Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2144

Yan Dajian covered his nose, and the small officials on the side were holding towels in their hands.

The blood kept dripping, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

Yan Dajian and Fang woke up and went to Shandong. They were half comrades in arms.

Meng Ying and Fang Xing are not far from each other. They are a little rusty.

Fang Xing sniffed and said, "I haven\'t been in battle for a long time. I\'m irritable. I want to draw a knife to stab people when I smell blood, so I\'d better stop it first."

Yan Dajian took a towel to cover his nostrils, and then someone got a wet towel to cover his back neck.

The doctor came in. He first checked Yan Dajian\'s nasal bone, and then said easily, "the bone is not broken. It\'s a small thing."

Yan Dajian sat there without expression to treat his wound.

Hu Zhen woke up with Fang. He asked Meng Ying, "Hou Baoding, but what deep hatred do you have?"

This is a counterattack.

Fang Xing said that he was irritable, which was to excuse Meng Ying.

The results of the doctor\'s examination are also frustrating, and there is no excuse for violent attack.

Meng Ying said with a straight face, "chatter and drag."

Hu was surprised and said, "is this the reason for doing it?"

"Of course!"

Fang Xing stood in line without hesitation. "If they were in the army, they had been dealt with by the military law. If they were in wartime, they might get a knife and pass it to the first army."

Hu Zhen was stunned, but he knew Fang Xing wouldn\'t lie.

He glanced at Yan Dajian and complained to himself.

You say you\'re just dragging and waiting for those "experts" to slowly search through the pile of old papers. Anyway, there\'s no auspicious time recently. As long as you keep the decision in the hands of the etiquette department, the rest is at will.

Yan Dajian knew about provoking Meng Ying, but Yan Dajian used knowledge to attack Meng Ying. In his view, as well as those civil servants, he did a good job. Who would stop him?

But you are still provocative today, which is too... That complacency?

Yan Dajian\'s nose was blocked. He didn\'t plead. He just bowed down and stood on the side.

This is to have an eye and not to give Shangguan trouble.

This officialdom means Fang woke up and felt some disgusting. He wanted to sit down. Seeing that the chair was full of nosebleed from Yan Dajian, he pointed to the chair.

A small official came in to change his chair. Taking this opportunity, Hu invited Fang to wake up and talk.

Hu Zhen was somewhat mysterious in everyone\'s eyes, from the dragon in Emperor Wen\'s time to settling down in the ritual department, but there was no towering.

If such a person is unpredictable, no one dares to provoke him.

But there was no mystery in Fang Xing\'s eyes. If there was, Emperor Wen would chop Hu with a knife, so as not to leave trouble for his descendants.

Seeing that Fang was sober and indifferent, Hu said, "it\'s big and small, Xinghe bo... You know, it can only be in the Ministry of rites."

Fang woke up and asked, "who gave you these ideas? No, who is encouraging you?"

Hu Zhen said without hesitation: "each department has... Xinghebo..."

Fang woke up and looked up at him. Hu Zhen considered it for a moment and said, "from the beginning of martial arts, civil and military began to oppose each other. When it came to the martyrs\' temple, civil servants gave way. But... We can\'t always give way. There\'s no such reason in the world, so the ceremony must be drafted by the Ministry of rites, and Hu promised not to belittle..."

He woke up with some worry.

Meng Ying is not enough. Few Wu Xun are willing to stand out for this.

But Fang wakes up. If they get angry, Wu Xun will have a leader, and then they will entangle with the ritual department with full firepower. If they don\'t do well, they will perform the whole martial arts.

Fang Xing frowned slightly, as if he had encountered something difficult.

"Etiquette doesn\'t need to be complicated and cumbersome. It will only make people sleepy."

Hu Zhen disagreed and said, "Xinghe Bo, the gift is great..."

"Can\'t cook in one pot?"

Fang Xing said expressionless, "then two pots!"


Hu Zhen and Fang Xing have met several times, but they have no deep friendship.

At the moment, Fang woke up and turned his face. Hu Zhen couldn\'t help but say, "this can\'t be emotional!"

Fang Xing disapproved and said, "I\'ll go into the palace now. Well, it\'s a matter of martial arts. Ask several martial heroes to go into the palace. Fang made a suggestion and agreed to do it. If you don\'t agree with Fang, you don\'t care."


The etiquette Department originally wanted to delay for about a month. By the way, I found Jishi. But Fang woke up and gathered Zhang Fu and others to enter the palace. It was only half an hour to finalize the etiquette of the martyrs\' temple.

The news that Yan Dajian was violently beaten by Meng Ying was also widely spread, and the name of martial man\'s domineering became louder and louder.

"Just one punch?"

Aaron is baking.

It\'s a little cold, but wearing a cotton padded robe is warm enough.

He wore a cotton padded robe, put his hands on the charcoal basin, sucked his nose and sighed, "Baoding Hou is reckless!"

The stall head who came to report also thought so. He said, "father-in-law, the Marquis Baoding has been punished by his majesty!"

Aaron sighed again and waved his hand.

After the file head left, Anlun went to the row of cabinets, took out a file, opened it and modified it.

——The Marquis of Baoding is at odds with brother Shu!

What was originally written here was: the Marquis of Baoding and his brother are in harmony!

It was only a sum of money, but it eliminated a crisis of Meng Ying.

Meng Xian, who has been missing for a long time, is still haunted. The name of conspiracy is still hanging on his head, and Meng Ying has a hat on his head that says "brother Shu is suspected of conspiracy".

Ann Lun put the file back, sat back on the edge of the charcoal basin, looked at the burning red charcoal and murmured, "why didn\'t you break the bone?"


"Sir, what are you asking for?"

Back home, Yan Dajian\'s wife was angry when she saw his appearance. After asking clearly, he asked someone to cook some nourishing dishes and complained about it himself.

"Some people do things in the court. Let\'s say the Ministry of rites. Hu Zhen is an old fox. He has been cheating and playing tricks since Emperor Wen was there. He doesn\'t know who to find. He doesn\'t know if he has found it, but the official promotion is faster than you! It can be seen that being an official! It\'s better to have the emperor happy..."

Yan Dajian numbly let his wife take off his clothes and wash his face.

The blood scabs on his face were softened by warm water, then removed one by one, and then scrubbed vigorously.

After rubbing for a while, his wife looked up and asked, "husband, does it hurt?"

Yan Dajian\'s eyes were calm, as if the spirit had been separated from the body.

"Prepare water."

He felt smelly and needed a bath to get rid of the smell.

His wife is very virtuous, rare virtuous.

The barrel was filled with hot water, and the heat was steaming.

Yan Dajian was soaking in the barrel, and the water vapor gradually blurred his face.

He was smiling, and his smiling face looked ferocious.

He\'s laughing. He\'s laughing very comfortably.

"Good fight! Good fight!"

He patted the water gently and let out a comfortable groan.

His eyes were shining through the mist. There was no numbness of the day.

"Come on, this punch is my green cloud. I\'ll be praised outside for my power and invincibility. Your majesty will think I\'m interesting and not entangled. No matter who sees me, I\'m loyal to my duty..."

"If you are beaten, you have to complain about grievances... That\'s a fool! What if your majesty is forced to deal with Meng Ying at that time? It\'s only refreshing for a while, but the wise don\'t do it!"

In the water vapor, the face is ferocious and gradually blurred, and the voice is also gradually blurred