in his eyes and said, "this is a great kindness. The soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country to protect Daming, and when they died, they should be ghost heroes to protect their families. What auspicious day! Daming\'s national fortune is burning, and what evil doers dare to come?"

He got up and said, "so, I will fast from now on, and so should all ministers. It will be opened in the future."


Fang Xing is also a vegetarian.

Vegetarianism... Is a simple thing to listen to and difficult to practice.

It\'s not natural to have little water. Hua Niang made a pot of sauce with materials such as pepper and mushrooms. Fang woke up and used this for dinner.

Put a spoonful of chili sauce on the rice and stir slowly.

"It tastes good."

Some familiar flavors reminded Fang of the later National Sauce. He couldn\'t help but move in his heart, then smiled and gave up the idea.

Now the Fang family is not short of money. They do everything. The stalls are bigger and bigger, and their appetite will be bigger and bigger. It is inevitable that they will eventually become merchants.

Worry free saw Fang awake in a daze, so he sandwiched a piece of tenderloin. As soon as it was sent, it was intercepted by Zhang Shuhui.

"Your father wants to be a vegetarian. Don\'t make trouble."

"Dad, eat meat."

Fang woke up and said, "you are so bad, you girl."


On the third day, when the stars were still hanging in the sky, Fang woke up and got up.

Shower, change clothes.

Instead of wearing the clothes representing the identity of the count, he chose an ordinary military uniform.

"Husband, don\'t you wear that outfit?"

Fang Xing joked that the count\'s clothes were clothes. The family was used to it and shouted indiscriminately.

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "today those are comrades in arms who can hold their backs on the battlefield. There are no earls there, but only a sergeant."

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, even the worry free mouth that was awakened was deflated, and then was led to wash.

After waking up for breakfast, he drank a bowl of porridge, got on his horse and went to the city surrounded by the servants.

Xiaobai said uneasily, "madam, will the young master..."


Zhang Shuhui said decisively, "it can\'t be up to him. I\'ll decide when I\'m in charge. I\'m not in charge of you. Potatoes are safe. They can\'t let him mess around."

Two people said tacitly, listening to the potatoes and Ping\'an who were going to the Academy.

With their schoolbags on their backs, they met with the fangzhuanhui in the front yard, and then went all the way to the Academy.

"Brother, what does that mean?"

Ping An thought for a long time and couldn\'t think of the reason. She felt a little bored.

Tudou shook his head and said, "Dad is going to the martyrs\' temple today. I guess it has something to do with this. I just don\'t know what it is."

Fang Zhuan didn\'t understand, but he knew what the martyrs\' temple was for, so he casually said, "master, don\'t you want to move?"

talk nonsense!

Tudou and Ping\'an smiled, and then they all smiled.

Then look at each other.

It can\'t be true?

They knew at once what Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were worried about.

Their mother is worried that Fang will choose to be buried in the martyrs\' temple after waking up for a hundred years!

Thinking of Fang Xing\'s important actions and solemn look in the morning, they couldn\'t hold steady for a moment. When they arrived at the Academy, they went to ask for advice.

Xie Jin was packing up teaching aids. After listening to their questions, he couldn\'t help smiling, and then said, "Dehua won\'t do that. Don\'t worry."